Python Programmer ( Datacamp )
20 👀
Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Sep 14, 2023

Python Programmer ( Datacamp )

Acquire the vocation building abilities you really want to effectively foster software, fight data, perform progressed data analysis, and become a Python programmer. No earlier coding experience is required; you can begin your excursion to turning into a Python programmer today! In this track, you'll figure out how to control data, compose efficient Python code, and work with testing data, including date and time data, text data, and web data utilizing APIs. As your abilities develop, you'll advance to composing Python functions and unit testing — a fundamental expertise expected to find bugs in your code before your clients do! Through intuitive activities, you'll likewise acquire experience working with strong Python libraries, including NumPy, pytest, and pycodestyle, that will assist you with performing key programmer undertakings like web development, data analysis, and assignment robotization. When you finish this track, you'll have a solid handle of what's expected to turn into a Python programmer and have the right stuff to get everything rolling as one.


Itro to Python

Ace the nuts and bolts of data analysis with Python in only four hours. This internet based course will present the Python interface and investigate famous packages.

4 hours

Hugo Bowne-Anderson

Data Researcher at DataCamp



Middle Python

Step up your data science abilities by making representations utilizing Matplotlib and controlling DataFrames with pandas.

4 hours

Hugo Bowne-Anderson

Data Researcher at DataCamp



Data Manipulation with pandas

Figure out how to import and clean data, work out measurements, and make perceptions with pandas.

4 hours

Richie Cotton

Data Evangelist at DataCamp



Python Data Science Tool compartment (Section 1)

Get familiar with the specialty of composing your own functions in Python, as well as key ideas like scoping and error handling.

3 hours

Hugo Bowne-Anderson

Data Researcher at DataCamp



Python Data Science Tool compartment (Section 2)

Keep on building your cutting edge Data Science abilities by finding out about iterators and list comprehensions.

4 hours

Hugo Bowne-Anderson

Data Researcher at DataCamp


Data Types for Data Science in Python

Merge and expand your insight into Python data types like lists, dictionaries, and tuples, utilizing them to take care of Data Science issues.

4 hours

Jason Myers

Co-Creator of Fundamental SQLAlchemy and Software Specialist



Composing Efficient Python Code

Figure out how to compose efficient code that executes rapidly and designates resources ably to stay away from pointless above.

4 hours

Logan Thomas

Logical Software Specialized Coach, Enthought



Working with Dates and Times in Python

Figure out how to function with dates and times in Python.

4 hours

DataCamp Content Maker

Course Educator



Regular Expressions in Python

Find out about string manipulation and become a pro at utilizing regular expressions.

4 hours

Maria Eugenia Inzaugarat

Data Researcher and Man-made reasoning Advisor



Web Scraping in Python

Figure out how to recover and parse data from the web utilizing the Python library scrapy.

4 hours

Thomas Laetsch

Data Researcher at New York College



Composing Functions in Python

Figure out how to utilize best practices to compose viable, reusable, complex functions with great documentation.

4 hours

Shayne Miel

Head of Software Engineering @ American Efficient



Data Designs and Calculations in Python

Investigate data designs, for example, connected lists, stacks, lines, hash tables, and charts; and search and sort calculations!

4 hours

Miriam Antona

Software Specialist



Prologue to Shell

The Unix order line assists clients with consolidating existing projects in new ways, mechanize redundant errands, and run programs on groups and mists.

4 hours

DataCamp Content Maker

Course Teacher



Prologue to Git

Really get to know Git for adaptation control. Investigate how to follow, look at, adjust, and return documents, as well as team up with partners utilizing Git.

4 hours

George Boorman

Educational plan Chief, DataCamp



Software Engineering Principles in Python

Find out about particularity, documentation, and robotized testing to assist you with taking care of data science issues all the more rapidly and dependably.

4 hours

Adam Spannbauer

AI Architect at Eastman



Creating Python Packages

Figure out how to make your own Python packages to make your code more straightforward to utilize and impart to other people.

4 hours

James Fulton

Environment Informatics Specialist



Unit Testing for Data Science in Python

Figure out how to compose unit tests for your Data Science projects in Python utilizing pytest.

4 hours

Dibya Chakravorty

Senior Python Designer, TECH-5



Object-Oriented Programming in Python

Make a plunge and figure out how to make classes and influence legacy and polymorphism to reuse and enhance code.

4 hours

Alex Yarosh

Educational program Designer @ Cockroach Labs

Useful Links:

  1. Python Official Website
  2. Matplotlib Documentation
  3. pandas Documentation
  4. pytest Documentation
  5. Git Official Website
  6. Unit Testing in Python with pytest
  7. Object-Oriented Programming in Python

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Python Programmer ( Datacamp ) ❤️
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Harry Potter

Harry Potter

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