Develop UberEats System with Python/Django and Swift ( PythonYoga )
11 👀
Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Dec 07, 2022

Develop UberEats System with Python/Django and Swift ( PythonYoga )

How It All Started

  •  How would I figure out how to code and completely change myself?
  •  What do I want to do to be a fruitful developer?
  •  For what reason am I effectively surrendering en route?

By showing many individuals how to code, I discovered that the majority of them generally battle with similar inquiries and obstructions.

They don't have the inspiration or explicit objectives for their way of learning. They don't have any idea what tech stack to begin with. There is no place for them to acquire genuine ranges of abilities to tackle genuine issues.

We want one more method for advancing successfully.

Product Oriented-Approach Benefits

I will walk you around some tips to create applications like UberEats with center functionalities without any preparation in this talk.

To make an application, you don't have to learn everything about HTML, CSS, Javascript, Python, Swift, or Android.

In my system, which I call POA (Product-Oriented-Approach), you have to realize what you want. This approach is better than the simply exhausting coding hypothesis, which drives you to no place.

Doing along these lines won't make you a genius dev; however, it will get you something REAL rapidly and effectively, particularly for Entrepreneurs and Founders.

  •  The SHORT time for your expectation to learn and adapt
  •  You learn just MINIMUM tech stacks
  •  You wrap up with a COMPLETED final result
  •  Getting CONFIDENCE to change any business thoughts to LIVE


What are we developing?

  • Develop your framework for Food Delivery with Python/Django and
  • Swift (for versatile iOS application).

The entire framework incorporates.

  • Mobile App for Customers [Swift]
  • Clients utilize this application to peruse, submit the request, and track the request's status progressively.


  • Versatile App for Couriers [Swift]
  • Dispatches/Drivers will utilize this application to get the orders from restaurants and convey food to the clients.

What You'll Understand

  • Make a Super Admin Dashboard deal with everything as a SaaS
  • Instructions to assemble the Authentication process for Restaurants
  • Publishing the web application LIVE on Heroku
  • Instructions to programming transfer and store photographs in Cloud
  • Handle constant notice when new orders coming in
  • Draw measurement Bar and Pie outlines
  • Cycle to tune in and reaction API demands from clients
  • Visa and Credit card process with Stripe
  • Make Facebook validation on cell phones
  • Assemble POST and GET API demands among Server and Mobile Clients
  • Plan and coordinate a portable application engineering
  • List every single accessible Restaurant
  • List the menu of a particular Restaurant
  • Subtleties of supper on the menu
  • Requesting dinners
  • Taking care of address area on Google Map
  • Handling Visa and Credit cards while requesting food
  • Constant appearance Driver's area
  • The driver gets a request for conveyance
  • Week by week Revenue outline on iOS application
  •  + Further developed SKILLS ...


What makes this hobby project so unique?

  • 2 Programming Languages in 1
  • Learning two famous and present-day programming lang are sought after in the two new businesses and greater organizations - Python and Swift.


  • Web application + Mobile application
  • There could be no different courses in the market that cover both the abilities and intricacy to construct a comprehensive framework with a portable application working with a web application.


  • Anybody can understand this task.
  • Beginners without information on coding can work on this project as it is intended to cover the underpinning of Python and Swift and truly useful ranges of abilities.


  • Genuine Startup approach
  • We will clone the possibility of UberEats or Doordash; however, don't restrict yourself to that. With the standards, information, and programming abilities in this task, you are ready to apply what you figured out to any business thought.
  • Monetize this venture
  • We generally love this! 💰💰💰. While it is great to add this into your portfolio or CV to draw in bosses, you simply make it a side venture that helps your local area and makes you cash!




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Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Hey Guys We are Tech Enthusiasts and we know knowledge is key to success ! We are here to open path to your success by providing what you want. Today education == business. Our moto is education should be accessible by any person who is not able to purchase overpriced content.

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