Advanced Redux ( Frontendmasters )
23 👀
Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Dec 22, 2022

Advanced Redux ( Frontendmasters )

  • Get hands on experience changing over a current React and Redux application with TypeScript.
  • Stay away from superfluous standard with Redux Toolkit.
  • Handle asynchronous state with RTK Query.
  • Become familiar with numerous methodologies for carrying out asynchronous data fetching in your Redux-based application.
  • Oversee muddled asynchronous streams with Redux Observable.
  • Oversee state with your steering by utilizing React Router with Redux.

Workshop Detail

Redux is a powerful library for overseeing state that is regularly however not consistently — utilized in enormous React applications. In this course, we'll cover how to make your Redux store more solid with TypeScript and apply the normal examples tracked down in enormous scope Redux applications. Redux likewise doesn't accompany the capacity to get data asynchronously from the backend, however it accompanies a vigorous middleware design that permits you to expand it. In this course, we'll find out about a portion of the more well known answers for mentioning server-side data. We'll cover how to utilize them and what the compromises of each are.


Everyday Timetable

We've previously held north of 300 studios with large number of participants face to face and on the web. In this time we've found ways of planning the day, so it goes without a hitch and effectively. In any case assuming you're face to face or partaking with us online you'll have the full capacity to replay things you missed, get your inquiries responded to LIVE and connect with the educator over the course of the day.


  • Presentation


  • Redux, react-redux, and Reselect


  • Redux Toolkit


  • RTK Query


  • Redux middleware


  • Redux Observable


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Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Hey Guys We are Tech Enthusiasts and we know knowledge is key to success ! We are here to open path to your success by providing what you want. Today education == business. Our moto is education should be accessible by any person who is not able to purchase overpriced content.

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