Ionic 4 Firebase Master Course - Fireship
60 👀
Jack Sparrow

Jack Sparrow

Nov 13, 2023

Ionic 4 Firebase Master Course - Fireship

The Ionic4 Master Course will teach you the fundamentals of full-stack cross-platform app development, using the combined powers of Angular & Firebase.

🗿 What will I build?

This is a project-based course that starts from zero and works up to an authenticated realtime todo list with push notifications. While that may not sound super exciting, it provides an ideal foundation to showcase the UI features offered by Ionic and connent them to live cloud infrastructure.

🐌 What will I Learn?

  • Installation and Setup
  • Ionic4 Component APIs
  • Routing and Navigation
  • Reactive Forms
  • CSS Themes
  • Platform Checking
  • Push Notifications
  • Cloud Function integration with NodeJS
  • Firebase Auth, Firestore, and Cloud Messaging
  • How to release Ionic to the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store
  • And more…

🤔 Is this Course Right for Me?

This course is an intermediate level project-based course where you learn by doing. It assumes you have at least basic knowledge of programming, ideally with web tech like JavaScript, CSS, and HTML. It is fast-paced and similar to my style on YouTube, but far more in-depth and comprehensive.

🏎️ Test Drive

A live version of the app is currently available as a Progressive Web App


  1. Resources - App tour and course resources
  2. What is Ionic - Ionic 4 technical overview
  3. Migration from Ionic v3 to v4 - Migration tips for Ionic 3 developers with existing apps
  4. Ionic Setup - Ionic installation and setup
  5. Firebase Setup - Firebase iOS/Android native app setup
  6. AngularFire Setup - Setup and installation of @angular/fire
  7. Code Organization - Optimize your Angular code for developer happiness
  8. Components - A gentle introduction to Ionic components with ion-menu
  9. Component APIs - How to use component APIs
  10. Routing and Navigation - Using the Angular Router to navigate between screens
  11. Ionic Storage - Manage app state between sessions with Ionic Storage
  12. Themes - Manage themes in Ionic with CSS
  13. Router Guards - Protect screens with Angular Router Guards
  14. Primer - An introduction to User Authentication
  15. Anonymous Auth - Simple guest login with Firebase Anonymous Auth
  16. User Profile - Build a reactive user profile in Ionic
  17. OAuth Web - Google Sign-In for progressive web apps
  18. OAuth Native - Google Sign-In for native iOS & Android apps 
  19. User Router Guard - Prevent unauthorized user access to specific screens
  20. Primer - An introduction to Firestore and Realtime Data
  21. Database Service - Create an Angular Service to simplify database business logic
  22. Firestore Queries - How to query the database
  23. Observable Loop - Iterate over async realtime data
  24. Update data - Write data to the database
  25. Custom Events - Listen to custom events on an ion-segment
  26. Filter Data - Filter realtime data with a BehaviorSubject
  27. Modal - Pass data to an Ionic Modal
  28. Reactive Forms - Update data via Angular Reactive Forms
  29. Dynamic Routing - Navigate to a dynamic Firestore ID with Angular
  30. Security Rules - Secure your backend data with Firestore rules
  31. FCM Primer - An introduction to Firebase Cloud Messaging
  32. Cloud Functions - Use Firebase Cloud Functions to send push notifications
  33. Web Notifications - Ionic push notifications on the web
  34. Native Notifications - Ionic push notifications on iOS & Android
  35. Web Deployment - Deploy Ionic to Firebase Hosting as a PWA
  36. iOS Deployment - Deploy Ionic to the Apple App Store
  37. Android Deployment - Deploy Ionic to the Google Play Store

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Ionic 4 Firebase Master Course ❤️
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Jack Sparrow

Jack Sparrow

Hey Guys We are Tech Enthusiasts and we know knowledge is key to success ! We are here to open path to your success by providing what you want. Today education == business. Our moto is education should be accessible by any person who is not able to purchase overpriced content.

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