Crash Course: Build a Full-Stack Web App in a Weekend!
32 👀
Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Dec 21, 2022

Crash Course: Build a Full-Stack Web App in a Weekend!

A quick, fun, and hands-on introduction to web development. Build a complete app with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React!


What you'll learn

  • You WILL build a tomfoolery web application in only a couple of days! No experience required
  • You won't have any desire to stop the course once you start ;)
  • You WILL learn the actual fundamentals of modern web development (quick!)
  • You won't dominate web technologies (that takes years...)
  • You WILL get the experience of building a total web app
  • You can NOT build complex applications all alone, yet little ones
  • You WILL find on the off chance that web development is a decent profession way for you



No programming experience required!

Any computer works — Windows, macOS or Linux

You don't have to purchase any product — we will involve the best free code proofreader on the planet


*** Just delivered in December 2022 ***

Would you like to learn the fundamentals of modern web development quick?

Would you like to see whether building websites and apps is the right vocation way for you?

Or then again perhaps you simply need to understand what your web developer friends do day in and day out?

In any of these cases...

Welcome to my "Web Development Crash Course"! Together, we will build a tomfoolery, little, however full-stack web application in only a couple of days.


However, why this course? Also, for what reason is it so short?

Indeed, there are such a huge number and 80-drawn out "complete" web development courses out there, which are perfect if you need to put 3 months of your life into seeing whether web dev is even ideal for you or not...

I needed to offer an alternate approach. A short and quick crash course, where you can dunk your toes into the universe of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and even React (the most involved JavaScript library on the planet).

You can complete it in a weekend (in the event that you have nothing else arranged), or you can require seven days. In any case, the fact is that you can learn the actual fundamentals of web development very quick, and in a drawing in, almost 100% undertaking based way.

Furthermore, despite the fact that this is known as a "crash course", this course shows you more in 12 hours than I learned in my initial 2 years as a web developer!

That is the means by which consolidated, and how significant, the material is. The course actually keeps up with the great norm of all my different courses, so you really comprehend what you are learning!


However, you may think: "Is a crash course truly ideal for me?"

All things considered, everything depends on your objectives.

Indeed, you won't turn into a web developer after this short course, and you can not build large web projects (however some of the time that is valid in any event, for those immense 80-hour courses).

In any case, toward the end of this course, you will have learned and grasped the fundamentals of the main web technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React). And, surprisingly, more significantly, you will have found if you really like web development and need to seek after it as a (worthwhile) vocation!

Besides, you will leave this course with a very cool web application that you can show to every one of your friends (kindly let them know I sent you ;)

This will empower you to go further into the points that you really enjoyed, and continue learning and advancing all alone assuming you like (or of course, you can buy more specific courses).


Things being what they are, have you never composed a solitary line of code in your life?

You have come to the ideal locations! We will begin gradually, bit by bit, and afterward accelerate the speed as we progress through the course.

So this we will really do in this course:

We will set up your code manager and coding climate together (free of charge!)

I will direct you through the rudiments of the endlessly web development

Then we gradually start our venture, by composing the HTML code (for the page content)

We then, at that point, style the page and make a format utilizing CSS

Next we make an internet based data set and API for our application information, utilizing a free help called Supabase

To get the information into the application and make it intelligent, we learn the fundamentals of JavaScript

Composing apps with just JavaScript can be troublesome, so we build the app utilizing the React library

At long last, we send the last venture to a free help called Netlify

DONE! You can now impart the URL of your undertaking to everybody :)


Definitely know HTML, CSS, or JavaScript?

Don't sweat it! You can in any case get something from the course. For instance, you can observe just the part on "React" and utilize the downloadable code from the past segment as your beginning stage.


On the off chance that this sounds perfect, go along with me on this experience at the present time! See you within :)

Who this course is for:

Take this course on the off chance that you want a fast prologue to modern web development

Take this course if you have any desire to see whether web development is a decent profession decision

Take this course if you have any desire to dazzle your friends by building a very cool web app in a couple of days!

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Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Hey Guys We are Tech Enthusiasts and we know knowledge is key to success ! We are here to open path to your success by providing what you want. Today education == business. Our moto is education should be accessible by any person who is not able to purchase overpriced content.

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