How to Build a Micro SaaS That Makes Money & Earns Recurring Revenue
40 👀
Harry Potter

Harry Potter

May 28, 2024

How to Build a Micro SaaS That Makes Money & Earns Recurring Revenue

You have no idea what to do next...

And it's not from a lack of trying...

You have the programming skills and for months you've spent countless hours staring at a screen...

Trying to figure out how to start and build your own small software as a service product.

A business promising freedom, security, and the ability to work from any corner of the globe. 

You’ve brainstormed tons of ideas and you’ve even tried building a few products.

But still... You have no idea how to actually succeed.

Even if you could launch a product successfully.

The stats are not your friend...

98% of micro SaaS products end up failing.

And 9 out of 10 never make any money whatsoever.

Most micro SaaS products follow these steps...

  • Think of a cool idea.
  • Spend 6-12 months building a fully featured product with an amazing design. 
  • LAUNCH. The day is finally here! You can now start getting paying users. So you blast it across all your social media accounts.
  • Your response? No sales... 
  • BUT... Your product is "perfect" so you wait for things to work... 
  • Still. No customers sign up.
  • So you throw everything at the wall... You add more features.... You try paid ads.... You try blogging....
  • But still no customers
  • Weeks turn to months... But nothing seems to work. 
  • Eventually you turn the servers off. Not "giving up" but saving it for a later date when the market is actually ready for what you have to offer...

You start to wonder... How can I be the exception? 

How can I successfully start, launch, and make money from my own micro SaaS? 

What if there was a framework? A process? A complete program?

Let Me Introduce You To The Step-By-Step Micro SaaS Academy. 

Learn how to find and validate your micro SaaS idea, build an addictive product, and market your micro SaaS successfully to thousands of customers.

MODULE 1: SAAS IDEAS ($299 Value)

Discover how to find good product ideas and validate them quickly for any market.

Discover the 4 key pain point zones to build for.

How to think of and find micro SaaS ideas quickly.

How to take those ideas and validate them so you are building something people actually want.



The overall framework and steps you need to follow to get your product launched quickly.

Learn the MVP Launch framework that ensures you are building the right features for the right customers. Without being held up by perfectionism.

How to build addictive products that customers will love.

Learn how to build and upload a skeleton micro SaaS.


MODULE 3: PRICING ($199 Value)

What you need to know to actually make money.

How to create a bulletproof pricing plan so you are maximizing revenue with both small and large customers.


MODULE 4: MARKETING ($499 Value)

Find your marketing channels and use them effectively to get customers.

How to acquire customers quickly through free and paid traffic.

How to launch on Product Hunt and Reddit.

How to build an audience that trusts and buys from you.


MODULE 5: ANALYTICS ($249 Value)

How to measure your micro SaaS and customer interactions to create a high retention and low churn product. 

The only SaaS metrics you need to know.

How to implement customer tracking & analytics



Lean the best practices to run your business as a founder. 

How to run your customer service for maximum happiness and satisfaction.

How to automate and free up your time.

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Build a Micro SaaS That Makes Money 🥳
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Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Hey Guys We are Tech Enthusiasts and we know knowledge is key to success ! We are here to open path to your success by providing what you want. Today education == business. Our moto is education should be accessible by any person who is not able to purchase overpriced content.

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