Complete 2022 Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp
24 👀
Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Feb 16, 2023

Complete 2022 Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp

Learn Python, Tensorflow, Deep Learning, Regression, Classification, Neural Networks, Artificial Intelligence and more!


What you'll learn

You will learn how to program using Python through reasonable projects

Use data science algorithms to break down data, in actuality, projects like spam classification and picture acknowledgment

Construct an arrangement of data science projects to go after positions in the industry

Comprehend how to involve the most recent apparatuses in data science, including Tensorflow, Matplotlib, Numpy and some more

Make your own neural networks and comprehend how to utilize them to perform deep learning

Comprehend and apply data representation methods to investigate enormous datasets



No programming experience required! I'll show you everything you want to be aware.

No statistics knowledge required! I'll show you everything you really want to be aware.

No calculus knowledge required! however long you've done some secondary school maths, I'll make you stride by step through the troublesome aspects.

Likewise, no paid software required - all projects utilize free and open source software

All you really want is Macintosh or PC with admittance to the internet


Welcome to the Complete Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp, the main course you want to learn Python and get into data science.


At over 40+ hours, this Python course is undoubtedly the most extensive data science and machine learning course accessible online. Regardless of whether you have zero programming experience, this course will take you from beginner to mastery. Here's the reason:

The course is shown by the lead instructor at the Application Brewery, London's leading in-person programming bootcamp.

In the course, you'll gain proficiency with the most recent apparatuses and advancements that are utilized by data researchers at Google, Amazon, or Netflix.

This course compromises, there are lovely animated explanation videos and certifiable projects to fabricate.

The educational program was created over a time of three years along with industry experts, scientists and understudy testing and input.

Until this point in time, we've shown more than 200,000 understudies how to code and many have proceeded to completely change themselves by getting position in the industry or starting their own tech startup.

You'll save yourself more than $12,000 by enrolling, yet gain admittance to similar teaching materials and learn from a similar instructor and educational plan as our in-person programming bootcamp.


We'll make you stride by-step through video tutorials and show you everything you want to be aware to prevail as a data researcher and machine learning proficient.


The course includes over 40+ long periods of HD video tutorials and assembles your programming knowledge while solving true issues.


In the educational plan, we cover countless significant data science and machine learning points, for example,

  • Data Cleaning and Pre-Processing
  • Data Exploration and Perception
  • Linear Regression
  • Multivariable Regression
  • Enhancement Algorithms and Inclination Plunge
  • Gullible Bayes Classification
  • Distinct Statistics and Likelihood Hypothesis
  • Neural Networks and Deep Learning
  • Model Assessment and Investigation
  • Serving a Tensorflow Model


All through the course, we cover every one of the apparatuses utilized by data researchers and machine learning specialists, including:

  • Python 3
  • Tensorflow
  • Pandas
  • Numpy
  • Scikit Learn
  • Keras
  • Matplotlib
  • Seaborn
  • SciPy
  • SymPy

Toward the finish of this course, you will be easily programming in Python and be prepared to handle any data science project. We'll cover these Python programming ideas:


  • Data Types and Variables
  • String Manipulation
  • Functions
  • Objects
  • Lists, Tuples and Dictionaries
  • Loops and Iterators
  • Conditionals and Control Flow
  • Generator Functions
  • Context Managers and Name Scoping
  • Error Handling


By working through genuine projects you get to comprehend the whole workflow of a data researcher which is incredibly significant to a likely boss.


Join today, and anticipate:

  1. 178+ HD Video Talks
  2. 30+ Code Difficulties and Activities
  3. Completely Fledged Data Science and Machine Learning Projects
  4. Programming Assets and Cheatsheets
  5. Our top of the line 12 Guidelines to Learn to Code digital book
  6. $12,000+ data science and machine learning bootcamp course materials and educational program


Try not to simply believe me, look at what existing understudies need to say regarding my courses:


"Quite possibly of the best course I have taken. Everything is explained well, ideas are not bypassed. There is reinforcement in the difficulties that sets understanding. I'm just partially through however I feel like it is probably the best cash I've at any point spent." - Robert Vance


"I've burned through £27,000 on University..... Set aside a few cash and purchase any course accessible by Philipp! Extraordinary stuff folks." - Terry Woodward


"This course is amazingly vivid and very comprehensive from start to finish to create an application! Additionally gives reasonableness to apply the example straight away and loaded with fun with pack of comical inclination, so following all through the entire course is not boring. Keep doing awesome!" Marvin Septianus


"Incredible going up to this point. Like the possibility of the tests to challenge us as we come. Explanations are clear and simple to follow" - Lenox James


"Generally excellent explained course. The assignments and difficulties are enjoyable to do learn a do! Would suggest it multiple times." - Andres Ariza


"I partake in the bit by bit technique they introduce the points. Anybody with an interest in programming would have the option to follow and program" - Isaac Barnor


"I'm learning such a great amount with this course; certainly beats reading more established Android Digital books that are such a long ways obsolete; Phillippe is so natural any justifiable to learn from. Extraordinary Course have prescribed to a couple of individuals." - Dale Barnes


"This course has been amazing. Gratitude for all the info. I'll definitely attempt to place this in use. :)" - Devanshika Ghosh


"Incredible Portrayal and explanations. Exceptionally interactive talks which make me continue to anticipate the following instructional exercise" - Bimal Becks


"English isn't my local language yet in this video, Phillip has extraordinary articulation so I don't have issue even without captions :)" - Dreamerx85


"Clear, exact and simple to adhere to instructions and explanations!" - Andreea Andrei


"An incredible course in a succinct, thoroughly examined, straightforward bundle. I wish I had bought this course first." - Ian


Keep in mind… I'm certain to such an extent that you'll cherish this course that we're offering a FULL unconditional promise for 30 days! So it's a complete easy decision, join today with ZERO dangers and EVERYTHING to gain.


So the thing would you say you are waiting for? Click the purchase currently button and join the world's best data science and machine learning course.


Who this course is for:

  • To learn to code through building fun and helpful projects, then, at that point, take this course.
  • To take care of genuine issues using data.
  • To learn how to construct machine learning algorithms like deep learning and neural networks.
  • On the off chance that you are a carefully prepared software engineer, take this course to find a good pace rapidly with the workflow of a data researcher.
  • To take ONE COURSE and learn everything you really want to be aware of data science and machine learning then, at that point, take this course.



Philipp Muellauer

Data Researcher | Android Designer | Instructor

4.6 Instructor Rating

5,090 Surveys

77,441 Understudies

1 Course

I'm Philipp, I'm a data researcher and portable designer enthusiastically for teaching. I'm the lead instructor at the London Application Bottling works for machine learning and Android advancement, conversant in Python, Java, Quick, Dart, and VBA. I've shown large number of understudies in-person in our London study hall and lead our corporate training, utilized by organizations like Google, Amazon and Twitter. I'm continuously thinking about how to make troublesome ideas straightforward, what kind of projects would make a great instructional exercise, and how I can assist you with succeeding through my courses.

Dr. Angela Yu

Engineer and Lead Instructor

4.7 Instructor Rating

610,834 Audits

1,928,065 Understudies

9 Courses

I'm Angela, I'm an engineer enthusiastically for teaching. I'm the lead instructor at the London Application Brewery, London's leading Programming Bootcamp. I've assisted a huge number of understudies with learning to code and completely change themselves by becoming a designer. I've been invited by organizations, for example, Twitter, Facebook and Google to show their representatives.

My initial introduction to programming was the point at which I was only 12 years of age, wanting to construct my own Space Invader game. Since then, I've made hundred of sites, applications and games. However, above all, I understood that my most prominent energy is teaching.

I invest the vast majority of my energy researching how to make learning to code tomfoolery and make hard ideas straightforward. I apply everything I find into my bootcamp courses. In my courses, you'll find loads of quirky humor yet additionally heaps of explanations and livelinesss to ensure everything is straightforward.

I'll show up for you constantly.

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Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Hey Guys We are Tech Enthusiasts and we know knowledge is key to success ! We are here to open path to your success by providing what you want. Today education == business. Our moto is education should be accessible by any person who is not able to purchase overpriced content.

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