Complete Machine Learning and Data Science Bootcamp
10 👀
Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Jun 21, 2023

Complete Machine Learning and Data Science Bootcamp

Join the Complete Machine Learning and Data Science Bootcamp and become a skilled Data Scientist. Learn Python, Tensorflow, Pandas, deep learning, and more. Build real-world projects and gain the industry skills to land a job. Trusted by top tech companies like Google, Tesla, and Amazon

One of the most well known, profoundly appraised machine learning and data science bootcamps online. It's likewise the most current and forward-thinking. Ensured. You'll go from complete fledgling with no related knowledge to getting recruited as a Machine Learning Specialist this year.

You'll learn Data Science, Data Analysis, Machine Learning (Man-made consciousness), Python, Python with Tensorflow, Pandas and more!


Course outline

Learn Data Science and Machine Learning from scratch, get recruited, and have a great time along the way. We are confident that this is the most complete, current and exceptional course you will track down on Data Science and Machine Learning (strong articulation, we know). Completely refreshed for 2023, we utilize the most recent version of Python, Tensorflow 2.0, and all the most recent industry skills and patterns!


  •  Deep Learning, Transfer Learning and Neural Networks utilizing the most recent Tensorflow 2.0
  •  Present Data Science projects to the executives and partners
  •  Real life contextual analyses and projects to understand how things are done in reality
  •  Execute Machine Learning calculations
  •  Step by step instructions to further develop your Machine Learning models
  •  Fabricate a portfolio of work to have on your resume
  •  Supervised and Unsupervised Learning
  •  Investigate enormous datasets utilizing data visualization apparatuses like Matplotlib and Seaborn
  •  Learn NumPy and the way things are utilized in Machine Learning
  •  Learn to utilize the famous library Scikit-learn in your projects
  •  Ace Machine Learning and how use it on the job
  •  Utilize present day apparatuses that enormous tech organizations like Google, Apple, Amazon and Facebook use
  •  Learn which Machine Learning model to decide for each sort of issue
  •  Learn best practices with regards to Data Science work process
  •  Learn how to program in Python utilizing the most recent Python 3
  •  Learn to pre-process data, clean data, and examine enormous data
  •  Engineer Environment arrangement for Data Science and Machine Learning
  •  Machine Learning on Time Series data
  •  Investigate enormous datasets and fight data utilizing Pandas
  •  A portfolio of Data Science and Machine Learning projects to go after positions in the industry with all code and notebooks gave
  •  Learn about Data Designing and how apparatuses like Hadoop, Spark, and Kafka are utilized in the industry
  •  Learn how to apply Transfer Learning
  •  Learn to perform Classification and Regression modeling


Machine Learning has applications in pretty much every industry and is turning out to be all the more generally utilized each and every year.

  • Advertising
  • Finance
  • Medical care and Patient Analysis
  • Online protection
  • Retail
  • Transportation and Strategies
  • Agribusiness
  • Web of Things
  • Gaming and Amusement
  • Misrepresentation Detection
  • Irregularity Detection in Assembling
  • Government
  • The scholarly world/Exploration
  • Recommendation Frameworks
  • Sports (each knew about Moneyball?!)

And so many more. It's all over. The skills you'll learn in this course can be applied to these ventures and provide you with a great deal of options for your career.

Alumni of Zero To Dominance are currently working at Google, Tesla, Amazon, Apple, IBM, Uber, Facebook, Shopify + other top tech organizations.

They are likewise functioning as top consultants getting compensated while working from a distance all over the planet.

This can be you.

By selecting today, you'll likewise get to join our elite live online community classroom to learn alongside thousands of students, graduated class, tutors, TAs and Teachers.

Above all, you will learn data science and machine learning from industry experts that have genuine real-world experience having worked for top organizations in Silicon Valley, Toronto and Australia.

This course is centered around productivity with the goal that you never need to squander your energy on confusing, obsolete or inadequate Machine Learning instructional exercises any longer.

This exhaustive and project-based course will acquaint you with each of the cutting edge skills of a Data Scientist and along the way, you will construct some real-world projects to add to your portfolio.

You will likewise gain admittance to all the code, exercise manuals and formats (Jupyter Notebooks) on Github, so you can put them on your portfolio immediately!

This course tackles the greatest test to entering the Data Science and Machine Learning field:

Having every one of the important assets in one spot and learning the most recent patterns and on the job skills that businesses are really searching for.

The curriculum is exceptionally hands-on as we walk you beginning to end of turning into a professional Machine Learning Specialist or Data Scientist.

The course covers 2 tracks:

1️⃣ Developer: Assuming you definitely know programming, you can make a plunge and skirt the section where we show you Python from scratch.

2️⃣ No Programming Experience: On the off chance that you're a finished fledgling, no reason to stress. We take you from the earliest reference point and show you Python from scratch and how to involve it in our real world projects.

Don't stress, you will likewise be going far past the essentials.

Once we ensure you realize the essentials like Machine Learning 101 and Python, we jump deep into advanced topics like Neural Networks, Deep Learning and Transfer Learning so you can get real-life practice and be prepared for the real world.

You will get experience with undeniable Data Science and Machine Learning projects and admittance to bonus programming assets and cheatsheets.

The topics you'll learn in this Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp are:

  • Data Exploration and Visualizations
  • Neural Networks and Deep Learning
  • Model Evaluation and Analysis
  • Python 3
  • Tensorflow 2.0
  • Numpy
  • Scikit-Learn
  • Data Science and Machine Learning Projects and Work processes
  • Data Visualization in Python with MatPlotLib and Seaborn
  • Transfer Learning
  • Image Recognition and Classification
  • Train/Test and Cross Validation
  • Supervised Learning: Classification, Regression and Time Series
  • Decision Trees and Random Timberlands
  • Ensemble Learning
  • Hyperparameter Tuning
  • Utilizing Pandas Data Casings to address complex errands
  • Use Pandas to handle CSV Records
  • Deep Learning/Neural Networks with TensorFlow 2.0 and Keras
  • Utilizing Kaggle and entering Machine Learning competitions
  • Step by step instructions to introduce your discoveries and intrigue your chief
  • Step by step instructions to clean and set up your data for analysis
  • K Closest Neighbors
  • Support Vector Machines
  • Regression analysis (Straight Regression/Polynomial Regression)
  • How Hadoop, Apache Spark, Kafka, and Apache Flink are utilized
  • Setting up your environment with Conda, MiniConda, and Jupyter Notebooks
  • Utilizing GPUs with Google Colab
  • and more!

Toward the finish of this course, you will be a finished Data Scientist that can get employed at any organization you can envision.

You will utilize all that you learn in this course to construct professional real-world projects like a Coronary illness Detection Application, Tractor Value Indicator, Canine Variety Image Classifier, and some more.

By and by, you will have a pile of projects you have fabricated that you can flaunt to other people.

What's the primary concern?

Here is reality: most courses show you Data Science and that is all there is to it.

They tell you the best way to get everything rolling, however at that point you don't know where to go from there or how to assemble your own projects.

Or on the other hand, they'll show you a ton of code and complex math on the screen however they don't really make sense of things alright for you to go off on your own and tackle real-life machine learning problems.

Whether you are new to programming, need to step up your Data Science skills, or are coming from an alternate industry, this course is for you.

This course isn't tied in with making you simply code along without understanding the standards so that when you are done with the course you don't understand what to do other than watch another instructional exercise. No!

This course will push you and challenge you to go from a flat out amateur without any Data Science experience, to someone that can go off, disregard Daniel and Andrei, and fabricate their own Data Science and Machine learning work processes, and get recruited 💪.

And you might as well go for broke. You can begin learning at present and in the event that this course isn't all that you expected, we'll discount you 100 percent in 30 days or less. No issues and no questions inquired.

Useful links:

  1. Python
  2. Tensorflow
  3. Pandas
  4. Scikit-learn
  5. Matplotlib
  6. Seaborn
  7. Kaggle
  8. Conda
  9. Jupyter Notebooks
  10. Deep Learning with Keras

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Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Hey Guys We are Tech Enthusiasts and we know knowledge is key to success ! We are here to open path to your success by providing what you want. Today education == business. Our moto is education should be accessible by any person who is not able to purchase overpriced content.

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