100 Days Of Code: The Complete Web Development Bootcamp 2022
141 🔥
Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Dec 11, 2022

100 Days Of Code: The Complete Web Development Bootcamp 2022

Gain web development from a to z in 100 days (or at your own speed) - from "fundamental" to "advanced", it's completely included!

You Want To Become A Web Developer?


It will show you web development and transform you into a web developer in 100 days - or permit you to revive key essentials and extend your current knowledge!

Turning into a web developer is an extraordinary decision since web development opens up many vocation paths and web development skills are expected in basically every business that exists today - and of course this will just expansion later on!

It's not just about websites - it's additionally about "in the background" administrations utilized by portable applications like Uber or AirBnB. It's about rich web applications like Google Docs as well as program games. Furthermore, of course additionally about customary websites like Facebook, online web journals, online shops like Amazon and a whole lot more!

Subsequently it's no big surprise, that web developers are popular! Furthermore, other than extraordinary work points of view, as a web developer, you can of course likewise effectively fabricate your own computerized business!

This Course Is For You!

This course will show you web development starting from the earliest stage and because of the "100 Days Of Code Challenge" which is integrated into this course (however it's discretionary to focus on it!), you can turn into a web developer in 100 days with assistance of this course!

No earlier web development knowledge is expected by any means to begin with this course. We will investigate exceptionally significant basics, all fundamentals and all key ideas together, step by step.

Yet, this course is likewise for advanced students who as of now have web development knowledge! It's a profound jump course and thus you will actually want to grow your current knowledge by plunging further into key fundamentals like HTML, CSS or NodeJS and furthermore by investigating advanced ideas like taking care of payments, building REST APIs or website security.

Since it's a tremendous course, the course is inherent a secluded way. This implies, that you can make it stride by step, address by address yet you can likewise hop directly into the course sections that are generally intriguing to you. Of course, we suggest the "step-by-step" approach for amateurs - just on the grounds that every one of the talks and sections develop on one another. However, as a more experienced developer, you can of course skip basics that aren't intriguing to you!

The 100 Days Of Code Challenge

We fabricated this course with the "100 Days Of Code Challenge" as a top priority - a challenge (not concocted by us) that intends to keep you inspired to code for something like 1 hour out of each day for 100 days.

Since this is an enormous course (with something like 80 hours of content!) it tends to very overpower. What's more, we realize that numerous students never get done with a course.

That is a pitty, on the grounds that this course is loaded with content, works out, tests, tasks and demo projects! We construct a program game, a blog, a movement website, an online shop and a whole lot more.

Therefore, we give clear direction on how you can take this course from a to z in something like 100 days by going through 1 to 2 hours of the day watching videos and learning. As a component of the course, you gain admittance to a buddy website that gives a reasonable design and you likewise find explanations solidly in the course educational plan.

However, of course taking this "100 Days" challenge is absolutely discretionary! You can take the course at your own speed too and avoid any happy you're not keen on!

Attempt It Risk-Free

This course accompanies a multi day unconditional promise. On the off chance that you figure out that it's not for you, you can get your cash back, no inquiries posed!

What You Will Learn

This is a tremendous course, loaded with content and it's the web development bootcamp we would have wanted to have when we learned web development.

Here is an outline of the key ideas we'll investigate as a feature of this course:

  • How the web functions
  • Center technologies: HTML, CSS and JavaScript
  • Comprehend how HTML archives are organized and how HTML components are utilized accurately
  • Learn center CSS ideas like the container model, flexbox, situating, units and substantially more
  • Investigate advanced CSS ideas like building responsive websites, formats, custom CSS properties, CSS framework and more
  • Gain program side JavaScript from the beginning
  • Comprehend what the "DOM" is and the way in which you can control it by means of JavaScript
  • Investigate program/client occasions and how to deal with them with JavaScript
  • Fabricate lots of activities (for example a Tic-Tac-Toe program game) to rehearse and completely see this large number of technologies
  • Jump into backend development with NodeJS and ExpressJS
  • Realize what NodeJS is and the way that it works
  • Assemble fundamental backend-driven websites with advanced ideas like dynamic directing or dynamic layouts
  • Practice how to utilize SQL/NoSQL with NodeJS and Express
  • Jump into advanced ideas like authentication, website security, coding patterns, file uploads, client input approval thus significantly more!
  • Once more: Build a lot of ventures (for example a complete online shop, starting from the earliest stage!) to rehearse all advanced ideas too
  • Figure out how to utilize third-party bundles and administrations (for example Stripe for payments) in your websites
  • Continue on toward additional particular, advanced ideas like building REST APIs
  • Investigate frontend JavaScript systems like Vue.js to construct significantly more impressive web UIs
  • Thus considerably more - basically look at the full educational program to get a complete rundown!

We'd very much want to begin this excursion with you, so how about we get everything rolling!

Max and Manuel

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Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Hey Guys We are Tech Enthusiasts and we know knowledge is key to success ! We are here to open path to your success by providing what you want. Today education == business. Our moto is education should be accessible by any person who is not able to purchase overpriced content.

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