Frontend Masters - Complete Intro to Product Management
6 πŸ‘€
Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Aug 26, 2023

Frontend Masters - Complete Intro to Product Management

Join the Frontend Masters workshop on Complete Intro to Product Management led by Brian Holt. This immersive two-day workshop covers essential PM skills, technical writing, user experience, project management, and more. Perfect for engineers considering a transition to PM.

A few Key Focal points!

By participating alongside us in the workshop, you'll learn:

Gain a more profound understanding of the product manager role.

Foster core PM skills including partner management and technical writing.

Find out about user experience and project management principles.

Comprehend how to effectively impart project status and keep groups locked in.

Figure out how to apply factual information in direction.

Find the significance of setting substantial, attainable objectives.


Your (Marvelous) Instructor


Brian Holt

Brian is right now working as a product manager on Streamlit at Snowflake and he's about designers, engineers, designers. Beforehand he was a JavaScript engineer at Netflix, Microsoft and Reddit. While not working, Brian finds time to instruct on Frontend Masters, flap his gums on Front End party time, travel everywhere, and play with his lovable canine. Brian is as of now an occupant of Seattle, WA.


Burn through Two Entire Days Drenched in Product Management with Brian Holt

Workshop Details

This workshop, drove by Brian Holt, offers a complete introduction to product management. It is particularly custom fitted to engineers considering a change to PM, and includes pragmatic activities and direction for starting to try different things with PM obligations.

Everyday Timetable

We've previously held north of 300 workshops with large number of participants in-person and online. In this time we've found ways of scheduling the day, so it goes without a hitch and effectively. In any case in the event that you're in-person or participating with us online you'll have the full capacity to replay things you missed, get your inquiries responded to LIVE and interact with the educator over the course of the day.

Day 1


Welcome and Excursion from Engineer to PM


Understanding Product Management




Core PM Skills


Technical Writing


User Experience (UX)

Day 2


Project Management








Effective Meetings


Wrap Up


Occasion Details


2 Entire Day Workshop Meetings

Replay Videos (accessible right away)


August 1 to 2, 2023 - 9:30am to 5:30pm Central Daylight Time


Choice 1: Go to online on our full HD live stream

Choice 2: Go to in-person at HQ in Minneapolis, MN


Is This Workshop for Me?


This meeting is intended for anyone with any interest in transitioning to a product manager role. While it is custom fitted towards engineers, professionals from different foundations may likewise find the material pertinent and helpful.

Any Requirements?

Some experience in a professional setting, ideally in engineering or a related field.

Useful Links:

  1. Instructor: Brian Holt
  2. Workshop Schedule and Details

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Harry Potter

Harry Potter

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