C++ Data Structures & Algorithms + LEETCODE Exercises
16 👀
Harry Potter

Harry Potter

May 14, 2023

C++ Data Structures & Algorithms + LEETCODE Exercises

Learn C++ Data Structures and Algorithms with animated examples and solve coding exercises after each coding video. This course covers over 100 hand-crafted animated HD videos, including Big O notation, Data Structures (Arrays, Vectors, Linked Lists, Doubly Linked Lists, Stacks & Queues, Binary Trees, Hash Tables, Graphs), and Algorithms (Sorting, Bubble Sort, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, Merge Sort, Quick Sort, Searching, Breadth First Search, Depth First Search). Improve your coding skills, confidently answer technical interview questions, and strengthen your skills as a developer. This course is for C++ programmers preparing for an interview, university students taking a data structures and algorithms course, and self-taught programmers who missed out on a computer science degree. Enroll now with a 30-day money-back guarantee.


What you'll Learn

Learn DSA Quicker with Vivified Models

Authority of Data Structures and Algorithms

Confidently Answer Technical Interview Questions

Time and Space Complexity of Data Structures and Algorithms

Fortify Your Abilities as a Developer



Basic programming

No experience with data structures or algorithms required


Unlock Your Coding Potential with Data Structures and Algorithms in C++


Express farewell to exhausting and confusing examples and hi to a dynamic, outwardly engaging opportunity for growth that will change the manner in which you code.


My enlivened approach to Data Structures and Algorithms will assist you with quickly understanding complex concepts and hold more data, making your coding process simpler and more efficient.


With north of 100 hand-crafted HD recordings, you'll receive an intensive understanding of Data Structures and Algorithms that will leave you feeling confident and ready.


Expand your acquiring and lift your coding abilities by promptly scrutinizing your freshly discovered information with {Coding Exercises} after each coding video.


Try not to simply believe me - see with your own eyes with the Free Example Recordings that I have made accessible.


And you won't ever be left all alone, as I'll be there to respond to any questions and backing you constantly.


✅ Select now and take your coding abilities to a higher level with Data Structures and Algorithms in C++!




What you will get in this course…


More than 100 hand-crafted vivified HD recordings to delineate the Data Structures and Algorithms.


Here are the topics we will cover:



Big O notation


Data Structures

  • Arrays
  • Vectors
  • Linked Lists
  • Doubly Linked Lists
  • Stacks and Queues
  • Binary Trees
  • Hash Tables
  • Graphs



  • Sorting
  • Bubble Sort
  • Selection Sort
  • Insertion Sort
  • Merge Sort
  • Quick Sort
  • Searching
  • Breadth First Search
  • Depth First Search


Discover the positive experiences of my past understudies:


"To describe this course accurately, we want the meaning of the word Lovely. beau·ti·ful: adjective 1.- satisfying the faculties or psyche esthetically. 2.- of an exceptionally elevated requirement; excellent." - Josue Hernandez Amezcua


"The best course on DSA on Udemy" - Enlai Li


"One of the most amazing courses on DSA. The movements truly do have a tremendous effect. Every one of the focuses are made sense of exhaustively. The main issue is that I can't give it in excess of a 5-star rating." - Nikita Sarkar


"Astonishing Course. My words cannot describe how much activitys assisted me with understanding the concepts. 100 percent Recommended." - Simarjeet Singh


"Being a visual student this is By a long shot the BEST course of all time. The manner in which the instructor presents this topic makes it so natural to understand." - Eduardo SN


"The activitys were truly useful for a simple understanding, however the best thing about this course for me is that it won't burn through your time! It is perfectly upgraded, covers the significant topics that I needed, and simultaneously perfectly clear. Much thanks." - Fatemeh Moghaddam


"This course is finished! ... the livelinesss in each video take the clarification and understanding of the material to another level." - Luis Felipe Posada


"This course has truly been astonishing. The movements have done some amazing things for my understanding and I have gained significant headway from the start of the course as of not long ago." - Dakota Fabro


"I can follow as a novice, astonishing." - Sabrina Fung


"This is the best course I have at any point seen" - Luong Viet Tri


Keep in mind… I'm certain to such an extent that you'll cherish this course that we're offering a FULL unconditional promise for 30 days! So it's a complete easy decision, join today with ZERO gamble and All that to acquire.


Try not to pass up this valuable chance to become a coding master!


Click the ✅ "Enlist Currently" button and join thousands of successful understudies. I can't hold back to see what you'll achieve!


I anticipate seeing you in the course.


Presently we should begin! :- )


Who this course is for:

C++ software engineers getting ready for an interview

College understudies taking a data structures and algorithms course

Any self educated developer who passed up a computer science certificate


Scott Barrett

Developer and Lead Instructor

  • 4.7 Instructor Rating
  • 7,901 Reviews
  • 45,078 Students
  • 4 Courses

I'm Scott, and I'm a developer enthusiastically for teaching.


I've assisted huge number of understudies with figuring out how to code and change their lives by becoming a developer.


My courses make figuring out how to code tomfoolery and make hard concepts straightforward.


How would I do this? By utilizing livelinesss!


Vitalizing the Data Structures and Algorithms makes all that all the more outwardly captivating and permits understudies to learn more material - quicker than expected - with higher maintenance (a very decent combination).


I will utilize these visuals to direct you, bit by bit, through the whole course.


My courses additionally include handfuls and-many ⚡Coding Exercises. So you can promptly incorporate everything when you learn it (a vital stage).


I have made a few Free Example Recordings accessible for each course so you can see the difference the movements make.


Likewise, I'm extremely active on the question and answer session, so I will be with you every_step_of _the_way.


I anticipate seeing you in the course.


How about we get everything rolling! :- )

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Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Hey Guys We are Tech Enthusiasts and we know knowledge is key to success ! We are here to open path to your success by providing what you want. Today education == business. Our moto is education should be accessible by any person who is not able to purchase overpriced content.

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