Master Fullstack Web Development with Angular and C# ASP.NET
7 👀
Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Jun 10, 2023

Master Fullstack Web Development with Angular and C# ASP.NET

Master Fullstack Web Development with Angular and C# ASP.NET in just 21 days. Learn backend and frontend development, unit testing, SQL databases, and build comprehensive web applications. Elevate your coding skills to a professional level and become a job-ready full-stack web developer


What you'll learn

  • Master the C# web development framework ASP net for making backend applications
  • Learn the intricate details of Angular (v14) to master frontend development
  • Learn TypeScript development for Angular
  • Learn how to apply unit testing
  • Learn how to implement and inquiry SQL databases
  • Foster comprehensive web applications that your employers and friends will cherish
  • Become a full-stack web developer in the ASP net and Angular stack
  • Learn how to construct separate frontend and backend applications and how to interface them utilizing the OpenAPI standard



You ought to know the fundamentals of C#


Become a full-stack C# and Angular web developer with this course and raise your coding skills to a Professional Level


Might it be said that you are ready for the journey to becoming a full-stack web developer in just 21 days? Great!


Welcome to the Master Fullstack Web Development with Angular and C# ASP.NET course. A comprehensive course intended to transform your fundamental C# information into job-ready expertise.


This course is ideally suited for those looking to enhance their coding skills and secure a promising career in full-stack development.


Key features of this course include:

Master the C# web development framework ASP.NET for backend development

Fabricate frontend applications utilizing Angular 14

Implement and inquiry SQL databases

Unit Testing and the Test-Driven Development Approach

Fabricate comprehensive full-stack web applications utilizing the well known Angular and ASP net stack


Highly Evaluated: The course is made by the team behind one of the web's most well known C# bootcamps: "The C# Masterclass" appraised 4.6/5 on Udemy with more than 100,000 students.


Practical Approach: The course offers fast-paced tutorials with practical exercises and portfolio pieces to showcase your skills.


Career-Ready Skills: Toward the finish of the course, you'll have the option to without hesitation go after high-earning C# jobs, demonstrate your expertise to potential employers, and put yourself aside from other job applicants.


Expert Instructors: The course is driven by Jannick Leismann, a Certified Microsoft .NET developer, and Denis Panjuta, a former Oracle Consultant and maker of the world's most famous beginner C# BootCamp: "The C# Masterclass"


Sign up for the Master Fullstack Web Development with Angular and C# ASP.NET course today and appreciate lifetime course access, top to bottom video tutorials, practical exercises, 5 Star Support, portfolio pieces, and a 100 percent no-bandy money-back guarantee.


Take the jump and redesign your skills to become a job-ready full-stack web developer with this comprehensive course now.

Who this course is for:

Anybody C# Developer Who Believes Should Make That Next Stride In His/Her Career



Denis Panjuta

Trains more than 350,000 students to code

  • 4.5 Teacher Rating
  • 73,359 Reviews
  • 372,164 Students
  • 41 Courses

Greetings. I'm Denis. I have a degree in engineering from the University for Applied Science Konstanz in Germany and found my affection for programming there.

As of now, more than 350,000 students learn from my courses. This gives me much energy to make new courses with the highest quality conceivable. I aim to make learning to code accessible for everybody, as I'm persuaded, that IT is THE FUTURE!

So join my courses and learn to make apps, games, websites, or some other kind of use. The possibilities are limitless.


Howdy. Ich receptacle Denis. Ich habe einen Bachelor in Wirtschaftsingenieurswesen der HTWG Konstanz und habe dort meine Begeisterung für's Programmieren entdeckt.

Zur Zeit lernen bereits über 350.000 Studenten von meinen Kursen. Kicks the bucket gibt mir extrem viel Motivation und Energie noch mehr und bessere Kurse zu erstellen. Mein Ziel ist es, das Programmierenlernen so zugänglich wie möglich zu machen, denn ich receptacle überzeugt, IT ist Bite the dust ZUKUNFT!

Likewise tritt meinen Kursen bei und lerne wie man Webseiten, Apps, Spiele oder andere Program entwickelt. Kick the bucket Möglichkeiten sind grenzenlos.


4.9 course rating 23 reviews

Philipp D.

Rating: 5.0 out of 5 5 days prior


I truly like the practical approach, keeps it simple to understand, motivated me to keep learning, clear voice, well explained, I already partook in other courses and I can say high standard as usual, keep up the great work!


Christopher M.

Rating: 5.0 out of 5 seven days prior


On the off chance that you are a novice to intermediate C# programmer and need to get into web development, this is the ideal course for you. There are great tips and tricks for all programming and web development ability

Useful links:

  1. C# Masterclass on Udemy
  2. Angular Documentation
  3. ASP.NET Documentation
  4. OpenAPI Specification
  5. Test-Driven Development (TDD) Guide
  6. SQL Database Tutorials
  7. C# Developer Jobs

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Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Hey Guys We are Tech Enthusiasts and we know knowledge is key to success ! We are here to open path to your success by providing what you want. Today education == business. Our moto is education should be accessible by any person who is not able to purchase overpriced content.

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