Michael Janda - The Ultimate Freelance Course
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Jack Sparrow

Jack Sparrow

Sep 25, 2023

Michael Janda - The Ultimate Freelance Course

Unlock the secrets to running your creative business like a seasoned agency pro with Michael Janda's Ultimate Freelance Course. Gain confidence, attract more clients, and maximize profitability. Get 40+ hours of video lessons, templates, and tools to succeed!"

This six suite course bundle covers all that from tracking down clients to managing your creative business. It incorporates 40+ long stretches of video lessons, proposal templates, contracts, pricing systems, project management templates, and significantly more! It is literally All that you want to maintain your creative business profitably and enjoyably!


Join more than 3,000 creative entrepreneurs who are developing their businesses from these courses!

Learn how to step up your creative business!

On the off chance that you are already freelancing full-time or growing a creative agency, my course will assist you with taking it to a higher level. Assuming that you are pondering going full-time freelance, my course will give you the confidence and systems to make it prevail all along.


Position your business to attract more clients

Track down bigger and better clients that pay more

Close bigger deals utilizing my proposals and contracts templates

Persuade clients to pick you over your competitors

Execute better project management to further develop client relationships

Manage your business in a way that maximizes profitability

and a whole lot more!

What's inside The Ultimate Freelance Course?

Course 01: Preparing for Full-time FreelanceIn this course, I walk you through the things I wish I would have known when I started freelancing in 2002. Fortunately, I made more best choices than wrong and my freelance business detonated into an Inc. 5000 agency. The lessons in this course incorporate strategies to assist you with preparing for independent work including mindset preparation, financial preparation, and marketing preparation. This course also incorporates an illustration that contains a portion of the foundational principles that were at the heart of my prosperity as a creative entrepreneur.


Included in this course:

  • More than 1 hour of video content
  • 6 video lessons
  • 3 downloadable resources
  • Step by step instructions to have the right mindset for progress as a freelancer
  • Calculations and strategies to assist you with preparing financially
  • Marketing preparation, including the materials you want to start selling your services
  • Fundamental principles that were instrumental to the development of my freelance business and agency

Course 01: Preparing for Full-time Freelance Curriculum

  • M01L01: Mindset Preparation (10:19)
  • M01L02: Financial Preparation (13:18)
  • M01L03: Marketing Preparation (21:41)
  • M01L04: Backing Team Preparation (9:04)
  • M01L05: How to Pull out all the stops, Full-time Freelance (4:50)
  • M01L06: Fundamental Principles for Creative Entrepreneurs (10:10)

Course 02: Selling Creative Services

This course is a profound jump into sales, a challenge for so many creatives. In the event that you can't sell, you won't prevail as a creative entrepreneur. Through more than 10+ long periods of comprehensive video lessons, I will share with you the procedures I used to develop my agency, yielding $30,000,000+ in revenue north of 15 years and actually shutting more than 2,000 projects for high-profile clients including Disney, Google, ABC, NBC, Fox, Warner Brothers., Pepsi, YouTube and many others.


Course Content:

More than 10+ long periods of video lessons

49 lessons

17 downloadable templates, worksheets, and tools

Comprehensive strategies to assist you with picking a niche

Downloadable worksheets to you characterize your market position

Worksheets and formulas that will assist you with composing your marketing messages

Fundamental sales principles explained exhaustively

Contents and example conversations you can start utilizing with your potential clients

Worksheets and strategies to assist you with reviewing clients

Downloadable capabilities deck templates that you can alter to successfully pitch your services to potential clients

Downloadable spreadsheets and strategies that will assist you with tracking your sales efforts, recognize issues, and redress them

Downloadable revelation meeting questionnaires for many various kinds of projects

This course will change the way you view sales and give you strategies to sell in a "non-sleazy" way

Course 02: Selling Creative Services Curriculum

Module 01: Situating Your Business


  • M01L01: Fostering a Dream (24:17)
  • M01L02: Market Situating (9:34)
  • M01L03: Tracking down Your Niche (11:53)
  • M01L04: Niche Pipes (12:27)
  • M01L05: Validating a Niche (7:48)
  • M01L06: Interesting Value Suggestion (12:25)
  • M01L07: Understanding Your Sales Position (15:18)
  • M01L08: Freelancer or Agency Brand? (21:54)
  • M01L09: Alluding to Your Business (3:58)
  • M01L10: Creating an Elevator Pitch (9:50)
  • M01L11: Three Marketing Summaries (14:27)
  • Module 02: Tracking down Clients


  • M02L01: Sales Principles (15:21)
  • M02L02: Building Trust (5:58)
  • M02L03: Hot, Warm, and Cold Sales Strategies (10:49)
  • M02L04: Client Genealogy (5:27)
  • M02L05: Relationship Levels (10:21)
  • M02L06: Staying Top of Brain (15:19)
  • M02L07: The Standard of Seven (6:00)
  • M02L08: Tracking down Hot Leads (10:18)
  • M02L09: Tracking down Warm Leads (12:18)
  • M02L10: Tracking down Cool Leads (26:00)
  • M02L11: Selling to Pain Focuses (16:14)
  • M02L12: Tracking down Your Most memorable Client (5:33)
  • M02L13: Tracking down Better Clients (15:05)
  • M02L14: Utilizing Freelancer Destinations (11:37)
  • M02L15: Understanding Purchaser Jobs (11:54)
  • M02L16: Non-verbal communication and Sales (8:32)
  • M02L17: Relationship building abilities 101 (17:56)
  • M02L18: Beating Sales Introspection (14:38)
  • M02L19: Tracking Sales Efforts (15:16)
  • Module 03: Capabilities Decks


  • M03L01: Capabilities Decks Outline (16:53)
  • M03L02: Capabilities Deck - How to Alter (14:27)
  • M03L03: Capabilities Deck - Agency Outline (8:56)
  • M03L04: Capabilities Deck - Personality Design (14:00)
  • M03L05: Capabilities Deck - Print Design (9:13)
  • M03L06: Capabilities Deck - Web architecture (11:37)
  • M03L07: Capabilities Deck - Conventional Template (2:39)
  • M03L08: Case Study Deck - Example (10:32)
  • M03L09: Case Study Deck - Conventional Template (4:20)
  • Module 04: Deal Flow


  • M04L01: Lead to Sale Flow (8:36)
  • M04L02: Qualifying Open doors (21:08)
  • M04L03: How to Analyze a New Project An open door (23:42)
  • M04L04: Client Warnings (28:49)
  • M04L05: Revelation Meeting - Obscure Project (13:40)
  • M04L06: Revelation Meeting - Personality Design (8:33)
  • M04L07: Revelation Meeting - Print Design (8:09)
  • M04L08: Revelation Meeting - Web composition (12:34)
  • M04L09: Bringing the Deal to a close (Records) (8:14)
  • M04L10: Bringing the Deal to a close and Settling Sales Concerns (13:57)

Course 03: Proposals and Contracts

I trust my proposal and contract strategy to be the most exhaustive and unbeatable in the creative business. Each contractual example I learned from testing through thousands of client pitches and 15 years of agency grind is currently available in this course. I've included pre-written proposal templates to assist you with selling more successfully and pre-written contracts to assist you with controlling the client engagement. With my proposal and contract strategy everyone wins. The client will know exactly what you will accomplish for them. You will know exactly how to execute and get compensated for your work. These are the proposals and contracts I used to execute on projects for a client list that included Disney, Google, ABC, NBC, Fox, Warner Brothers., National Geographic, and many other amazing brands.


Remembered for this course:

More than 8+ long stretches of video lessons

28 detailed lessons explaining each proposal and contract clause

16 downloadable proposal and contract templates (templates are in Adobe InDesign format and PDF)

Example presentations you can display for your clients sales gatherings

Downloadable spreadsheets and strategies to assist you with tracking your proposals and better understand your creative business

Downloadable proposal templates for many sorts of projects - easy to alter and easy to utilize

Downloadable contract templates (statements of work) that you can easily alter to contract your clients more successfully

Legal expressions for your contracts with clear explanations of each clause

Downloadable change request templates (addendums) and crystal clear directions of how, and when, to utilize them

Downloadable straightforward proposal template with explanations of how to utilize it

Downloadable good guess and how to involve it in your business

A strong contract is the most ideal way to guarantee a happy client, this course will change your business

Course 03: Proposals and Contracts Curriculum


Module 01: Proposals and Contracts Outline


M01L01: Proposals and Contracts Outline (15:18)

M01L02: Phased Based Creation Strategy Outline (20:24)

Module 02: Proposals


M02L01: Proposal Outline (21:05)

M02L02: Proposal Template - How to Alter (11:02)

M02L03: Proposal Template - Logo Design (32:20)

M02L04: Proposal Template - Print Design (18:24)

M02L05: Proposal Template - Web architecture and Improvement (26:15)

M02L06: Proposal Template - Conventional Template (4:06)

M02L07: Consolidating Proposals (7:44)

M02L08: Proposal Presentations (10:43)

M02L09: Proposal and SOW Numbering Formula (7:57)

M02L10: Tracking Proposals and SOWs (8:14)

Module 03: Statements of Work (Project Contracts)


M03L01: Statement of Work (SOW) Outline (21:35)

M03L02: SOW Template - Nonexclusive Project (37:15)

M03L03: SOW Template - Agreements (27:31)

M03L04: SOW Template - Web composition and Improvement (39:23)

M03L05: SOW Template - Logo Design (26:06)

M03L06: SOW Template - Print Leaflet Design (23:59)

M03L07: SOW Template - Site Maintenance (18:49)

M03L08: SOW Template - Time-based Engagements (24:48)

M03L09: SOW Template - Retainers (13:41)

M03L10: Joining SOWs (7:28)

M03L11: Conveying a SOW (6:01)

Module 04: Master Administration Agreements (MSA)


M04L01: MSA Outline (7:53)

M04L02: MSA Template (6:03)

Module 05: Different Agreements


M05L01: Good guess Template (8:22)

M05L02: Straightforward Proposal Template (10:24)

M05L03: Addendums/Change Requests Template (9:21)

Course 04: Pricing Creative Services

On the off chance that you've ready my book, The Brain science of Graphic Design Pricing, you will know my pricing methodology. In any case, you've never heard it explained this way. In this detailed pricing course, I take you bit by bit through my cycle to assist you with understanding your numbers, price your work with confidence, and close more ideal arrangements for more 

Useful Links:

  1. Michael Janda's Ultimate Freelance Course
  2. Michael Janda on Instagram
  3. Burn Your Portfolio - Michael Janda's Best-Selling Book
  4. Riser Creative Agency
  5. Michael Janda's LinkedIn Profile

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Jack Sparrow

Jack Sparrow

Hey Guys We are Tech Enthusiasts and we know knowledge is key to success ! We are here to open path to your success by providing what you want. Today education == business. Our moto is education should be accessible by any person who is not able to purchase overpriced content.

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