Android Office Task Management App Using Firebase(Real App)
36 👀
Jack Sparrow

Jack Sparrow

Oct 21, 2023

Android Office Task Management App Using Firebase(Real App)

Welcome to this (Android Office Task Management) Project Base App Development Course. In This Android Course Students, Will Learn How to complete a Real-World Android App Using Firebase Database.

You, Will, Learn Many Android Features When you will develop this Android App. Here are Some Lists That You Are Going To Learn When you will Complete This Course


  • Android Firebase CRUD Operation

  • A Complete Android App Project

  • Android RecyclerView

  • Android Complex UI Layout Design 

  • Android Firebase Authentication

  • Android Firebase Query

  • Android Material Design

  • Android Custom Alert Dialog

  • You, Will, learn how to work with android Card View.


Sign Up Today And You Will Learn: 

  • How To Become an Android App Developer.

  • How To Develop A Complete Android App.

  • You, Will, Have A Good Project On your Profile that you can add to your CV When you Will Apply For Your Job.

  • After Complete This Course You Can Upload This App On the Google Play store.

  • You Will Learn About Android Firebase From Basics To Advanced.

  • You, Will, Build A Complex Android App.

  • You, Will, learn how to develop An Office Task Management  Android App.

Here are Some Feedbacks about my courses from my Students: 

  1. "I wanted an app development course that would show what is really important and that is what I got. I learned all features of Android for becoming Android developer. Certainly would recommend the course. "

  2. "Best android apps development course so far. First I learn basic of all android components. After that I learn how to develop real world android apps for client and App Store. I mostly like all firebase sections of this course. Instructor shows how to develop real world apps using firebase. After complete this section I learn a lot about firebase and I build many real world android apps. Thanks for your course."

  3. "Best Android development course I have taken so far. The teacher has amazing teaching skills. He has the ability to describe all parts very clearly on a step-by-step basis. Highly recommended! "

  4. "Very well made course about Android Development. Will continue and hope to learn a lot more. I am very happy with what I have learned so far!"

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone can take This course Who is want to become an Android App Developer.
  • Who is want to improve their Android Development Skills.
  • Who is Want to Develop A Complete Android App.
  • Who is Want to develop a Complete Project and Want to add it on Their Profile.
  • Who is want to Develop A Complete Android App Using Firebase.

What you'll learn

  • Students Will Learn How To Develop A Complete Android App Using Firebase
  • Learn How to Work With Firebase Authentication
  • Learn How To Design A Complex Android App UI And How To Complete it
  • Learn Android Material Design
  • Work With Android Firebase Database
  • Develop A Complete Office Task Management Android App Using Firebase Database
  • Improve App Development Skills
  • You'll have a portfolio of Android app to apply for Android developer jobs


  • A Windows Computer, Mac or Linux PC
  • Android Studio
  • Basics of Java Programming Language

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Jack Sparrow

Jack Sparrow

Hey Guys We are Tech Enthusiasts and we know knowledge is key to success ! We are here to open path to your success by providing what you want. Today education == business. Our moto is education should be accessible by any person who is not able to purchase overpriced content.

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