A.I. Video To Text Transcriber App with Python and Tkinter
56 👀
Jack Sparrow

Jack Sparrow

Sep 02, 2023

A.I. Video To Text Transcriber App with Python and Tkinter

In this course we'll build a cool GUI app using Python and Tkinter (and ttkbootstrap the modern looking Tkinter library) that connects to the OpenAI Whisper-1 Model to convert video to text. 

You'll be surprised just how quickly you can create some pretty cool looking apps that are powered by state of the art Artificial Intelligence!!

OpenAI is the maker of ChatGPT, and their Whisper-1 model allows you to upload video or audio files to their artificial intelligence model, and have it convert those files to text transcriptions!

We'll discuss how to connect to OpenAI with an API Key, query the engine, and parse the responses in the correct way.

We'll use the TTKBootstrap library for Python and Tkinter that will allow our app to look very cool and modern (compared to stodgy old looking Tkinter).  You don't need any experience with Tkinter or TTKBootstrap to take this course, I'll walk you through it all very easily.

We won't dive into TTKBootstrap in great detail in this course, we'll just use bits of it here and there to make our app look more modern.  So if you have no experience with TTKBootstrap (or Tkinter at all), you won't have any trouble following along; I'll walk you through it step by step!

Why would you want to build an app that transcribes video?  TONS of reasons!  Maybe you want to convert your video to text and make blog posts out of them, or social media posts, or just offer better closed captioning text on the videos you post online.  There's a ton of reason to use this, and it's also just really fun to learn!

Who this course is for:

  • This course is geared towards anyone who's interested in programming API's from Open AI.
  • This course is aimed towards beginers through intermediate Coders who want to learn the to build Apps With TKinter and Python


  • No special tools are necessary to take this course
  • A Basic Understanding of Python and TKinter Is Helpful

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Jack Sparrow

Jack Sparrow

Hey Guys We are Tech Enthusiasts and we know knowledge is key to success ! We are here to open path to your success by providing what you want. Today education == business. Our moto is education should be accessible by any person who is not able to purchase overpriced content.

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