Modular Monolith Architecture [Milan Jovanović]
40 👀
Harry Potter

Harry Potter

May 28, 2024

Modular Monolith Architecture [Milan Jovanović]

The Ultimate Modular Monolith Blueprint

This in-depth course will transform the way you build modern systems. You will learn the best practices for applying the Modular Monolith architecture in a real-world scenario. Join 600+ other students to accelerate your growth as a software architect.

Everything you need to build and scale a modular monolith system.

Evently system architecture diagram

Modular Monoliths: Introduction

We'll start with the foundations. Building a modular monolith requires a deep understanding of monoliths and microservices. Modular monoliths take the best of both worlds.

Defining Module Boundaries

You will learn how to apply Domain-Driven Design and Event Storming to explore potential domain boundaries. This is where we'll introduce the sample application we will build.

Module Cross-Cutting Concerns

How do you apply cross-cutting concerns without coupling the modules? Here, you're going to learn how to isolate dependency injection, configuration, and more for each module.

Module Communication

We're going to explore the two ways how modules can communicate. This will determine how flexible your system will be for future changes.

Authentication & Authorization

We can't build a production-ready system without robust authentication and authorization. Here, we will introduce token-based authentication and RBAC (Role-Based Access Control).

Architecture Enforcement

What good is a shiny software architecture if we can easily break it? You'll learn 3 techniques you can apply to ensure your team sticks to the modular monolith architecture.

Reliable Messaging: Outbox and Inbox

What happens if we fail to publish a message? How do we apply temporal decoupling? How do we implement idempotency? You'll learn all of this and so much more.

Event-Driven Architecture

We're going to explain what it means to be event-driven. You will learn how the reactive programming paradigm can help you implement a robust, loosely coupled system.

Testing Modular Monoliths

How can you have complete confidence in your system? I'll show you a powerful approach for testing modular monoliths. It's almost like running our system in the real world.

Microservices: Extracting Modules

Finally, I'm going to present how to transition from a modular monolith to microservices. We will also introduce an API Gateway and distributed messaging system.

More Than Just Theory

Modular Monolith Architecture includes more than just theoretical discussion.

We're going to build a production-ready system from scratch. This includes dozens of API endpoints, 50+ use cases, and 6000+ lines of code.

I built the course with bonus resources to make sure you apply what you learn.

After Completing This Course You Will

  • Confidently use Modular Monoliths to build robust and scalable systems
  • Learn how to create an architecture that stands the test of time
  • Understand how to implement an event-driven system
  • Easily migrate to microservices (if you need to)

The Full Curriculum

Introduction (9m)

  • Agenda, Your Instructor, Course Structure
  • How To Use This Course

Modular Monoliths: Introduction (46m)

  • Introduction, Monoliths and Microservices
  • Modular Monoliths
  • Module Constraints

Defining Module Boundaries (1h 47m)

  • Domain-Driven Design, Event Storming, Bounded Contexts
  • Introducing Evently Sample Application
  • Building the First Module
  • Refactoring to Clean Architecture
  • Events Module Review

Module Cross-Cutting Concerns (1h 13m)

  • Cross-Cutting Concerns
  • Dependency Injection
  • Module Configuration
  • Structured Logging With Serilog and Seq
  • Exception Handling
  • Validation With FluentValidation
  • Distributed Caching With Redis
  • Health Checks
  • Automatically Registering Endpoints

Module Communication (1h 22m)

  • Module Communication Patterns
  • Publishing Domain Events
  • Introducing the Users Module
  • Scaffolding the Ticketing Module
  • Synchronous Communication
  • Duplicating Data Between Modules
  • Asynchronous Communication
  • Eventual Consistency: Introduction

Authentication & Authorization (1h 23m)

  • Authentication & Authorization
  • Keycloak Identity Provider Setup
  • Token Based Authentication
  • User Registration With Keycloak
  • RBAC Authorization

Architecture Enforcement (35m)

  • Architecture Enforcement
  • Modular Architecture
  • Architecture Testing

Reliable Messaging: Outbox and Inbox (1h 10m)

  • Reliable Messaging
  • Outbox Pattern
  • Outbox: Idempotent Consumers
  • Inbox Pattern

Event-Driven Architecture (1h)

  • Event-Driven Architecture
  • Event Notifications
  • Event-Carried State Transfer
  • Materialized Views and CQRS
  • Saga Pattern, Orchestration

Testing Modular Monoliths (1h 14m)

  • Testing Modular Monoliths
  • Unit Testing
  • Integration Testing
  • System Integration Testing
  • Automated Testing in CI/CD Pipelines

Microservices: Extracting Modules (1h 24m)

  • Microservices Benefits, Extracting Modules
  • Distributed Tracing, OpenTelemetry
  • Distributed Messaging With RabbitMQ
  • API Gateways, Introducing YARP
  • Extracting Modules to Microservices

BONUS - Modular Monoliths: CQRS With MongoDB (40m)

  • Introduction, Document Databases
  • Implementing CQRS With MongoDB

BONUS - Modularize Your Monolith: A Quick Guide (1h 31m)

  • Introduction, Modular Monoliths
  • Defining Module Boundaries
  • Introducing Sample Application
  • Module Code Organization
  • Module Communication
  • Module Data Isolation
  • Enforcing Module Boundaries

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Harry Potter

Harry Potter

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