React Fundamentals Quickstart: A Fast Start for Developers
124 🔥
Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Nov 11, 2022

React Fundamentals Quickstart: A Fast Start for Developers

An extensive quickstart for existing developers new to React. In a little more than 60 minutes, learn the core React ideas.

What you'll learn

  • Make a React application without any preparation
  • Utilize React's JSX syntax
  • Make React components
  • Impart between components
  • Style React components with CSS in JS, CSS classes, CSS modules, and SASS
  • Show pictures in React components
  • Tie to data in React components
  • Handle client input with occasions
  • Oversee part state with the useState() hook
  • Access Programming interface data with the useEffect() hook
  • Use React Router to characterize courses and pages (URLs)
  • Connection to courses/pages
  • Access URL query/search boundaries
  • Characterize and utilize course boundaries



  • A functioning information on HTML and JavaScript is enthusiastically suggested.
  • An essential comprehension of CSS is suggested yet isn't needed.
  • A comprehension of explicit JavaScript highlights including: Bolt works, clusters, and exhibit works like map() and filter().
  • You don't need to be a JavaScript, HTML or CSS master to take this course.


A course doesn't need to be long to be successful. This course skirts the exhausting presentations and rundowns and rapidly illustrates, in code, how to make React applications. This is an especially supportive organization for experienced developers who are needing to learn React. I'm an accomplished video course creator with over 25 years of computer programming experience and 10 years of involvement making specialized, front-end improvement learning content.


This course starts by showing you how to make a new React application without any preparation utilizing make react-application, including a prologue to how the pipes of how a React application is bootstrapped. You'll learn what react is, the manner by which it utilizes ReactDOM to effectively deliver content, and the significant pieces of React's special JSX syntax.


Furthermore, you'll learn how to:

  • Make your own React components
  • Style your componetns with css, css modules, and SASS
  • Show data and pictures in your components
  • Share data across components
  • Oversee part state (data which changes over the long haul) with the useState() hook
  • Answer client occasions like mouse clicks
  • Characterize and connection to URLs, courses and pages
  • Use URL Query and Course Boundaries
  • Share state (data) across numerous components
  • Access Programming interface data with the fetch() and React's useEffect() hook


You'll learn and the sky is the limit from there as we fabricate an internet business site that is both fascinating and pertinent to current web improvement. The application constructed can be gotten to on Github and the Github repo contains a designated spot for every video in the course, so you can undoubtedly investigate the application at some random point in the course.

Who this course is for:

  • This is a FAST-paced course planned for developers who are fresh out of the plastic new to React.
  • You needn't bother with to be a specialist engineer to learn React from this course, however fresh out of the plastic new developers might think that it is excessively fast-paced.
  • Experienced developers will cherish the fast speed and spotlight on speedy conveyance of the most basic data.
  • Non-developers and shiny new developers might see this as course excessively fast paced.



Jim Cooper

Programmer and Video Course Creator

  • 5.0 Teacher Rating
  • 1 Survey
  • 5 Understudies
  • 1 Course
  • 25+ years as a full-stack programming designer.
  • 10+ years as a front-end designer.
  • 10+ years as an expert video course creator.


Hello there, I'm Jim Cooper and I'm excited to have the option to share my energy for front-end advancement tech with you. I have been distributing video course satisfied on significant video preparing stages for over 10 years now and I trust that you'll find that has permitted me to make excellent substance that gets rapidly focused and educates in an engaging and simple to follow way.


I've spent the main part of my profession as a down and dirty programmer with two or three years as a Ranking executive of Designing Practices for Pluralsight where I drove an astonishing group of Designing Chiefs who educated and upheld for reasonable, quality designing practices. My genuine energy as of late, however, has been front-end programming advancement. I've utilized JavaScript, Rakish, and React all expertly and self-trained myself Vue.js which is one of my #1 front-end systems.

Look at my courses.


5.0 course Rating 2 Reviews

Alan I.

Rating: 5.0 out of 5 - a day prior

Clear and to the point introduction on React fundamentals! Extremely important themes introduced at an extraordinary speed!


Bret H.

Rating: 5.0 out of 5 - 2 days prior

I'd energetically prescribe this course to acquire a superior comprehension of React Fundamentals. Despite the fact that I've been utilizing React for quite a while I both learned and yet again learned things from this course. I'm anticipating new courses

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Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Hey Guys We are Tech Enthusiasts and we know knowledge is key to success ! We are here to open path to your success by providing what you want. Today education == business. Our moto is education should be accessible by any person who is not able to purchase overpriced content.

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