Flutter + SQFLite | Build a Local Storage iOS & Android App (JavaCodeGeeks)
19 👀
Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Jul 12, 2023

Flutter + SQFLite | Build a Local Storage iOS & Android App (JavaCodeGeeks)

Learn how to build Android and iOS apps with local storage using Flutter and SQFLite. This course guides you through implementing and interacting with a SQLite database, while creating clean and visually appealing user interfaces. Gain hands-on experience with best practices and CRUD operations to effectively work with SQLite databases. Start your Flutter journey and create amazing apps!

Need to figure out how to build Android and iOS apps with local storage?

Then this is the ideal course for you!

All through this course, we will build a production ready to-do list app utilizing Flutter and SQFLite!

You will figure out how to execute and collaborate with a SQLite information base utilizing Flutter and Dart, while building perfect and wonderful user interfaces.

This course will assist you with kicking off your Flutter journey by showing you best practices and CRUD operations (make, read, update, erase) to interface with SQLite data sets.

I really want to believe that you partake in the course, and I'm anticipating seeing the astonishing apps you make!


Instructor Details

Marcus NgMobile App Engineer

Votes: 1


Courses : 2

I'm a versatile app designer spend significant time in building apps with Flutter and Quick. I truly appreciate educating, and I run a YouTube channel that shows engineers how to make production ready apps with Flutter. To say greetings, go ahead and reach me on Udemy, Twitter, or YouTube! I want to believe that you partake in my courses, and I anticipate bringing you more!

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Flutter + SQFLite 😃
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Harry Potter

Harry Potter

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