API Design in Node.js, v4 ( Frontend Masters )
29 👀
Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Oct 20, 2022

API Design in Node.js, v4 ( Frontend Masters )

By participating alongside us in the workshop, you'll learn:

  • You'll design APIs since you'll figure out how to design routes and data modeling for a genuine application
  • You'll design DB schemas since you'll figure out how to create and connect to a Database utilizing an ORM
  • You'll test and API since you'll figure out how to really compose code that is easly testable
  • You'll create auth workflows since you'll figure out how to safeguard routes and DB inquiries utilizing JWTs, passwordless, and email and secret word
  • You'll send and API since you'll figure out how to fabricate a production prepared API without any preparation


Your (Great) Instructor

Scott Moss

Scott is the Chief and fellow benefactor of Tipe and Onespeed. Priorly he was an experienced engineer in Silicon Valley and SF working with a portion of the top tech organizations. He's known in the JS people group for his commitments to Precise including famous open source projects, gathering talks, and courses.

Node is an extraordinary platform to construct Api's, servers, and tools. Join Scott Greenery and figure out how to fabricate RESTful and GraphQL API's with Node.

Workshop Details

Node js has demonstrated it is one of the most mind-blowing conditions to assemble an API in. There is a staggering measure of information, modules, tools, databases, and deployment platforms to construct APIs in Node js. Scott share with you how he constructs REST with Node js. You'll gain all that from designing routes and schemas, to modeling data for controllers, lastly how to test and send your APIs.

Daily Schedule

We've previously held more than 300 workshops with huge number of participants face to face and on the web. In this time we've found ways of planning the day, so it goes without a hitch and productively. Notwithstanding assuming you're face to face or participating with us online you'll have the full capacity to replay things you missed, get your questions responded to LIVE and interface with the educator over the course of the day.

  • Day 1
  • 9:30AM
  • Presentation Find out About Tools
  • 9:45AM
  • Hi World vanilla API
  • 10:00AM
  • Break
  • 10:30AM
  • Introduction to Communicate and API Life structures
  • 11:00AM
  • Break
  • 11:30AM
  • Introduction to Prisma
  • 12:00PM
  • Lunch
  • 1:00PM
  • Data modeling with Prisma and Psql
  • 1:30PM
  • Break
  • 2:00PM
  • Routes and Middleware
  • 2:30PM
  • Break
  • 3:00PM
  • Auth
  • 3:30PM
  • Break
  • 4:00PM
  • Making Auth Controllers
  • 4:30PM
  • Break
  • Day 2
  • 9:30AM
  • Making Router Controllers
  • 10:00AM
  • Break
  • 10:30AM
  • Making Global Config
  • 11:00AM
  • Break
  • 11:30AM
  • Taking care of Blunders
  • 12:00PM
  • Lunch
  • 1:00PM
  • Performance Tuninig
  • 1:30PM
  • Break
  • 2:00PM
  • Testing
  • 2:30PM
  • Break
  • 3:00PM
  • Deployment and CI
  • 4:00PM
  • Break
  • 4:30PM
  • Further Learning and where to go straightaway

Is This Workshop for Me?


Engineers who construct or are hoping to fabricate REST APIs for their organization or clients and need to know the best tools and ways to deal with do as such.

Any Essentials?

You'll require a fundamental comprensive course of Node js and JavaScript (course utilizes es2015 highlights)

You'll have to introduce Node.js 16 or higher, Postgres and git

Some knowledge of the order line is useful

Some knowledge of some other server side language (Rails, Python, Java, Go, PHP) is useful

Event Details


2 Entire Day Workshop Meetings

Replay Recordings (accessible right away)


September 28 to 29, 2022 - 9:30am to 5:30pm Focal Light Time


Choice 1: Go to online on our full HD live stream

Choice 2: Go to face to face at HQ in Minneapolis, MN

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API Design in Node.js 😃
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Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Hey Guys We are Tech Enthusiasts and we know knowledge is key to success ! We are here to open path to your success by providing what you want. Today education == business. Our moto is education should be accessible by any person who is not able to purchase overpriced content.

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