Modern Food Recipes App - Android Development with Kotlin
20 👀
Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Nov 11, 2022

Modern Food Recipes App - Android Development with Kotlin

Develop a delightful and completely functional Android App in Android Studio utilizing the force of Kotlin programming language.

What you'll Learn

  • Develop a completely functional Android App
  • Food Recipes Android app
  • ROOM Database
  • Dependency Infusion - Blade Handle
  • Retrofit
  • Disconnected Cache
  • Neighborhood and Distant Data Sources
  • Kotlin
  • Kotlin Coroutines
  • Android Design Part
  • Route Part
  • DataStore Inclinations
  • Data Binding
  • ViewModel
  • AndroidViewModel
  • LiveData
  • Stream
  • DiffUtil
  • RecyclerView
  • Search Recyclerview
  • Client - Server Correspondence
  • Send HTTP Solicitation
  • Parse HTTP Reaction
  • Dull and Light Theme
  • Night Mode
  • Movement Layout
  • Material Components
  • Material Plan
  • Create Shimmer Effect
  • Database Controller
  • ViewPager
  • ViewPager2
  • Create Logical Activity Mode
  • Share Data with Other Apps
  • Create Modular Base Sheet
  • Pleasant looking UI Plan
  • Relocation from kotlin-android-expansions module
  • From there, the sky is the limit...



  • Fundamental information on Kotlin programming langauge
  • Fundamental information on Android Design Components
  • Information about Adobe XD is an or more (however excessive)


Hi and welcome to my course, in this course I will show you how to create a completely functional Android application utilizing the force of Kotlin programming language. We will develop Food Recipes application, where we can peruse recipes from different sort of feast and diet types. This App Configuration will be a ton like the one from my Material UI Configuration course which I made some time prior.

Our application will work with both Remote and neighborhood data sources. What's more, for Far off data source we will involve an outsider API for food recipes, called Spoonacular. I will show you how to lay out association between your app and the server. So fundamentally we will send GET Solicitation to our API and get a rundown of food recipes as a Reaction. Likewise our app will actually want to deal with no web association, and store or cache the data localy to our database when it's required.

Likewise from our application we will actually want to straightforwardly look through recipes from our API. So in the event that you have your #1 flavor you can look through it here and likely you'll track down many astounding recipes. Next our app will have Top choices Part where we can save our number one recipes for later use when we want them. Lastly our app will have a good time side, and that is food joke part.


Anyway this course isn't really for Outright Novices in that frame of mind, essentially you want to have a fundamental information about most famous Android Engineering components, and Kotlin programming language overall. This won't be simple undertaking particularly on the off chance that you haven't worked before at the same time with API and neighborhood database. Still don't get deterred everything is learnable here, assuming that you are roused enough obviously.

Another thing, so this course will be a continuous venture which implies that I will post refreshes consistently, at whatever point we track down another bug, or at whatever point some code cleanup is required. Which is the reason I need to include every one of you who watch this course to cooperate with me in making this app far superior. I will give me you more insights regarding that toward the finish of this course obviously.

So the thing are you hanging tight for, we should get everything rolling developers!

Source code: Visit my Github profile (stevdza-san)


Who this course is for:

  • Android Developers
  • Versatile App Developers
  • Programming Developers
  • Kotlin Developers


Featured Review

Ida Bagus Trisna W.

  • 48 courses
  • 8 audits
  • Rating: 5.0 out of 5год назад

I have been taking a course for Android programming utilizing Kotlin previously so I can follow the instructional exercise, get down to earth utilizations and more bits of knowledge. I want to re-watch the Dependency Infusion again to see better.



Stefan Jovanovic

Android Developer/Creator

  • 4.6 Teacher Rating
  • 2,604 Surveys
  • 12,072 Understudies
  • 25 Courses

Hello there, I am Stefan Jovanović. I'm an Android Developer/Creator and innovation fan. Love chipping away at a previously unheard-of tasks, imparting my insight to other people, and continuously able to find out more.

I accept that long-lasting training is the way to progress. I've been filling in as a developer/originator for a long time up until this point.

Have a heaps of undertakings at the forefront of my thoughts. I will make numerous valuable courses from now on, and expect to hear from you as you sign up for one of them!


4.7 course Ratings 636 Reviews

Marcelo Takao G.

Rating: 5.0 out of 5 - a month prior

Excellent course! The substance is pertinent, the teacher has a decent speed and he continues refreshing and further developing the code overtime.Could you really do satisfy a few recordings clearing up how for compose tests and how to further develop security inside the app?Keep up the great work!


Collins K.

Rating: 4.0 out of 5 - a month prior

A very much organized course. Catches every one of the critical ideas of Android App Development with Kotlin. By and by, the clarifications in Area 10 and Segment 11 could be improved (observed up until this point).


Rachman F.

Rating: 5.0 out of 5 - 2 months prior

What an extraordinary illustration without a doubt. This course shown us material plan android a long ways past and high level android development including configuration design MVVM, android jetpack,dagger hilt,dsb. One Of Incredible course android


AbedElaziz S.

Rating: 5.0 out of 5 - 4 months prior

The course is generally excellent, it has bunches of coding and covers every one of the significant functionalities with the most recent suggested rehearses by Google. I utilized this course to revive my memory on numerous topics.I have suggested

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Harry Potter

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