Next.js & React - The Complete Guide (incl. Two Paths!)
18 👀
Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Nov 30, 2022

Next.js & React - The Complete Guide (incl. Two Paths!)

Gain NextJS starting from the earliest stage and build production-prepared, fullstack ReactJS apps with the NextJS framework!

What you'll Learn

  • Realize all key NextJS highlights like pre-delivering, SSR, data fetching, record based steering and confirmation
  • Figure out how to build client-side and fullstack ReactJS apps with NextJS
  • Build genuine projects and apply what you realized with involved projects and models
  • Take the full course or the "NextJS Summary" module for a quickstart on the off chance that you have restricted time


  • ReactJS knowledge is emphatically suggested, however the course likewise incorporates a complete React boost module
  • NO earlier NextJS knowledge is required


Join this smash-hit NextJS course and figure out how to build profoundly powerful, quick and SEO-prepared React apps with React and NextJS!

This course accompanies two ways which you can take: The "complete" way (full >20h course) and the "outline" way (~3h rundown module) - you can pick the way that best accommodates your time prerequisites!


I made the top-rated Udemy course on React, presently I'm really eager to impart this course on NextJS to you - a top to bottom course about an astounding React framework that permits you to make the next stride as a React designer and build genuine, production-prepared projects with React and Next.js!

Next.js is the production-prepared, full-stack framework for ReactJS - the most popular JavaScript library you can get familiar with nowadays!

An excessive number of popular expressions for your taste?

All good - yet without a doubt, NextJS is an incredible decision for becoming as a React engineer and for taking your React apps to the next level!

Since NextJS is developing quick and in this way sought after. Furthermore, there are good purposes behind that: NextJS permits you to build React apps with worked in server-side delivering and page pre-delivering. Building extraordinary client encounters and web search tool well disposed (SEO!) React apps has never been more straightforward!

Likewise, NextJS makes building fullstack React apps (frontend + backend code joined in one venture) very simple too! Mix client-side and server-side code and build a NodeJS-based API side-by-side with your frontend React apps. It's a breeze with NextJS!

Need to add verification? NextJS improves on that also and makes client information exchange, sign in and meeting the executives exceptionally helpful.

This course will take you from NextJS amateur to advanced level right away!

We'll begin at the very basics, no NextJS knowledge is expected by any means, and we'll then jump into all the center elements that make up NextJS. Both in theory as well similarly as with different genuine projects where all concepts will be applied bit by bit.

For this course, you'll require fundamental React knowledge, however the course accompanies a "React boost" module in the event that it's been some time since you last worked with React.

This course likewise incorporates a "NextJS Summary" module which permits you to constantly return to the course from now on and revive your knowledge without going through the full course once more. Or on the other hand you simply take that rundown module (and avoid the rest until further notice) to find out pretty much all the center elements in as brief period as could be expected.

Subsequent to following through with this course, you'll be good to go to build your own NextJS projects starting from the earliest stage and go after NextJS jobs!

Exhaustively, this course will cover:

  • What is NextJS? Furthermore, how could you utilize it?
  • For what reason is simply React (by and large) sufficiently not?
  • Making NextJS projects from the beginning and figuring out these projects
  • Working with record based directing
  • Adding dynamic courses and catch-all courses
  • Executing various types of page pre-delivering and server-side delivering
  • Working with data and adding data fetching + pre-fetching to your apps
  • Pre-producing dynamic and static pages
  • Adding optimizations like metadata to pages
  • Streamlining pictures with the NextJS Image part
  • Building fullstack apps with API courses
  • Overseeing application wide state with React setting (in NextJS apps)
  • Adding validation to NextJS apps
  • Different complete apps where we'll apply this multitude of center concepts!
  • A complete React.js boost module (so that we are in general in total agreement)
  • A NextJS outline module with the goal that you can revive what you realized or simply investigate the center highlights rapidly
  • Furthermore, considerably more!
  • I can hardly stand by to begin this excursion along with you! :)

Who this course is for:

  • React engineers who need to make the next stride and build production-prepared React apps
  • React designers who plan to build fullstack React apps
  • Web designers by and large, who need to work with one of the most popular and sought after tech stacks

Highlighted Review

Cameron L.

  • 10 courses
  • 7 surveys
  • Rating: 5.0 out of 5a year ago

I Really love the academind group, max is a magnificent teacher and I truly like his courses I realize that he isn't the only one in the group and my appreciation goes out to every one of you. I simply wish you would offer a complete guided to (tech/delicate)- meetings and code difficulties for data structures, algos and so on.




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Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Hey Guys We are Tech Enthusiasts and we know knowledge is key to success ! We are here to open path to your success by providing what you want. Today education == business. Our moto is education should be accessible by any person who is not able to purchase overpriced content.

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