Git & GitHub - The Practical Guide ( Academind )
25 👀
Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Nov 30, 2022

Git & GitHub - The Practical Guide ( Academind )

Learn Git and GitHub and master working with commits, branches, the reserve, cherry picking, rebasing, pull requests and more!

What you'll learn

  • Learn all you want to work with Git, including about stores, commits, branches and more
  • Comprehend how Git functions in the background and figure out neighborhood and remote as well as nearby following and remote-following branches
  • Plunge into cutting-edge Git highlights like combining, rebasing, the reserve and learn how to oversee blend clashes
  • Carry Git's capacity to the cloud with GitHub
  • Learn how to work together in projects by means of Git and GitHub in groups and associations
  • Learn how to add to open-source projects through forks and pull requests
  • Productively oversee projects with Git and GitHub


  • NO earlier Git or GitHub or web development information is required
  • An email address is expected to make a (free) GitHub account
  • The course can be gone to on Mac and Windows PCs


Regardless in the event that you're simply getting everything rolling with (web) development, assuming you're going after an engineer position or on the other hand in the event that you simply have to revive your insight - rendition control is a center expertise you want to prevail as a designer! Git (a rendition control framework) and Github (a cloud supplier for Git oversaw projects) structure an exceptional mix to give the most ideal experience to make and keep a plainly organized project history!

This course will guide everybody (no earlier information is expected!) through the center moves toward utilize these apparatuses in your day to day projects effortlessly.

What is Version Control?

Saving and getting to information and following changes is what form control is about. Regardless in the event that you're working on a private or an expert development project, code advances, changes and ceaselessly gets gotten to the next level. A spotless form the board structure is consequently key to deal with the advancement of your ventures effectively.

What is Git?

Git is a 100 percent free variant administration instrument, explicitly made for and utilized by designers all around the world to oversee project code history locally on their machines (Windows, macOS, Linux/Unix).

What is GitHub?

GitHub is an internet based help, it is likewise free for the overwhelming majority use cases (a record is all you want) and brings Git's neighborhood "document following" qualities to the cloud. Putting away venture code internet, refreshing code, getting to other colleagues' code or teaming up for huge scope projects inside your association - all conceivable with the assistance of GitHub!

For what reason Should I Know these Tools?

Rendition control is critical to oversee projects productively so not knowing Git and GitHub makes your day to day designer life much more confounded. The equivalent apply in the event that you're presently searching for a new position in the business, rendition control is expected in any designer projects nowadays, so not knowing Git and GitHub puts you behind your opposition!

In spite of the fact that Git and GitHub are easy to understand, both accompany their own rationale and "language". Getting everything rolling can consequently be a piece bulky and this is where this course becomes possibly the most important factor!

What do I Learn in this Course?

This course begins at the very fundamentals, no earlier Git or GitHub information is required! You'll learn how to utilize Git and how to compose Git orders in the Mac Terminal or the Windows Command Prompt (discretionary update on both are additionally important for the course).

Beginning with the principal introduction of a purported Git vault, we'll develop your insight bit by bit and grasp the what and why behind ideas like branches, commits, the organizing region, blending and rebasing, cloning, pushing and pulling branches and much more!

What's Inside this Course?

  1. A discretionary Command Line Crash Course for the two Windows and MacOS clients
  2. Git Download and Installation
  3. Git Theory - Working Directory, Staging Area (Index) and Repository made sense of
  4. Making Git Repositories
  5. Working with Commits
  6. Figuring out Branches
  7. Grasping the HEAD and the disengaged HEAD
  8. Recently Introduced Git Commands with Git Version 2.23
  9. Erasing Data (Staged and Unstaged, Commits and Branches)
  10. Overlooking Files
  11. The Stash
  12. Consolidating, Rebasing and Cherry Picking
  13. Carrying Back Deleted Data with the Reflog
  14. Associating Local Git Repositories to Remote GitHub Repositories
  15. Git Push and Pull (+ Fetch)
  16. Neighborhood, Remote Tracking and Remote Branches
  17. GitHub Collaborators and Contributors
  18. Forks and Pull Requests
  19. GitHub Issues
  20. Github Projects
  21. thus considerably more!
  22. All covered, made sense of and applied in straightforward models in the course!


In this course we'll find responses to questions like:

  1. "How might I erase my last commit?"
  2. "What is the Stash?"
  3. "What is the distinction between a consolidation and a rebase (and what is cherry-picking as a matter of fact)?"
  4. "How to bring back an erased commit?"
  5. "What is the contrast between a neighborhood following branch and a remote following branch?"


What are you hanging tight for, hop and board and we should GIT began :)

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone who needs to learn what version management is and the way in which it can assist with sorting out your code and projects effectively
  • (Web) engineers who need to learn new abilities to expand their proficiency
  • Anyone who needs to master Git and GitHub for private or expert undertakings


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Harry Potter

Harry Potter

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