Databricks SQL - Pluralsight
60 đź‘€
Jack Sparrow

Jack Sparrow

Mar 06, 2024

Databricks SQL - Pluralsight

Courses in this path

In this path you will learn structure and architecture of Databricks SQL, performing administrative tasks, extracting insights from data, running queries and visualizing data, monitoring and optimizing queries and connecting to SQL Server.

1. Getting Started with Databricks SQL

Most data analysts use a variety of tools in order to gain an all-round understanding of their business data. In this course, Getting Started with Databricks SQL, you will learn various concepts, components, and features of Databricks SQL which allow all of this to be accomplished from a single platform. First, you will discover some of the core concepts around the storing of data in Databricks, including data lakes and lakehouses, and how Databricks SQL makes it easy to access and analyze this data. Then, you will explore into the various components of Databricks SQL, such as SQL endpoints, queries, visualizations, and dashboards, and how all of these come together to enable analysts to look at their data from many points of view and gain a big-picture view of it. Finally, you will learn how to create a table using Databricks SQL, which you will then analyze using a query and a visualization. Once you finish this course, you will recognize the true power of Databricks SQL when it comes to analyzing and gaining insights from big data.

2. Monitoring and Optimizing Queries in Databricks SQL

Queries lie at the heart of Databricks SQL and managing them correctly will ensure that we make the best use of this platform. In this course, Monitoring and Optimizing Queries in Databricks SQL, you will learn various aspects of query management, from basic administration to encryption, with a special emphasis on query monitoring and optimization. First, you will explore how to create a Delta table and queries which run against it. Next, you will discover how query execution times can be reduced by two different caching mechanisms supported by Databricks SQL - Delta caching and Spark caching. Finally, you will learn how we can monitor the results of query executions and trigger an alert when those results fulfill a specific condition. At the end of this course, you will be well-versed with various aspects of query management, which will help you ensure that your queries are configured correctly, that they run in an optimal manner, and that you are alerted the moment their results point to something that is off.

3. Extracting Insights from Data with Databricks SQL

Most data analysts, and other big data professionals will often need to draw useful information from data which can then be used to make data-driven decisions that help their organization achieve their goals. In this course, Extracting Insights from Data with Databricks SQL, you'll learn how Databricks SQL can play a crucial role in this task, with a combination of SQL queries, visualizations and dashboards. First, you'll discover different kinds of SQL queries, from the use of simple WHERE clauses to nested queries. Next, you'll explore aggregations on data, and the different types of aggregate functions which can be used to combine records in a large dataset to generate a meaningful summary, such as aggregate sales in a certain region. Finally, you'll learn how finding patterns and identifying trends in data can be greatly simplified by visualizing data. At the end of this course, you'll have the skills necessary to make the best use of all the tools available in Databricks SQL to learn from your data, extract actionable insights, and help your organizations make the best decisions based on data.

4. Running Queries and Visualizing Data with Databricks SQL

What makes Databricks SQL such a powerful tool for data analysts is that it allows data to be examined in many different ways from a single platform. In this course, Running Queries and Visualizing Data with Databricks SQL, you'll learn about SQL queries, visualizations, and dashboards to get an all-round understanding of data. First, you'll discover basic visualizations such as line charts and pie charts out of the results generated by a query execution, and cover how these can capture useful patterns hidden in the data. Next, you'll explore some of the specialized charts such as maps and word clouds which have limited use cases, but are still very powerful and keep end users engaged. Finally, you'll learn different types of SQL queries and how these tie in to visualizations and dashboards in Databricks SQL. Once you've completed this course, you'll have the practical knowledge and skills required to analyze big data in an effective and efficient manner, and make the best use of the features of Databricks SQL.

5. Connecting to SQL Server from Databricks

Databricks is a versatile and powerful data platform which can help us perform a lot of processing, analysis and machine learning tasks. But it often needs to source its data from external storage systems, such as relational databases. In this course, Connecting to SQL Server from Databricks, you'll learn how the data in a SQL Server database can be accessed from a Databricks workspace. First, you'll explore provisioning a Databricks workspace in a custom virtual network. Next, you'll discover a number of connection rules to ensure that Databricks and SQL server can communicate with each other, and also enable connections to the database from a local SQL client. Finally, you'll learn how to query a table in the SQL Server database from a notebook in our Databricks workspace. Once you complete this course, you will become aware of the infrastructure set-up needed to ensure that two popular data platforms - Databricks and SQL Server - are able to communicate with one another, and can implement such a link in your own environment.

6. Performing Administrative Tasks in Databricks SQL

Effective administration of any service ensures that users are able to perform their roles effectively, and without interfering with the work of others on the same platform. In this course, Performing Administrative Tasks in Databricks SQL, you will learn about assigning roles and entitlements to resources such as endpoints, queries, and dashboards to help users get the best out of this platform, all while keeping costs under control. First, you will discover how to access the Databricks SQL platform itself and how it can be regulated and have roles assigned by an administrator of a workspace, Next, you'll explore how SQL endpoints can be regulated by ensuring that only the right users have the ability to provision, configure, and use them for query executions. Finally, you'll learn how queries and dashboards can be shared with other users for both collaboration during development and for use by analysts to execute and examine query results. Once you have completed this course, you will have an all-round view of administration on the Databricks SQL platform including the types of permissions associated with different resources, and how these map to users and roles on this service.

In this path you will learn structure and architecture of Databricks SQL, performing administrative tasks, extracting insights from data, running queries and visualizing data, monitoring and optimizing queries and connecting to SQL Server.

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Jack Sparrow

Jack Sparrow

Hey Guys We are Tech Enthusiasts and we know knowledge is key to success ! We are here to open path to your success by providing what you want. Today education == business. Our moto is education should be accessible by any person who is not able to purchase overpriced content.

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