MEAN Stack Angular Material Node.js Angular App [2022]
35 👀
Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Nov 01, 2022

MEAN Stack Angular Material Node.js Angular App [2022]

Develop a Fullstack application utilizing Angular, Node.js and Angular Material UI Library

What you'll learn

  • Create a Web Application of type eCommerce Utilizing the MEAN Stack and Angular Material
  • Choose between Backend or Frontend development or do Both (Fullstack) on account of the course resources that wiil be available
  • Learn Mongoose Orders and Queries to be able to communicate with your Database
  • Learn to Implement Authentication based on JWT
  • Learn how to encrypt passwords utilizing Bcrypt
  • Learn File Upload of images utilizing Multer
  • Animate your components to make them move on your page
  • Learn how to integrate Angular Material components to your API


You are expected to know the essentials of Javascript and to know fundamental angular terminology, (for example, what is a component, a service...)


Fabricate a fullsatck MEAN e-commerce Application. In any case, what is a MEAN Stack ?

Well MEAN represents : MongoDB, Express, Angular and Node js. To summarize, the MEAN stack is a connected software that we will create coded in Javascript and more precisely with Angular as a frontend framework and Node js as a backend framework.

You will learn about file upload, angular pipes for filtering information, integrating angular material components to your api, communicating with a database through mongoose, and considerably more ! This course covers exhaustively every aspect of creating a backend with Node js. It likewise teaches you how to test your routes by utilizing a false api software named Mailman. Further more, you are to discover everything there is to be aware of a frontend coded with Angular.


About the UI Library you will be involving in this course : Angular material is a library created by google in 2014 despite everything being used with many updates until the present time. I had the potential chance to use it in my professional career. It contains a wide range of components from stacking spinners, to modular or pop-ups, even snackbars. This course targets developers from different levels, from beginners to advanced.

You are expected to know the very fundamental terms of Javascript, Angular and Node js, for example, "Services", "Components", "npm packages". In any case, in the event that you are curious about these terms you can learn them in a hurry.

Who this course is for:

This is a MEAN Stack course

. Be that as it may, what does MEAN Really depend on ? An abbreviation means : MongoDB, Express, Angular and Node js.

So to summarize, a MEAN Stack is a free and openSource software coded in Javascript with its framework : Angular. We will be

In this course you will learn how to implement :

Angular material components

Secret key encryption to protect the users of your App


File uploads (images)

Filtering information utilizing Angular Pipes

Creating http request to the server

Energizing images in your components

Furthermore, substantially more...

You will learn how to configure a development environment. When you complete this course you will have assimilated everything to be aware of backend programming with Node js and about frontend development with Angular. You will likewise have learnt how to communicate with your database utilizing mongoose orders.


Youssef Kharoufi

Développeur Full Stack

  • 5.0 Educator Rating
  • 1 Review
  • 11 Students
  • 1 Course

I'm an engineer graduate from a School in France named : "Ecole des Mines". Furthermore, I have been filling in as a software developer ever since my graduation. At school we learned about Vanilla Javascript first then I, when all is said and done, got into the Javascript frameworks like Node js and Angular. This means that you can learn them on your own like I did ! Further more, during my professional experiences I had the open door to user UI Libraries like Angular Material or PrimeNG. Lastly I'm likewise acquainted with .NET so maybe in a near futur I will be furnishing you with a course about it who knows :D ?!

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Harry Potter

Harry Potter

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