Introduction to Kafka with Spring Boot ( Udemy )
17 👀
Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Sep 30, 2023

Introduction to Kafka with Spring Boot ( Udemy )

Learn Kafka integration with Spring Boot in this comprehensive course by a top-rated instructor. Master Kafka concepts, Spring Kafka, asynchronous communication, and more. Ideal for Java developers looking to build enterprise applications with Kafka as the messaging broker. Enroll now for lifetime access and a 30-day money-back guarantee!


What you'll learn

  • Learn what Kafka is and the way that it works
  • The most effective method to introduce and run Kafka locally
  • Make a Spring Boot application that incorporates with Kafka
  • Use Spring Kafka to consume and deliver messages
  • Cover the significant Endlessly spring Kafka annotations
  • Compose Spring Boot integration tests with the inserted Kafka broker
  • Learn how to retry bombed Kafka messages
  • Course messages that can't be handled to dead end points
  • Step by step instructions to design your Kafka Spring Beans
  • Serialize and deserialize messages in various configurations, including Strings and JSON
  • The most effective method to utilize Wiremock to set off disappointment situations that we can test
  • Learn all the center Kafka messaging concepts including messages, subjects, segments and keys
  • Use command line tools to send and get messages and question the broker state
  • Learn about consumer groups, rebalancing, and consumer failover
  • Comprehend the job of consumer counterbalances
  • Learn the critical contrasts between the primary messaging brokers
  • Comprehend the reason why Zookeeper is being supplanted with KRaft



Fundamental Java information

Fundamental Spring information


This course is for everything Kafka, Java, Endlessly spring Boot!

This course will accept you as a simply the developer fundamentals on Spring Boot and Java to having the option to create a completely utilitarian, completely tried, application that associates with the Kafka messaging broker to send and get messages.

As a matter of fact with our far reaching code walkthroughs that beginning without any preparation recorded as a hard copy our Spring Boot application you would have the option to assemble the application with no past Spring Boot experience!

This course has been created by a group of exceptionally experienced Java Computer programmers and Kafka experts working intimately with John Thompson, the Spring Framework Guru - we comprehend what a developer needs from such a course - it has been planned in light of the Java developer to have the option to acquire the most from it.

All the code that we stroll through is accessible in the included git vaults for you to use as a beginning stage for your work, or for you to fork and reach out as you investigate Kafka further. En route there are tasks empowering you to place practically speaking what you have been learning, to work out a completely adjusted microservices design. We have going with articles on large numbers of the Kafka concepts canvassed in the course - these go into more prominent profundity giving you the opportunity to proceed with your learning and gain a high level figuring out on these areas.

Inside this course you will learn about:

Kafka Background and Concepts:

The Kafka messaging broker

All the key Kafka concepts including messages, keys, points, segments and counterbalances

The requirement for asynchronous communication

Correlation with other well known messaging brokers

Zookeeper versus KRaft

Consumer groups and rebalancing

Message ordering with message keys

Installing and Running Kafka:

Installing and running the broker locally

Utilizing the Kafka command line tools

Sending and getting messages

Spring Boot Application Improvement with Spring Kafka:

Making the Spring Boot application with Spring Initializr

Spring Kafka APIs

Consuming messages utilizing the KafkaListener, KafkaListenerContainerFactory and ConsumerFactory

Delivering messages utilizing the KafkaTemplate and ProducerFactory

Using Spring Kafka annotations passing on Spring to do the hard work

Unit testing the Kafka consumer and maker with JUnit and Mockito

Integration testing with Spring Boot Test, Spring Kafka Test, and the installed Kafka broker

Serializing and deserializing String and JSON messages

Keeping away from death wishes with the right error handling

Arranging Kafka Spring Beans automatically versus in the application properties

Manual and programmed subject creation

Consumer bunch enrollment with shared versus copied message utilization

Consumer failover with different Spring Boot examples

Sending and getting message keys

It are requested to Guarantee related messages

Consuming different event types from a similar theme

Designing trusted packages

Retrying bombed messages

Directing messages to the lost cause point

Utilizing Wiremock to set off error situations

Course Extra - IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate

Understudies signing up for the course can get a free multi month preliminary permit to IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate! Get hands on experience utilizing the Java IDE liked by Spring Framework experts!

Course Extra - Access to a Confidential Slack Community

You're not simply signing up for a course - - > You are joining a community learning Spring.

With your enlistment to the course, you can access a selective Slack community. Find support from the teacher and other Spring Framework Gurus from around the world - progressively! This community is simply accessible to understudies signed up for this course.

This is an extremely dynamic Slack community with more than 18,700 Spring Framework Gurus!

This is the biggest online community of individuals learning Spring on the planet.

With your enlistment, you can join this community of amazing gurus!

Closed Captioning/Subtitles

Closed captioning in English is accessible for all course recordings!

PDF Downloads

All feature introductions are accessible for you to download as PDFs.

Lifetime Access

At the point when you buy this course, you will get lifetime access! You can login whenever from anyplace to access the course happy.

No Gamble - Money Back Guarantee

You can purchase this course with no gamble. On the off chance that you are discontent with the course, under any circumstance, you can have a fair amount of money returned. The course has a multi day Money Back Guarantee.

Who this course is for:

This course is ideal for Java developers who wish to utilize Spring Boot to foster undertaking applications that utilization Kafka as the messaging broker for asynchronous event driven communication.


John Thompson • 500,000+ Enlistments Around the world

Spring Framework Guru - Smash hit Educator

  • 4.4 Teacher Rating
  • 46,503 Reviews
  • 311,749 Students
  • 20 Courses

Hello. I'm John.

I've been in the IT business for north of 25 years. Today, I practice principally in Java, the best and well known programming language being used today. I additionally practice with the Spring Framework, which the most well known open source application framework for building endeavor class applications on the Java stage. Only a portion of the associations I've worked with incorporate Visa, Kohls, Government Home Credit Bank, and Belk Retail chains.

Through the courses I'm giving, I desire to use my long periods of experience to speed up your learning of the Spring Framework. I won't mislead you. The Spring Framework is a major framework. The climate for big business Java is much greater. In the event that you're new to Java, you have a long way to go. I trust through the substance on this site I can speed up your schooling of the Java and Spring scene.

Useful Links:

  1. Udemy - Introduction to Kafka with Spring Boot Course
  2. Apache Kafka Documentation
  3. Spring Kafka - Official Documentation
  4. Spring Framework - Official Website
  5. KRaft - Kafka without Zookeeper
  6. IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate - Java IDE
  7. Kafka Community - Official Website
  8. Slack - Collaboration Software
  9. Java Programming Language - Official Website
  10. Kafka Tutorial - Getting Started

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Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Hey Guys We are Tech Enthusiasts and we know knowledge is key to success ! We are here to open path to your success by providing what you want. Today education == business. Our moto is education should be accessible by any person who is not able to purchase overpriced content.

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