React Bootcamp: Build 50 Real World React Projects
29 👀
Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Apr 21, 2023

React Bootcamp: Build 50 Real World React Projects

Learn React Programming with the React Bootcamp and build 50 real world React projects. Develop web applications using Socket, REST APIs, Firebase, React Hooks, Bootstrap, React.js, and create a portfolio of in-demand projects. Get hands-on experience with practical concepts in React development and become a React.js expert in no time. Basic knowledge of React is required.


What you'll learn

  1. See the step-by-step process of designing and assembling an advanced project
  2. Assemble incredibly reusable React components
  3. Learn To Create Real World React Projects
  4. Complete A React Projects Without any preparation
  5. Fabricate powerful, quick, user-friendly and reactive web apps
  6. Fundamental to advanced level functional concepts in React development
  7. Learn and understand what is React and the way in which it works
  8. Learn to use React Hooks for building practical components
  9. Create portfolio of real-world projects on one of the most in-demand web development technologies



Fundamental knowledge of React


As may be obvious, the increases you get from React are really astounding. There are numerous possibilities offered by this library, regardless of the size of the project and the application you need to develop. Moreover, as you can see from the examination with Rakish and Vue, React was conceived with the idea that it would be a simple device to use in this way permitting the learning curve to be very steep. In opposition to a framework like Rakish, we can master React Programming rapidly permitting us to get the most out of it and become real experts in a brief time frame.

In This Course Learn React Programming Essentially, Develop Real World Web Applications Utilizing Socket, REST APIs, Firebase, React Hooks, Bootstrap, React.js, Webpack , HTML5 , CSS3 , React-Router.

React js developer: salaries per region

  • New York - $142,350
  • Georgia - $135,000
  • New Jersey - $131,625
  • California - $130,000
  • Illinois - $126,750
  • Arizona - $121,875
  • Texas - $117,000

In This Course, We Will Work On 50 Real World React Development Projects Listed Below:


  • Project-1 : E-Commerce (Amazon Clone) - React, React-Context-Programming interface, Firebase
  • Project-2 : Chat Application - React, React Chat engine, Socket, Rest Apis
  • Project-3 : Movies Application (Ott) - React, Omdb Programming interface, React Hooks, Bootstrap
  • Project-4 : Video Sharing Website - React, Youtube Programming interface, Material-Ui, Axios
  • Project-5 : Todolist Website - React, Material-Ui, React Hooks, State Management
  • Project-6 : Blog Website - React, Material-Ui, React Hooks, State Management, Gnews Programming interface
  • Project-7 : Social Networking Website - Material-Ui, React Hooks, State Management, Google Oauth, Security And Authentication
  • Project-8 : Resume Website (Portfolio) - React, Material-Ui, React Hooks, State Management- -
  • Project-9 : An Emoji Search Application Made With React - React, Reactdom, Html5, Css3
  • Project-10 : A Breaking Bad Character Application Made With React - React, Reactdom, Html5, Scss, React Context
  • Project-11 : A Random Quote Generator Application Made With React And Deployed On Heroku
  • Project-12 : A Password Generator Application Made With React - React, Reactdom, Html5, Css
  • Project-13 : A Quiz App Made With React - React, Reactdom, Html5, Scss
  • Project-14 : UnSplash Image Gallery Application made with React - ReactDOM, React Hooks
  • Project-15 : A React Router Demo Application made with ReactJs - React Js , NPM , CSS , React Router Dom , Context , React Hooks
  • Project-16 : A Book Shelf Application made with React Js , NPM , CSS , State Management
  • Project-17 : A Note Taking Application Made with React and Redux-React Js , NPM , CSS , State Management , Redux , React-Redux , CRA
  • Project-18 : A React Contact Register Application-React Js , NPM , CSS , State Management , React Context , Hooks
  • Project-19 : A Spend Money App made with React Js , NPM , CSS , State Management , React Context , Hooks
  • Project-20 : A Resort Booking Application made with React Js , NPM , CSS , State Management , Hooks , CRA
  • Project-21 : A Body Mass Index Calculator made with React Js , NPM , CSS , State Management , React Context , Hooks , Context
  • Project-22 : A Furniture Store made with React and Redux-React Js , NPM , CSS , State Management , React Context , Hooks
  • Project-23 : A Scoreboard Application made with ReactJS-React Js , NPM , CSS , State Management , React Context , Hooks
  • Project-24 : Meta Tag Generator Application made with React Js , NPM , CSS , State Management , React Context , Hooks
  • Project-25 : Food Ordering Web Application - ReactJs, Material-Ui, React Router, Css
  • Project-26 : Weather Web Application Utilizing Programming interface - ReactJs, Open Weather Programming interface, Css
  • Project-27 : Food Recipe Application - ReactJs, Edamam Programming interface, Firebase For Facilitating, Css
  • Project-28 : My Cart Application - ReactJs, React-Hooks, External Programming interface, Css
  • Project-29 : Cafe Menu Application - ReactJs, React-Hooks , Firebase, Css
  • Project-30 : Cocktail Center Web Application - ReactJs, React-Hooks, External Programming interface, Context Programming interface, Css
  • Project-31 : Review Posting Application - ReactJs, Material-Ui, Css, Nanoid
  • Project-32 : Pomodoro Application - ReactJs, React Commencement Timer Npm Package, Css
  • Project-33 : Google Search Application Utilizing Programming interface - ReactJs, Tailwind Css, Google Search Programming interface, React Router Dom, React Player- -
  • Project-34 : Spasm Tac-Toe game with React js
  • Project-35 : Word and letter counter apllication utilizing react js, including useState hooks and pure javascript.
  • Project-36 : Currency converter utilizing React js
  • Project-37 : Speech Recogitio, Voice colleague app utilizing react js
  • Project-38 : How to fabricate a Calculator utilizing react js, with hooks
  • Project-39 : Fabricate a budget app utilizing react js, hooks, custom hooks, react-contex concept
  • Project-40 : Music Player utilizing react js (Spotify clone) utilizing react js with proper user interface utilizing official spotify programming interface
  • Project-41 : Calender Application with scheduling events usefulness
  • Project-42 : Word reference App utilizing react js
  • Project-43 : Youtube Clone utilizing react js
  • Project-44 : Canndy Squash game usinng react js
  • Project-45 : Astronomy stuff of the day Utilizing ReactJs CSS , react hooks, APOD Programming interface of NASA
  • Project-46 : Rock paper Scissors utilizing Reactjs , CSS, React hooks
  • Project-47 : Realtime Notice app Utilizing ReactJs , CSS, React hooks , Socket
  • Project-48 : Coronavirus tracker Application Utilizing ReactJs , CSS , React hooks
  • Project-49 : Random gif generator app utilizing ReactJs , React Hooks , CSS , Programming interface , nonconcurrent javascript
  • Project-50 : Wildfire tracker App Utilizing Reactjs, CSS, nonconcurrent js, NASA open Programming interface


Note (Read This): This Course Is Worth Of Your Time And Money, Enroll Now Before Offer Expires.



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Sufa Computerized Is A Data Technology Organization, Taking care of Real World Corporate Business Problems Utilizing Latest Technologies. We Additionally Teach Students Latest Technologies That Are Implemented By Several Companies In reality. We Have Worked On Different Industry Verticals And Spaces. We Believe Should Teach Everything That We Have Learned While Working With Corporates.


Useful Links:

  1. React Official Documentation:
  2. React Hooks Documentation:
  3. Firebase Documentation:
  4. Bootstrap Documentation:
  5. React Router Documentation:
  6. Material-UI Documentation:
  7. Redux Documentation:
  8. Edamam API Documentation:
  9. OpenWeather API Documentation:
  10. Tailwind CSS Documentation:

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