Master Redis - From Beginner to Advanced, 20+ hours
23 👀
Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Jul 29, 2023

Master Redis - From Beginner to Advanced, 20+ hours

Learn about Redis Data, Publish/Subscribe Models, Piping, Replication, Clusters, Lua Scripts, RediSearch, RedisJSON


What you'll learn

  • Learn with 20+ hours of hands-on practical exercises
  • Profound plunge into Redis Data Designs
  • RediSearch, RedisInsights, RedisJSON
  • Publish/Subscribe Models
  • Replication and clustering
  • Lua Prearranging
  • Redis Enterprise System
  • Redis Administrations
  • Utilizing most recent Redis 6.2
  • Redis Database Design techniques
  • Oversee data replication and determination
  • Best practices, tips and deceives
  • Whats new in Redis 6.2 and beyond



  • No pre-information is required: I'll show you without question, all that you want to be aware!
  • A PC is required, yet any will do. A desktop or a laptop running Macintosh, Windows, or Linux
  • Readiness to learn a genuinely new thing.


Redis Data Designs? Indeed, Publish/Subscribe models? Indeed, Replication/Clustering? Indeed, Lua Scripts? Indeed Database Designs? Yesindeed and significantly more...

I've design this course from step-by-step move from essential to advanced topics. Here is a fractional rundown of a portion of the topics that are canvassed in different sections for 18+ hours recordings of this course:

The course is design in light of the most recent version for example Redis 6.2

Profound jump into Redis Data Designs to store, update and recover information

Step-by-step walkthrough to perform easy to complex questions

Step by step instructions to make a data structure from the scratch, Making and changing data structure

Strolls you through models that demonstrate how to utilize it actually

You'll start by getting Redis set up appropriately and afterward investigating the key-value model

Investigate different data types and orders in Redis

Learn Redis data structures through practically demonstrated use cases

Detail models on working with Strings, Lists, Sets, Sorted Sets, Hashes, Bitmap, HyperLoglogs data structures

Plunge into genuine use cases including straightforward reserving, circulated promotion focusing on, and the sky is the limit from there

Grasping TTL (Time to Live) or Key Expiry in Redis

Publish/subscribe and configuration

Oversee data replication and constancy in Redis

Directing your Redis Database

Advanced parts of Redis high accessibility and clustering

Scale Redis to different servers with Redis Cluster

Setting up Redis Replication (Master + Slave) - Improvement or Demo Situation

Database Design from RDBMS tables to Redis Database Designs

Best practices, tips and deceives, and master techniques to scale Redis

Whats new in Redis 6.2

Learn Lua Prearranging for associating with data structures, apply EVAL orders and that's only the tip of the iceberg.

Broaden Redis with Redis Module

Profound jump into RediSearch to perform complex Quests

Use RedisInsight to see Redis database outwardly

Use RedisJSON to assemble JSON based archive solutions

Comprehend how Redis enterprise improves Redis EchoSystem

This far reaching course will train you everything about Redis to use in your next enormous undertaking!

Master the Redis database, and perceive how to apply it with true database and questions.

This course accompanies 30-day money back guarantee! So Join today and master Redis!

Who this course is for:

  • Complete beginners to database world
  • Anyone needing to learn about Redis or NoSQL Database
  • Students with Bigdata or Data Science Technologies
  • Anyone who need to remember Redis for their activities.
  • Anyone who needs to deal with genuine production like environment arrangement for Redis and do a profound make a plunge grasping Redis
  • Application engineers trying to extend their backend skillset
  • Anyone needs to learn from fundamental to advanced functionality of Redis



Adnan Waheed

Organizer KlickAnalytics and ex-Bloomberg representative

  • 4.4 Instructor Rating
  • 2,676 Surveys
  • 23,605 Students
  • 5 Courses


Hi Everyone,


I'm a business person, a deliverer, a visionary, a devotee, a darer and a practitioner.

I had worked in Bloomberg for a long time, and fabricate, make due, and lead a few tasks and group on worldwide premise. After Bloomberg, had construct my own organizations like KlickAnalytics, ClickAPIs, ZoomMarkets furnishing worldwide monetary business sectors investigation with tera bytes data on cloud servers.

I've worked widely with PHP, Python, Precise, Rest APIs, Cloud systems, time series database, monetary data investigation, UNIX systems, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, and advanced system engineering design and that's just the beginning.

My most extreme passion is the invention, innovation, evolving standards, game-evolving disruptions, individuals, personal turn of events and the genuine undertakings of life. Master the taking care of business well.


4.6 course Rating 266 Reviews

Szymon N.

Rating: 4.0 out of 5 a month prior


I figured out how to follow through with this course completely, and I learned a great deal from it. I figured out a few fascinating things that I will use from here on out. I would rate the level of this course as great; the instructor gave a ton of information, however certain things could be moved along. I figure the whole course could be a lot more limited, as numerous straightforward topics were examined in too much detail, which caused the course to appear to be too fundamental and exhausting for someone who previously had insight with Redis. A few pieces of the course were basically going through orders directly from the documentation, which I could do myself. There were likewise a couple of minor mistakes or ambiguities. By the by, I'm happy with the course and would give it a decent rating. I would propose to the instructor to make more limited yet additional connecting with courses.


Adam S.

Rating: 5.0 out of 5a month prior


Extraordinary decision, perfect, awesome course!

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Harry Potter

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