Educative - Grokking Grind 75 in Java: Mastery through Coding Patterns
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Jack Sparrow

Jack Sparrow

Jun 10, 2024

Educative - Grokking Grind 75 in Java: Mastery through Coding Patterns

Why focus solely on solving the individual Grind 75 questions when gaining insight into the underlying patterns allows you to develop a comprehensive problem-solving framework? Acquire the transformative skill of unpacking and answering 2800+ LeetCode style questions the right way just by assessing the problem statement. This ingenious approach, developed by hiring managers at MAANG, prepares you to excel in the interview rounds of tech giants like Apple, Google, Meta, Netflix, and Amazon. This condensed set of coding interview questions ensures coverage of 23 coding patterns, providing you with the confidence to excel in your interview without the need for endless practice problems. Each module in the path presents a cohesive set of related coding patterns, enabling you to prepare with a focused and methodical approach. This path is also available in JavaScript, C++, Python, and Go, with more coming soon!

Learning Objectives

  • Master 23 problem-solving patterns to crack any coding interview!
  • A hands-on, setup-free coding environment to brush up your skills by solving 99 handpicked problems
  • The ability to develop a flexible conceptual framework for solving any question by connecting problem characteristics, solution techniques, and coding design patterns
  • The ability to identify the underlying patterns of 2800+ LeetCode style coding questions by assessing the problem statement and learning the tricks required to solve it
  • The ability to efficiently evaluate the tradeoffs between time and space complexity in different solutions

Path Content

Module 1 - Two Pointers & Co.

Learn and practice the Two Pointers, Fast and Slow Pointers, and Modified Binary Search patterns to solve coding interview problems.

Module 2 - Basic Data Structures

Learn and practice the In-place Reversal of a Linked List, Stacks, and Matrices patterns to solve coding interview problems.

Module 3 - Trees

Learn and practice the Tree Depth-First Search and Tree Breadth-First Search patterns to solve coding interview problems.

Module 4 - Heaps, Hashing and Tracking

Learn and practice the Hash Maps, Knowing What to Track, Top K Elements, and Two Heaps patterns to solve coding interview problems.

Module 5 - Fusion

Learn and practice the Merge Intervals and K-way Merge patterns to solve coding interview problems.

Module 6 - Effective Decision-making

Learn and practice the Backtracking, Subsets, and Dynamic Programming patterns to solve coding interview problems.

Module 7 - Advanced Data Structures and Sorting Techniques

Learn and practice Tries, Graphs, Custom Data Structures, and Topological Sort patterns to solve coding interview problems.

Module 8 - Elegant by Design

Learn and practice Sliding Window and Union Find patterns to solve coding interview problems.

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Jack Sparrow

Jack Sparrow

Hey Guys We are Tech Enthusiasts and we know knowledge is key to success ! We are here to open path to your success by providing what you want. Today education == business. Our moto is education should be accessible by any person who is not able to purchase overpriced content.

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