ChatGPT and Large Language Models (LLMs): A Practical Guide (ZTM)
19 👀
Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Apr 02, 2023

ChatGPT and Large Language Models (LLMs): A Practical Guide (ZTM)

Learn about ChatGPT and Large Language Models with this byte-sized course. Get up to speed on how these models work, including Prompt Design, Fine-Tuning, and their future applications. Join now to learn alongside thousands of students and get access to exclusive resources. Discover if Conversational AI is the right career path for you. Enroll today!


Course outline

Shown by a Conversational AI Specialist, this course will show you how to utilize Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT for your own motivations. You'll realize about Prompt Design and Fine-Tuning utilizing information scratched from Reddit or utilizing your own informational collections.


  •  Completely comprehend the capacities and limits of the most famous and best freely available language model: ChatGPT
  •  The current and potential use cases for ChatGPT and other Large Language Models (LLMs)
  •  Figure out how to utilize ChatGPT successfully to effectively achieve your assignments
  •  Gain proficiency with the arising discipline of Prompt Design and how it applies to message based LLMs and picture generators
  •  Whether ChatGPT is a genuine Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)

The arrival of ChatGPT has surprised the world... yet, how can it really work? Is it truly artificial intelligence?

Well that is what's really going on with this course. However, first how about we cover a few essentials:

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is a Large Language Model.

What are Large Language Models (LLMs)?

They're a sort of machine learning model that utilizes profound learning calculations to process and grasp natural language.

That is a great deal of extravagant words, what in the world does that mean?

These models learn examples and connections in language by being "trained" on totally gigantic measures of text (for example information) from the web.

Got it! So what do I want this course for?

This course is designed to provide you with a profound comprehension of how to utilize LLMs like ChatGPT, and how they work in the engine. That implies you'll find out about ideas like Prompt Design and Fine-Tuning so you comprehend how models are trained and even how to train your own model.

You'll try and get to see instances of LLMs being executed.

This way you can settle on your own conclusion about whether ChatGPT is really artificial intelligence or simply an extravagant text generator. Or on the other hand perhaps some in the middle between.

What we can ensure is that this course will make you learned in all the center points basic ChatGPT and the real tech behind all the publicity.

No predisposition. Simply unadulterated information and essentials.

The greatest aspect? This course will assist you with deciding if this intriguing field could be the beginning of an astounding career for you.

Obviously the field of Conversational AI is developing quickly. There are A Ton of organizations, top financial backers, and VCs hopping straight into these innovations at this moment.

That implies currently many positions are being made for individuals who can best use these LLMs and prone to be much more later on.

Regardless of whether you anticipate turning into a Conversational AI Designer, this is still great information to need to ensure you stay at the bleeding edge of the quickly influencing universe of technology.

By enlisting today, you'll likewise get to join our elite web-based local area homeroom to advance close by great many understudies, graduated class, tutors, TAs and Teachers.

Dynamic. Flourishing. Strong. Accommodating. Agreeable. Inspiring. Fundamental.

These are only a couple of the words understudies use to portray the ZTM Disagreement which is likewise one of the greatest and most dynamic tech learning networks on Strife.

At last, similarly as the Conversational AI biological system develops, this course will likewise continually develop and be refreshed with new talks and assets too so you can remain on the front line of what is now a state of the art field.

Extend Outline


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 1 hour of video 6 + extra assets


None! Simply the interest to realize about Large Language Models like ChatGPT and their application

Course educational plan

We believe you should ensure this course is ideal for you. So begin learning about LLMs and ChatGPT with the expectation of complimentary right presently by tapping the See joins beneath.


4 talks


Byte Measured Learning



Work out: Meet Your Colleagues and Educator



Grasping Your Video Player (notes, video speed, captions + more)



Put forth Your Learning Streak Objective



2 talks

Prompt Design

7 talks


5 talks


2 talks

Where To Go From Here?

6 talks

Meet your educator

Your educator isn't simply a specialist with long stretches of certifiable expert experience. He has been from your perspective. He makes learning fun. He causes complex subjects to feel basic. He will spur you. He will push you. What's more, he will exceed all expectations to assist you with succeeding.

Hello there, I'm Cale Shapera!


Cale is an expert in the quickly developing field of Conversational AI and has worked with a portion of the world's greatest brands. Cale solidly accepts that everybody is equipped for learning new things and totally changing careers all the while.

SEE MY Profile and COURSES Cale Shapera

Conversational AI Designer

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Harry Potter

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