Flutter & Firebase Masterclass - Complete Package (Codewithandrea)
60 👀
Jack Sparrow

Jack Sparrow

Apr 13, 2024

Flutter & Firebase Masterclass - Complete Package (Codewithandrea)

Accelerate your Flutter and Firebase skills with this comprehensive masterclass by Codewithandrea. Learn to build real-world apps seamlessly integrating Firebase backend services for authentication, database management, and server-side code execution. From basic Firebase features to advanced topics like Cloud Functions, Stripe integration, Algolia search, and Firebase cost optimization, this course equips you with the knowledge and skills to excel in app development. Perfect for intermediate to advanced developers familiar with Dart, Flutter, GoRouter, and Riverpod

In the event that you want a backend for your Flutter app, Firebase is the clearest decision.

Firebase makes it simple to authenticate clients, compose data to a far off database, and run server-side code safely. Furthermore, you get scalability and extraordinary performance out of the crate, without burning through every last dollar.

In any case, when you begin building enormous apps, things get muddled and you might ask yourself:

→ Do I have the right architecture set up?
→ Am I organizing my data accurately?
→ How might I run complex queries?
→ Are my security rules right?
→ How to deal with errors?
→ Will I get an enormous Firebase bill and fail?

At the end of the day - how can you say whether you're getting everything done as needs be?

Of course, you could go through incalculable hours pouring over the docs, watching instructional exercises, and advancing by experimentation to see what works. What's going on with everything I did and it was advantageous - however the excursion was long and testing.
All things being equal, I need to accelerate the cycle for you by bundling up the entirety of my Firebase information and experience into this course.

Now is the right time to learn Firebase
This top to bottom course will show you how to make genuine world apps with Flutter and Firebase.
To begin, we'll build a straightforward full-stack app to get you moving with the nuts and bolts. This will cover Firebase Auth, Cloud Firestore, fundamental security rules, and the most recent Firebase UI bundles.

Then, we'll dive deep and build a complex eCommerce application, complete with backend reconciliation utilizing Cloud Functions and outsider incorporations like Stripe and Algolia.

En route, we'll cover points, for example, utilizing the Firebase and FlutterFire CLIs, confirmation streams, job based approval, data displaying and CRUD operations with Cloud Firestore, queries, records, pagination, offline support, image uploads with Firebase Stockpiling, working with the Firebase Local Emulator, utilizing Cloud Functions with TypeScript, working with the Firestore Admin SDK, Firebase cost analysis and optimization, and deployment through Firebase Hosting.

The main ?

You'll get all the information and abilities expected to build genuine world apps with Flutter and Firebase, and take advantage of what Firebase brings to the table. 🔥

Course Educational program
Presentation (13m)
1. Firebase in nutshell (2h08m)

2. Full-Stack eCommerce app outline (48m)

3. Firebase Verification (49m)

4. Cloud Firestore and Firebase Stockpiling (1h47m)

5. Firebase Local Emulator and Cloud Functions (1h19m)

6. Job Based Approval with Custom Cases (1h07m)

7. Plunging Further with Cloud Firestore (49m)

8. Stripe Mix (1h44m)

9. Full-Text Search with Algolia (42m)

10. Finishing the eCommerce app (24m)

Who is this course for?
This is an intermediate to advanced-level course about Flutter and Firebase, and you should be as of now acquainted with Dart, Flutter, GoRouter, and Riverpod to capitalize on it.

We'll begin by building a straightforward full-stack app so you'll become familiar with the nuts and bolts regardless of whether you never utilized Firebase.

Then, at that point, I'll give you a nitty gritty walkthrough of the total eCommerce app that was shrouded in the Flutter Foundations course. Furthermore, we'll transform it into a full-stack app, utilizing the Firebase Dart bundles on the frontend, and Cloud Functions with TypeScript on the backend.

While adding new highlights, I'll incorporate the majority of the UI code ahead of time so we can zero in on what makes the biggest difference: learning Firebase.

While this isn't completely required, I suggest you take the Flutter Foundations course prior to continuing to this one (you'll have the option to buy the two courses together on the checkout page assuming you wish).

About Me

I am Andrea, I'm a Flutter GDE and I've been composing code expertly for north of 12 years. I've been a mobile app developer beginning around 2012, working for new businesses, organizations, and enormous organizations.

With my Flutter instructional exercises and courses, I've assisted a large number of understudies with turning out to be better developers.

I understand the stuff to turn into an extraordinary Flutter developer. I can hardly stand by to impart this course to you and assist you with fasting track your learning.

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Flutter & Firebase Masterclass 🥳
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Jack Sparrow

Jack Sparrow

Hey Guys We are Tech Enthusiasts and we know knowledge is key to success ! We are here to open path to your success by providing what you want. Today education == business. Our moto is education should be accessible by any person who is not able to purchase overpriced content.

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