React 18 Tutorial and Projects Course (2023)[John Smilga]
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Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Apr 08, 2023

React 18 Tutorial and Projects Course (2023)[John Smilga]

Learn React by Building 25+ Interesting Projects

What you'll learn

Make Great Projects Utilizing React



Solid Knowledge of HTML, CSS, JS is Required. ES6 is discretionary.


React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It is developed and maintained by Facebook, and is often used for building single-page applications and mobile applications.

One reason to learn React is that it is a well known and in-demand technology, so learning it can improve your work prospects and make it easier to look for a job as a front-end developer. React is likewise a decent choice for building modern web applications because it is efficient, scalable, and quick, and it uses a virtual DOM (a lightweight in-memory representation of the genuine DOM) to minimize the number of DOM controls required, which makes it easier to construct high-performance applications.

Another reason to learn React is that a well-designed and flexible library makes it easy to construct reusable components that can be composed to fabricate complex user interfaces. This makes it easier to maintain and update your codebase over time, as you can reuse components in multiple places rather than changing the same code multiple times.

Overall, React is a powerful and widely used instrument for building modern web applications, and learning it tends to be a valuable expansion to your skillset as a front-end developer.

During the course we will use latest version of React - React 18.

To the extent that concepts we will cover

- React Fundamentals

- useState hook

- useEffect hook

- conditional rendering

- forms

- useRef hook

- useReducer hook

- prop drilling

- context api

- custom hooks

- useCallback hook

- useMemo hook

- React Router 6

- axios http library

- redux-toolkit


All Project Introductions are available for preview.

Here are some of the projects we will work in this course

1. Birthday Reminder

2. Tours

3. Reviews

4. Accordion

5. Menu

6. Tabs

7. Slider

8. Lorem Ipsum

9. Color Generator

10. Grocery Bud

11. Navbar

12. Sidebar and Modal

13. Stripe Menu

14. Cart

15. Cocktails

16. Markdown Preview

17. Random Person

18. Pagination

19. Stock Photos

20. Dark Mode

21. Movies DB

22. Hacker News

23. Test

24. Github Users

25. E-Commerce

26. Jobster


Who this course is for:

Everyone who needs to learn React


John Smilga


  • 4.7 Educator Rating
  • 21,128 Reviews
  • 119,818 Students
  • 7 Courses

Hello, I'm John Smilga and I'm a web developer. I live and work in Sarasota, FL. I spend the greater part of my day, experimenting with HTML, CSS and Javascript (and it's endless rundown of frameworks). I enjoy coding and the challenge of learning something new everyday. You can likewise track down me at youtube channel Coding Fiend.


4.7 course ratings 8K reviews

Joe C.

Rating: 5.0 out of 5a week prior


Great course, I had so many react course, this is the one makes me feel really getting used to React.


Adam H.

Rating: 4.0 out of 5a month prior


This course teaches you to code with React, yet it needs explanations of some fundamental React concepts, how React works behind the scenes, and the code implementation of the course sometimes being improper(e.g. abuse of the useEffect hook). I recommend the students of this course visit the authority React docs site(currently beta) for further learning after following through with the course.


Devashish R.

Rating: 5.0 out of 53 months prior


Jon Smilga is the OG of React.Js as I would like to think. I started following him from FreeCodeCamp and after learning from his Udemy Javascript course and I purchased this React Course. I love the manner in which he teaches everything in the smallest details. Anyone who needs to learn React, decisively purchase this course. My promise, you won't regret this decision.


Praveen T.

Rating: 5.0 out of 54 months prior


John is an awesome Teacher. I'm fortunate to find his courses which will teach everything needed to become a web developer. I purchased all his courses.The project based approach with many projects and repetition makes us

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