Complete Linux Training Course to Get Your Dream IT Job 2023
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Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Sep 25, 2023

Complete Linux Training Course to Get Your Dream IT Job 2023

Unlock the world of Linux and secure your dream IT job in 2023! Our comprehensive Linux Training Course covers installation, administration, shell scripting, and more. Join us to gain vital skills, prepare for certifications, and hear success stories from our students

Testimonials from my students:

Hi Imran Afzal Sir,

Much thanks to you for your important course. I found a new line of work offer after fulfillment of this course. Much appreciated once more

Respects,- - Kshitji Deshmukh

Hello there Imran,

At last, subsequent to turning down 4 offers, I have joined UST Worldwide as a Specialist A3.

I've taken your course "Complete Linux Training Course to Land Your Fantasy IT Position" because of which I had the option to answer almost all the Linux-based interview questions. Yet again thank you for making this superb course.

Respects, - - MD Shah Alam

Hello Imran,

Thank you kindly for the superb course. It was so clear and exact as a fledgling I went through your course and cleared the Linux chairman interview now I got chosen. I am so cheerful and thanks by and by. I'm likewise now getting ready for the Redhat Accreditation.

Much obliged you by and by, I was a finished novice subsequent to going through your course I had the option to see every one of the points now I'm a Linux Administrator

Much appreciated - - Adrian Joseph

Dear Mr. Imran Afzal,

Much appreciated you I finish today CompTIA Linux+ Test

Best Respects - - Ebadi Elia

Imran, I simply needed to report that I have secured my most memorable Linux position. I'm filling in as a Linux Systems Manager with IBM and you had a major impact in teaching me to get this position. Gratitude for such an intensive course! I'm anticipating signing up for your bash scripting course soon.

-- Joel Stroback

Linux is the main working system in the Corporate world. Linux is a famous open-source working system that is not difficult to utilize and profoundly secure.

To begin your profession in Linux and have little or no information on Linux then I can help. In this course you will learn Linux installation, configuration, administration, troubleshooting, shell scripting, command line, OS tools and significantly more... I have likewise included Resume and Interview studios that will definitely assist you with landing your fantasy IT position.

In addition to the talks there will be quizzes, homework and hand-out material very much like a live study hall training

I have been showing this precise course in a study hall climate in New York City. If it's not too much trouble, note 70% of my understudies who took this course landed the position in Linux within months. Envision those who take my course just to step up their profession, how useful this training can be for them

This course can help essentially for passing your RHCSA, RHCE, LFCS, LPI and CompTIA Linux+ confirmation tests


Following subject topics I will cover in this course:

Module 1 - Understanding Linux Concepts

What is Linux?

Ordinary utilization of Linux

Unix versus Linux

Test, Homework and Presents

Module 2 – Download, Install and Configure  

What is Oracle Virtual Box?

Downloading and Introducing Oracle Virtual Box

Making virtual machine

Linux Conveyances

Different method for introducing Linux

Downloading and Introducing Linux (CentOS)

Redhat Linux installation (Discretionary)

Linux Work area (GUI)

Virtual Machine Management

Linux versus Windows

Who Utilizations Linux?

Test, Homework and Gifts

  Module 3 – System Access and File System  

Accessing Linux system

Download and introduce Putty

Associate Linux VM by means of Putty

Significant Things to Recall in Linux

Prologue to File System

File system structure portrayal

File system route commands

File System Ways

Catalog posting outline

Making Files and Catalogs

Tracking down Files and Catalogs (find, find)

Changing Secret key

Trump card (*, $, ^)

Joining and Splitting Files (feline and cut)

Delicate and Hard Connections (ln)

Test, Homework and Gifts

Module 4 - Linux Basics

Commands Linguistic structure

File Permissions (chmod)

File Ownership (chown, chgrp)

Finding support (man, whatis and so on.)

TAB fruition and up bolt keys

Adding text to file

Pipes ( | )

File Upkeep Commands

File Show Commands

Channels/Text Handling Commands (cut, sort, grep, awk, uniq, wc)

Analyze Files (diff, cmp)

Pack and Un-pack files/indexes (tar, gzip, gunzip)

Consolidating and Splitting Files

Linux versus Windows Commands

Test, Homework and Freebees

Module 5 - System Administration

Linux File Editors (vi word processor)

sed Command

Client account management

Switch clients and Sudo access

Monitor clients

Conversing with clients (clients, wall, write)

Linux Index Administration - Record Confirmation

Distinction between Dynamic Registry, LDAP, IDM, WinBIND, OpenLDAP and so on.

System utility commands (date, uptime, hostname, which, cal, bc and so forth.)

Cycles and timetables (systemctl, ps, top, dispense with, crontab and at)

Process Management

System Monitoring Commands (top, df, dmesg, iostat 1, netstat, free and so forth.)

OS Support Commands (closure, reboot, stop, init and so forth.)

Changing System Hostname (hostnamectl)

Tracking down System Data (uname, feline/and so forth/redhat-discharge, feline/and so on/*rel*, dmidecode)

System Architecture (curve)

Terminal control keys

Terminal Commands (clear, exit, script)

Recuperate root Secret key (single client mode)

SOS Report

Test, Homework and Presents

Module 6 - Shell Scripting

Linux Part

What is a Shell?

Sorts of Shells

Shell scripting

Essential Shell scripts

In the event that contents

For circle scripts

do-while scripts

Case proclamation scripts

False names

Shell History

Command history

Module 7 - Networking, Servers and System Updates

Empowering web in Linux VM

Network Parts

Network files and commands (ping, ifconfig, netstat, tcpdump, networking config files)

NIC Data (ethtool)

NIC or Port Holding

Downloading Files or Applications (wget)

twist and ping Commands

File Move Commands

System updates and repositories (rpm and yum)

System Overhaul/Fix Management

Make Neighborhood Repository from Compact disc/DVD

Advance Bundle Management

SSH and Telnet


Hostname and IP Query (nslookup and dig)


chronyd (Newer rendition of NTP)


Apache Web Server (http)

Focal Lumberjack (rsyslogd)

Getting Linux Machine (OS Solidifying)

OpenLDAP Installation

Test, Homework and Gifts

Module 8 - Disk Management and Run Levels

System run levels

Linux Boot Interaction

Message of the Day

Disk partition (df, fdisk, and so forth.)


Legitimate Volume Management (LVM)

LVM Configuration during Installation

Add Disk and Make Standard Partition

Add Disk and Make LVM Partition

LVM Configuration during Installation

Add Virtual Disk and Make New LVM Partition (pvcreate, vgcreate, lvcreate,)

Expand Disk utilizing LVM

Adding Trade Space


Test, Homework and Gifts

   Module 9 - About Resume

Resume studio

Introductory Letter

Linux job portrayal or obligations

Exposure to Different Innovations

Homework and Freebees


Module 10 – About Interview  

IT Parts

IT Job Measurements

Linus Around Us

Linux Working System Jobs

IT Management Jobs

Post Resume and What's in store

Interview studio

Redhat Confirmations (RHCSA, RHCE and so on.)

Join Linux Community

200+ interview questions


Course Recap

Commands We Have Learned

Try not to Surrender


Recap - Freebees

Additional Resources

Many additional talks

Testimonial from other students:

Hello there Imran, I have followed through with this tasks two times. It was something beyond superb. It ended up being life transformer for me, I had no information about Linux and presently I'm filling in as Linux SysAdmin as I have obtained the most amazing job I could ever ask for.

Much thanks for the great course. I'm anticipating see a few additional exciting courses from you.

Respects, - - Hasan Raza

To every one of you that are searching for a Great LINUX course, THIS IS IT, Genuinely I guarantee you won't find a course on LINUX here that is THIS Benefit. - - T.J. Marstiller

Howdy Imran, I am so delighted to illuminate you that I got two proposals as a Linux engineer. Through your course I acquired parcel of certainty and your interview tips truly helped me a great deal to break the specialized rounds. I have prescribed your courses to my companions also. Thank you kindly for your endeavors in sharing your insight to students like us. - - Subhasree

Hello Sir Imran,

Good tidings to you. I'm writing this email to give great criticism with respect to your course materials that I have watched from Udemy. I have finished your Linux course and I might want to make reference to that it has been only wonderful. Your course has permitted me to get a Linux confirmation and I might want to give a major says thanks to you for that. Kindly proceed with what you're doing and I hope everything turns out great for you. - - Yusuf Ishkandersha

Imran is an entirely educated and drawing in teacher. As others have said, you can perceive that he isn't simply attempting to sell a course, yet that he is put resources into giving his understudies areas of strength for an establishment with a positive and congenial attitude. He is additionally engaging with his utilization of mainstream society and pragmatic work models. It truly feels like you're in a study hall with him. I'm taking this course fundamentally as a specialist, however got a great deal from it as of now. The homework tasks, quizzes, and freebees assist with supporting the material. - - Raymond B.

I simply love the showing promotion the opportunity for growth I'm getting - - Jacob Samba (Udemy Understudy)

Imran Afzal may be my favorite educator I've At any point had. He is entertaining, and locking in. The course was not difficult to follow, and with no experience beginning I am presently very alright with Linux, and quite like it. He causes you to do your researches, yet this is certainly not something terrible particularly considering its idea and documentation to tackle your own concerns. I energetically suggest. - - Vanessa Diaz-Goumond (Udemy Understudy)

The course is run well overall and I truly like the freebees and the homework that is appointed. The homework assists me learn and go on with the growing experience in any event, when grown-up life is as yet advancing forward. - - Thomas Rogers (Udemy Understudy)

Such an astounding teacher. Imran probably set forth some part of energy in organizing the course and making the understudy stride by step, he takes as much time as necessary in

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Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Hey Guys We are Tech Enthusiasts and we know knowledge is key to success ! We are here to open path to your success by providing what you want. Today education == business. Our moto is education should be accessible by any person who is not able to purchase overpriced content.

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