Next.js - The Full Course (
43 πŸ‘€
Harry Potter

Harry Potter

May 07, 2023

Next.js - The Full Course (

Learn the fundamentals of Next.js 13 and the App Router with the Full Course by Master data-fetching, caching, user authentication, and more with React, Typescript, and Prisma. Build a Social Media Platform and migrate from previous versions of Next.js. Enroll today for lifetime access at a blazingly low price.


Tech Stack

  • React
  • Typescript
  • Prisma


Next.js - The Full Course gives a top to bottom investigate the Next.js App Router presented in version 13.2. It incorporates React Server Components by building a full-stack application without any preparation with PostgreSQL and Prisma.

What will I Learn?

  • πŸ‘¨‍🎀 All that you should be useful with present day Next.js
  • ⚑ Complex points made sense of in 100 seconds
  • πŸ“š Configuration designs with React Server Components (RSC)
  • πŸ’Ž Step by step instructions to pick ideal rendering procedures
  • πŸš… Dynamic steering and project organization
  • πŸ”₯ High level data fetching and caching
  • πŸ‘² User authentication with Auth.js
  • πŸ“… Data displaying with Postgres and Primsa
  • πŸ€” Instructions to relocate from previous versions of Next.js

πŸ¦„ What will I Develop?

You will fabricate a basic Virtual Entertainment Platform roused by locales like MySpace and Facebook where users can become friends with one another. The objective of this project is to acquaint you with Next's rendering, data-fetching, and caching techniques.

πŸ€” Is this Course Ideal for Me?

This course is intermediate level 🟦 and anticipates some knowledge of React.js, JavaScript, and web development. The substance is quick moving and like my style on YouTube, yet undeniably more top to bottom and ought to be continued in a straight format.

When was the course last refreshed?

Refreshed May first, 2023 next v13.4

How would I select?

The initial not many recordings are free, so give it attempt. At the point when you arrive at a paid module, you will be approached to pay for a solitary course or move up to Star.

Instructions to Select

purchase this course for $20.

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01 Next.js Tutorial

Next.js Nuts and bolts Tutorial


02 App Router

Next.js App Router with Server Components


03 Route Handlers

Make API Endpoints with Route Handlers


04 Layouts

Dividing UI among pages with Layouts


05 Rendering and SEO

Rendering systems for website streamlining


06 Data Fetching

How data fetching functions in Next.js


07 Streaming and Suspense

How React Suspense empowers UI streaming


08 Auth.js

User authentication with Auth.js


09 Prisma

Introduction into Prisma with PostgreSQL


10 Project Setup and Organization

Make another Next.js Project without any preparation


11 Navigation

Make a navigation menu


12 Static pages

Make a statically delivered page


13 API Routes

Make an essential API endpoint


14 SSR

Dynamic Server-side Rendering Essentials


15 Static Generation

Statically create a dynamic rundown of routes


16 Auth.js Setup

Add auth.js for user authentication


17 Really look at Auth State

Get the ongoing user server and client-side


18 SignIn Buttons

Make buttons for SignIn and SignOut


19 Protect Routes

Divert unauthenticated directing solicitations


20 Database Setup

Setup a free cloud PostgreSQL database


21 Prisma Setup

Add prisma to Next.js


22 Auth Data Store

Store user data in your database


23 API Route Fetching

Bring data from an API route


24 Server Component Fetching

Bring data from React Server Components


25 Dynamic Route Data

Bring data from a dynamic route


26 Loading UI

Instructions to handle loading state


27 Blunder UI

Handle data fetching blunders


28 Form Sumbmission

Update db records with form submissions


29 Follower System

Add an endpoint to make relational data


30 Follower System

Model data for user followers


31 Client Mutation

Carry out client-side UI for follow button


32 Server Actions

Make functions that sudden spike in demand for the server

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Next.js - The Full Course πŸš€
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Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Hey Guys We are Tech Enthusiasts and we know knowledge is key to success ! We are here to open path to your success by providing what you want. Today education == business. Our moto is education should be accessible by any person who is not able to purchase overpriced content.

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