Master Product Management skills by building a Product
13 👀
Harry Potter

Harry Potter

May 03, 2023

Master Product Management skills by building a Product

The most functional course for yearning and junior Product Supervisors. Get significant experience to open your vocation development.


What you'll Learn

Comprehend the start to finish product development process and the job of a product supervisor

Comprehend and apply key frameworks and tools utilized in product management, including Design Thinking, Agile, Customer Journey mapping, Impact mapping, and so on.

Foster significant product management abilities by building a product, from thought to send off

Utilize current no-code tools like Glideapps to make utilitarian products

Comprehend how to track down a decent problem to tackle

Know how to do user research, from planning a problem theory and looking for an interest group to investigating discoveries and making a problem proclamation.

Arranging and directing user interviews that achieve insights a problem and arrangement

Figure out how to do competitor analysis, including Worth Bend, Cutthroat Scene, and Component analysis

Comprehend how to accumulate market insights and size up a market

Find out about the job of product partners and how to make an arrangement with them around a product opportunity.

Get to know what is an organization's plan of action and what are some normal plan of action types utilized in tech today

Practice arrangement ideation

Learn problem and arrangement prioritization strategies, for example, RICE, Basic way, KANO model, and so on.

Oversee gambles related with arrangement design and development by building Least Reasonable Investigations

Comprehend how to plan and direct a Base Suitable Investigation for your answers

Get to know ten normal prototyping methods, from counterfeit entryway tests to no-code models

Work on building your most memorable no-code arrangement model with Glideapps

Know how to get input on your answer from target users and product partners and emphasize

Comprehend what is a double product development process

Find out about iterative programming development frameworks, like Scrum

Know how to scope Least Practical product with User Story mapping procedure

Comprehend how to design, execute and examine product send off to market

Grasp the job of product vision, system, and strategic product roadmap eventually to-final result development process

Know how to put forth up product objectives utilizing the OKRs framework

Know what's in store while interviewing for a product director job

Know how to exhibit the importance of your abilities to a product job, regardless of whether you have never filled in as a genuine product chief.

Know how to get ready for your first (or next) PM interview process.

Comprehend how to make your PM employment form stand apart among different up-and-comers



Simply get the course together with a great deal of energy and drive to begin your investigation of the product management world! Remember your PC with stable web to watch the recordings and work on your undertaking.



Changing to and growing another profession, particularly one as requesting as a Product Management vocation, is testing.

Here are only a portion of the inquiries that might strike a chord:

What is it that I want to get everything rolling as a Product Supervisor?

Do I want a product certificate to get into Product Management?

Is MBA expected to turn into a PM?

What abilities do I have to progress to a Product job?

Do I need to figure out how to code to progress to Product?

What undertakings could I at any point join to learn product management?

Everybody says to fabricate a product to get abilities. Be that as it may, I don't have the foggiest idea where to begin!

How would I make my application stick out and get employed?

Sounds recognizable?

I've likewise been there when I strolled my direction to a Product Chief job from being an IT and management expert.

Hey, I'm Anna - Organizer and Head of Product at Futureversity - an Edutech stage assisting individuals with propelling their product management abilities.

Prior to beginning FutureVersity, I was a Product Overseer of a series B simulated intelligence startup situated in Singapore, where I migrated six years back to do a MBA program.

In my job, I fabricated the product capability without any preparation and sent off an alpha rendition of the no-code stage as a help for non-tech individuals to make artificial intelligence applications with least exertion and cost.

I'm likewise a Product Management coach who helped north of 100 (and then some!) understudies and mentees to move to Product Management from different foundations, including Counseling, Designing, Design, Tasks, Money, and that's just the beginning.

In the wake of working 10+ years in Product and coaching hopeful Product Directors, I discovered that absence of significant product experience is the greatest obstruction to beginning a lifelong in Product Management. That is the reason I chose to foster this course to assist you with solving this test.

I welcome you on a journey to make your Product, from thought to send off, as your instructive side undertaking by tracking with the organized educational plan of the course. Furthermore, dissimilar to different projects where educators just show things and give proposals, I'll work connected at the hip with you. I'll make my fresh out of the plastic new Product, following the program with you, and requesting your initial product input to settle on the following product headings.

You will get as near building a Product as you can subsequent to signing up for the course.

What's more, you don't have to figure out how to code to begin - we will utilize no-code programming development tools to make a practical Product very quickly or weeks. These tools permit you make working programming without essentially knowing how to compose code in a customary computer programming sense. Making products with no code won't just allow you to test your product thoughts quicker yet additionally reinforce your first or next application for a Product Supervisor job and make you stand apart from different competitors.

Likewise, you will likewise get the accompanying assets when you sign up for the course:

12+ long stretches of illustrations on Product Management, including an extensive outline of frameworks and procedures that Product Chiefs utilize everyday so you are completely prepared for the job. The course likewise has a different module on the most proficient method to prepare for your PM interviews. Here, I'll impart to you such things as what's in store from the interview process, how to get ready for the interviews, and how to make your profile stand apart by depicting your adaptable abilities and setting up your product portfolio.

100+ downloadable pdf assets with addresses outline and extra articles you can allude to so you can rapidly invigorate the course happy and further extend your knowledge.

Students people group where you can interface with different understudies of the course to seek clarification on pressing issues, give and get support, and get an additional hit of responsibility.

Free round table discussions for everybody signed up for the program in the initial a month after its send off. These meetings are designed for you to come and ask me any product-related inquiries to give your additional help in your journey to Product. I'll share the solicitations to the meetings in the Students people group - so remember to go along with it on the off chance that you might want to partake!

New course illustrations and updates. As building a decent product is about ceaseless enhancements, I will add new materials and assets to the course - to mirror your criticism, my new experience, and industry patterns.

Who this course is for:

  • Hopeful Product Directors wanting to progress to a Product Chief job yet missing important experience
  • Junior Product Directors (0-2 years) who need to systemise their knowledge and fill in their profession
  • Working experts wanting to progress to a Product Director job
  • Computer programmers hoping to progress to Product Management
  • Information researchers hoping to change to Product Management
  • UX Designers hoping to progress to Product Management
  • Deals and Marketing colleagues hoping to progress to Product Management
  • Customer Backing colleagues hoping to progress to Product Management
  • Project Supervisors hoping to progress to Product Management
  • Business Investigators hoping to change to Product Management
  • Graduates hoping to begin or proceed with their profession
  • Side-hawkers who need to send off their side undertaking and need to know how to rapidly test and imagine their thoughts
  • Non-specialized organizers and business visionaries who need to figure out how to approve and picture their thoughts before employing their most memorable designer/CTO



Anna Kolenkina

Product Developer and Teacher

  • 4.6 Educator Rating
  • 59 reviews
  • 1,279 Understudies
  • 2 Courses

I help experts and new alumni to master computerized abilities, begin new vocations, and advance in their jobs.

I began my journey in the IT business and programming product management a long time back by being an IT and management specialist and changing to an all out startup Product Chief and Product Chief. I've constructed products without any preparation for various businesses - wares exchanging, planned operations, normal language processing, and e-learning - and furthermore for various markets, from Europe to Asia.

I have a MBA from the Public College of Singapore and an Expert's in Applied Informatics.

Prior to joining on the web schooling, I imparted my skill and knowledge to a couple of individuals - my colleagues and mentees. With Udemy, I might want to scale and productize my experience to help a lot more individuals. I put extraordinary worth on keeping my examples not just educational yet additionally fascinating and locking in. Hence, I make a point to incorporate enough assets, models, and activities for understudies to download and work with.

I anticipate having you in my classes!


If it's not too much trouble, additionally go along with me on my YouTube channel for more satisfied on Product Management, Application development with no code, Work robotization, and Productivity.

Useful links:

  1. - A comprehensive list of product management frameworks
  2. - Essential product management tools to know
  3. - No-code app building platform to create functional products
  4. - Top product management frameworks and how to use them

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Harry Potter

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