FireShip - Firebase Security Course
66 👀
Jack Sparrow

Jack Sparrow

Sep 17, 2023

FireShip - Firebase Security Course

Firebase Security - The Full Course will teach you how to write, organize, and test Firestore security rules. The goal is to prepare developers for the safe and secure launch of a Firebase project.

🛡️ What will I Learn?

  • Firestore security fundamentals.
  • How to audit a Firebase app for security vulnerabilities.
  • Common use-cases including role-based auth, access-control lists, and more.
  • Advanced techniques and code optimization tips
  • Unit testing and debugging reports

🤔 Is this Course Right for Me?

This course is designed for experienced Firebase developers. It assumes you have built or are currently building a Firebase app, with the intention of shipping it without security vulnerabilities. It is fast-paced and similar to my style on YouTube, but far more in-depth and comprehensive.

The course focuses on Cloud Firestore - if you’re looking for specific Realtime Database techniques you may be disappointed.

Is this Course Updated?

The last code review and update was completed on December 3rd, 2020 using Firebase rules version 2.0. The course receives regular updates, especially to address breaking changes Firebase.


  1.  Firebase Security in 100 Seconds - A quick primer on Firestore Security rules
  2.  Getting Started - Basic Firebase security concepts and project setup instructions
  3.  Match - Path match security rules to documents & collections
  4.  Allow - Read, Write, & Beyond - What operations can you allow in Firestore?
  5.  Conditions - Syntax for conditions found in Firebase Security rules
  6.  Common Examples - Simple, yet useful Firestore rules examples
  7.  Functions - Extracting complex logic into reusable functions
  8.  Read Other Documents - Read documents with get() and exists()
  9.  Chat Example - Chat data validation example
  10.  Role-based Auth Example - Role-based access control example
  11.  Unit Testing - Test security rules with Node.js
  12.  Setup & Teardown - Setup & Teardown mock Firestore data for testing
  13.  Write Tests - Write unit tests with mock data for Firestore Security Rules.
  14.  Debugging Report - Debug rules using the Firestore code coverage report.

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FireShip - Firebase Security Course 🔥
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Jack Sparrow

Jack Sparrow

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