Complete Web & Mobile Designer in 2023: UI/UX, Figma, +more
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Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Jun 25, 2023

Complete Web & Mobile Designer in 2023: UI/UX, Figma, +more

Become a professional Web & Mobile Designer in 2023! Master UI/UX, Figma, HTML, and CSS. Learn from industry experts and top instructors. Get hired or work as a freelancer. Build stunning projects for customers using modern tools. No requirements. Start from scratch and create a successful design portfolio. Join the course now!


What you'll learn

  • Build beautifully designed web and mobile projects for your customers involving modern tools involved by top companies in 2023
  • Get hired as a Designer or become a freelancer that can work from anyplace and for anybody. Designers are in high demand!
  • Incorporates 100+ assets and premium design templates that you can keep and use to tweak for all your future projects
  • Master Figma for your design needs then learn to change over your designs into a live HTML a CSS website
  • Have an astonishing design portfolio tweaked and professionally finished toward the finish of the course (we give it to you!)
  • Master both Web and Mobile design principles and how to go from sketching to completely fledged high constancy designs that will wow customers
  • Learn to design for a wide range of gadgets utilizing Figma and different tools involved by a portion of the top designers in the world
  • Learn to utilize HTML5 and CSS3 to make your designs show some major signs of life and make completely working websites
  • Learn best practices that requires a very long time to learn in the design industry
  • Learn to pursue professional logos and design decisions for all marking needs
  • Learn UI/UX best works on involving the most recent patterns in the industry
  • Learn to be a designer as well as a web developer simultaneously (an uncommon blend of skills that is in high demand)!



  • No requirements. We show you and show you all that without any preparation! From Zero to Mastery
  • Prepare to experience passionate feelings for Design and making all that you contact into beautiful projects for the remainder of your life!


Just refreshed with all modern Design tools and best practices for 2023! Join a live online community of over 900,000+ students and a course taught by industry experts that have really worked both in Silicon Valley and Toronto for top companies. An extraordinary Designer is turning out to be increasingly hard to track down and it isn't uncommon to find designers make $160,000+ compensations now since it is a particularly valuable skill. We will show you how to arrive!


Involving the most recent prescribed procedures in Web Design and Mobile Design as well as User Interface and User Experience Design (UI/UX), this course centers around effectively getting you from zero to where you can get hired or win freelance agreements. We will use in demand tools like Figma to show you a full workflow beginning to end. Graduates of Andrei's courses are presently working at Google, Tesla, Amazon, Apple, IBM, JP Morgan, Facebook, + other top tech companies.


The course additionally incorporates 100+ assets and premium design templates that you can keep and use to alter for all your future projects. We promise you this is the most complete online asset on Design skills!


The educational program will be exceptionally hands on as we walk you beginning to end of working as a Designer, as far as possible into learning how to make last professional designs and afterward changing over them into real websites or applications utilizing HTML and CSS.


The topics canvassed in the course are...


00 Web and Mobile Design Principles + Design versus Web Improvement


01 Getting everything rolling - Sketching, Motivation + Design

1. Sketching

Prologue To Sketching

The Sketching System

Sketching User Flows

Sketching Tips

2. Motivation

The most effective method to remain propelled

Step by step instructions to find motivation online

3. Figma Basics

Plans and Information exchange

Where to Utilize Figma

Figma UI — Design

Figma UI — Documents

Figma UI — Toolbar

Figma UI — Left Sidebar

Figma UI — Right Sidebar

Shapes and Tools — Casings

Shapes and Tools — Gatherings

Shapes and Tools — Fundamental Shapes and Boolean Tasks

Designing in Figma — Pictures

Designing in Figma — Getting everything rolling with Text

Designing in Figma — Requirements

Designing in Figma — Utilizing Auto Format

Designing in Figma — Auto Format Properties

Assets and Collaboration — Community Documents

Assets and Collaboration — Community Modules

Assets and Collaboration — Sharing and Comments]

Project — Making a Logo Utilizing Essential Shapes

Project — Auto Format Buttons

Project — Making a Responsive Route

Project — Responsive Text

Project — Symbolism and Angles

Project — Strokes and Shapes

Project — Format and Responsiveness

3. User Flows

Preparing For This Segment

The Rules and regulations

User Flows in Figma — Onboarding

User Flows in Figma — Search

4. Sitemaps

Prologue To Sitemaps

Making A Fundamental Sitemap

Reusable Sitemap Assets

Figma Check In — Fundamental Parts and Variations

Sitemaps in Figma — The Top Layer

Sitemaps in Figma — Digging Further

Ways to make Extraordinary Sitemaps


02 EXPLORE AND ITERATE - Wireframes, Prototyping and Feedback

1. Wireframes

What Is A Wireframe?

Instructions to Make A Wireframe

Figma Check In — Fundamental Button Component]

Figma Check In — Variations

The most effective method to Utilize Our Wireframe Parts

Wireframes — Home

Wireframes — Truck

Wireframes — Profile

2. Prototyping

Figma Check In — Prototyping in Figma

Prototyping in Figma — Flows and Beginning stages

Prototyping in Figma — Associations

Prototyping in Figma — Interactions

Prototyping in Figma — Activitys

Prototyping in Figma — Model Settings

Prototyping in Figma — Model Show

Project — Route

Project — Eliminating a Thing from Your List of things to get

Project — Tracking down a Product

3. Getting feedback

Why Is Feedback Important?

Valuable Feedback


03 VISUAL DESIGN - Design Theory + Accessibility

1. Separating and Grids

What Is A Grid?

Grid Basics

Figma Check In — Fixed and Fluid Grids

Figma Check In — Breakpoints

Figma Check In — Grid Style

Project — Mobile Format Grid

Project — Desktop Format Grids

Straightforward Standards to Observe

2. Typography


Sans Serifs

Show and Mono

Picking Typefaces

Figma Check In — Text Properties

Practice — Lifting a Brand

Practice — Typeface Situations

Practice — Google Textual styles

Project — Typeface Exploration

Project — Matching Text style Families

Project — Headings, Body and Marks

Project — Typeface Framework

Figma Check In — Text Styles

3. Color

Color Plans

Important Inquiries To Pose

Making Color Ranges

Figma Check In — Paints

Practice — Developing a Severe Color Range

Practice — Making a Color Range

Figma Check In — Color Styles

Practice — Utilizing Color Styles

Project — Essential and Neutrals

Project — Accents

4. Symbolism and Iconography

Visual Assets Presentation

Figma Check In — Picture Modules

Figma Check In — Picture Styles

Figma Check In — Covers

Practice — Picture Exploration

Practice — Text and Symbolism Working Together

Figma Check In — Outline Modules

Practice — Adding delineations to your designs

Figma Check In — Symbol Modules

Figma Check In — Pen Apparatus

Practice — Custom Symbols with the Pen Instrument

5. Forms + UI Components

What Are Forms + UI Components?

Best Practices — Forms

Best Practices — Fundamental and High level Sources of info

Best Practices — Sources of info

Best Practices — Buttons

Figma Check In — Part Properties

Properties versus Variations

Figma Check In — Button Part Properties

Figma Check In — Button Variations

Figma Check In — Consolidating Parts

Figma Check In — Form Part Prospects

Project — Enrollment Stream

6. Accessibility

What Is Accessibility?

Assistive Innovations

Visual Examples For Accessibility

Tools To Make Your Design Available


04 DESIGN EXPLORATION - Application Design + Design Systems

1. Design Examples

What Are Design Examples?

Why Are Design Examples Valuable?

The most effective method to Apply Design Examples

Examining Design Examples

Analyzing And Picking Design Examples

2. Mobile Design

Mobile Design Best Practices

3. Visual Style and Exploration

Design Loyalty

Visual Exploration — Route

Visual Exploration — Buttons

Figma Check In — Impact Styles

Visual Exploration — Product Cards

Visual Exploration — Text Cards

Screen Design — Home

Screen Design — Product Page

4. Movement and Microinteractions

The Importance Of Movement

Why Microinteractions Are Important?

What Is A Microinteraction?

Figma Check In — Introduction to Savvy Vivify

Figma Check In — Savvy Energize Properties

Practice — Parallax

Practice — New Message

Practice — Overlays

Figma Check In — Intelligent Parts

Practice — Intuitive Buttons

Project — Parallax Invite Screen

Project — Drag Onboarding

Project — Truck Overlay

Project — Button Microinteraction


05 PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER - Utilizing our Design Framework and Hello Fi prototyping with Figma

1. Design Systems

Essential Styles and Parts versus Product Explicit Parts

Building Devotion and Organizing Likely Parts and Styles

Fundamental Styles and Parts

Parts — Buttons

Parts — Cards

Parts — Headers

Parts — Information sources

Parts — Rundown Things

Parts — Route

Parts — Misc. Components

2. Execution

Working Towards Our Last Designs

Execution — Presentation Screen

Execution — Onboarding Screens

Execution — Enrollment Screens

Execution — Home Screen

Execution — List of things to get Screens

Execution — Profile Screen

Execution — Truck and Checkout

Models — Enrollment

Models — Adding to Truck

Models — Checkout

Models — Lottie Records Module

Models — Search and Channels


06 FROM FIGMA TO WEBSITE (take a Figma design and convert it to a live website utilizing HTML and CSS)




08 CSS + CSS3 - CSS Basics, CSS Grid, Flexbox, CSS Movements




This fresh out of the plastic new course will take you from the very basics where we discuss principles and fundamentals of graphic design, the entire way to making beautiful products, learning about UX/UI and interactions, and making a full design process for you to use with your future projects as a whole and clients. We essentially cover it all with the goal that whenever you are in charge of designing a product you have the step by step blueprint and guide to work as a professional designer.

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Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Hey Guys We are Tech Enthusiasts and we know knowledge is key to success ! We are here to open path to your success by providing what you want. Today education == business. Our moto is education should be accessible by any person who is not able to purchase overpriced content.

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