Master Flutter By Building A Video And Voice Call Chat App
25 👀
Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Apr 30, 2023

Master Flutter By Building A Video And Voice Call Chat App

Ace Real World App Building Procedure for iOS and Android


What you'll Learn

  • Flutter real world production ready video and voice chatting app including text messages
  • Figure out how to set up various servers together and use in one venture
  • Figure out how to function with firebase, custom backend and third party servers
  • Find out about Laravel Framework, Firebase Firestore and Agora SDK
  • Find out about building API utilizing Laravel Framework and utilize the API from Flutter Framework


Flutter and Dart SDK are introduced also PHP and Composer Introduced


Here you will construct a real world app and ace app building procedure by learning Flutter, Laravel, Firebase and third party SDK for audio and video call app.

Who will take it

  • Beginners to advanced learners
  • For finding some work
  • For partner theory
  • For prototyping
  • For dominating app building
  • App useful highlights
  • Third party login
  • Phone number login
  • Text chat
  • Image chat
  • Audio call chat
  • Video call chat
  • Sending notification (text, audio and video chat)
  • Profile page
  • Notification on text message get
  • Notification on audio call
  • Notification on video call
  • Sound on starting audio call
  • Sound on starting video call
  • Save chat history

Third party login would include Google, Facebook and Apple login. We will likewise perceive how to login utilizing phone number. The chatting element of this is extremely consistent since we utilized SQFLITE to locally save the chatting history. First we save chat messages locally and send them to the opposite end behind the scenes administration.

So clients feel like the app extremely quick sending messages. The equivalent happens for sending images. We first save the image locally and afterward ship off other client.

We additionally save client profile locally, so you don't need to affirm with Firebase or Laravel for login.

Next time a client signs in, client will feel like it's quick, since we read the information locally first. The equivalent happens for chatting history. Chat history is perused from neighborhood capacity first.

Flutter framework

We involved Flutter framework for building wonderful UI for the two iOS and Android. In Flutter framework, we likewise cover a great deal of Dart information and how to utilize models and classes to work with view and regulators.

Firebase administration

We involved Firebase for sending clients enlistment and phone number login. We utilized Firebase additionally for sending notification. Here in this instructional exercise you will more mind boggling elements of firebase like saving chat history, images, paying attention to report refreshes and transferring images.

Laravel framework

Laravel framework we utilized for building API for authentication. We utilized it additionally for saving fundamental data and speaking with Firebase for sending notification.

Agora SDK

We involved Agora SDK for utilizing video and audio call administration. Agora gives truly stable API to audio and video call.

Who this course is for:

From beginners to advanced leaners


Dastagir Ahmed

Respond Local, Fluttter, Laravel Instructor

  • 4.6 Teacher Rating
  • 77 Surveys
  • 520 Understudies
  • 4 Courses

I'm an educator who has been educating throughout the previous 18 years and I'm truly adept at making sense of things. I likewise have a youtube channel where I have a great deal of supporters minimal more 65k.

I address on Flutter, Respond Local, Laravel and GoLang.

As of late I have begun udemy courses. Trust you will partake in the course with me.

4.4 course appraising 48 reviews

Sakhr S.

Rating: 1.0 out of 5 3 days prior


this is the most ridiculously terrible and bad quality course I have at any point taken. the premade material that is utilized is so inept



Rating: 5.0 out of 5 fourteen days prior


Great showing first rate


Pavan K.

Rating: 4.0 out of 5 3 weeks prior

Great course yet the sound is low in certain videos



Rating: 5.0 out of 5 a month prior


Great clarification, appreciated, made sense of relative and elaborate the classes. furthermore, give joins on additional explanation for delegate illustration of a specific themes. at last I will propose to take a class.

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Harry Potter

Harry Potter

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