Python/Django + React QR Digital Menu Builder ( PythonYoga )
140 🔥
Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Dec 06, 2022

Python/Django + React QR Digital Menu Builder ( PythonYoga )

Made for cafés, hotels, bars, and inns. Your consumers can purchase from their table or their chair at home.

Why QR Code for Menu?

  •  Coronavirus circumstances
  •  Save money on printing costs
  •  Effectively alterable without republishing
  •  Contactless and touchless experience
  •  Update on the fly with new pictures and costs
  •  Incredible requesting experience

What are we trying to Develop?

A QR code menu developer that would supplant your actual menu with a QR code advanced menu with requesting and installment framework. This instrument is made for cafés, hotels, bars, and inns.



  • Self-guided

- Advance anyplace, whenever

  • Bit by bit

- Like genuine activities

  • Video Course

- Under 10-hour recordings

Make a customizable digital menu.

  •  Make menus for better places
  •  Make various classifications
  •  add pictures
  •  Add things, portrayal, costs
  •  See menu progressively


Modify menu instantly 

  •  Change the textual style styles
  •  Change the button tone
  •  All changes are progressively

QR Code

  •  QR code for various tables
  •  Produce novel connection for each QR code
  •  Printing QR code


  •  To see the menu user should scan the QR code
  •  Unique connection for each table
  •  Select food and update the quantity
  •  Survey and spot orders
  •  Installment with Credit card
  •  User-friendly responsive UI for mobile

Tech stacks

All through this thorough course, we cover fantastic frameworks and libraries, and we will show you how you can develop and send off simple web applications for a genuine issue.

- Back-end structure

- Front-end structure

  • Bootstrap

- Responsive UI structure

  • Stripe

- Online installment handling

  • Github

- Source code the executives

  • Heroku

- Cloud stage for the creation

🍿 In addition - 3x Bonus Courses

  • Major Python
  • Major Django
  • Major React

Meet the Mentor

Hello, I'm Leo 👋

A Stay-at-home father of 2 children

Pioneer behind Code4Startup and a few side activities.

I quit my place of employment as an all-day computer programmer in 2015 and ventured into the unknown domain - the startup world.

Being a performance organizer and a producer, I got a $1M achievement over five years by showing individuals how to code and fabricate important stuff.

What's more, here I come… with another excursion - PythonYoga

We should shake!!! 🎉 😎 🤘 👊




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Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Hey Guys We are Tech Enthusiasts and we know knowledge is key to success ! We are here to open path to your success by providing what you want. Today education == business. Our moto is education should be accessible by any person who is not able to purchase overpriced content.

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