React Performance ( Frontendmasters )
22 👀
Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Dec 22, 2022

React Performance ( Frontendmasters )

By taking part alongside us in the workshop, you'll learn:

  • Measure the performance of your React applications
  • Keep away from normal entanglements with React hooks
  • Structure your state for optimal performance
  • Virtualize lists that lull the DOM


Your (Magnificent) Teacher


Steve Kinney

Steve is the front-end architect at Fleeting. Previously, he was the front-end architect at Twilio and SendGrid. He is the director emeritus and organizer behind the front-end engineering program at the Turing School for Software and Plan in Denver, Colorado — a non-benefit developer preparing program. In a previous life, Steve was a New York City government funded teacher. He showed custom curriculum and web development in Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Sovereigns. He currently lives in Denver, Colorado


Workshop Details

React is quick! Yea. However, any application that develops starts to foster its own edge cases that require us to accomplish investigator work to get the best performance. We'll investigate a portion of the normal traps React applications, how to analyze them, and how to measure the viability of your answers. You'll figure out how to utilize the React Profiler, staying away from unnecessary re-renders, the effect of the state of our state on performance, and how to memoize React hooks. Also, we'll investigate designs for keeping the DOM performant while working with huge informational indexes.


Everyday Timetable

We've already held north of 300 workshops with huge number of attendees face to face and on the web. In this time we've discovered ways of planning the day, so it goes without a hitch and effectively. Regardless assuming that you're face to face or partaking with us online you'll have the full capacity to replay things you missed, get your inquiries answered LIVE and associate with the instructor over the course of the day.


  • Introduction and fast tips


  • Understanding how React renders and reconciles


  • Estimating performance in React applications


  • useCallback and useMemo


  • React.memo


  • Organizing your state


  • Lunch


  • The issue with the Context API


  • Virtualizing considerable lists


  • Trottling and debouncing


  • Code splittng and lazy loading


  • Deployment contemplations


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FrontendMasters - React Performance
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Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Hey Guys We are Tech Enthusiasts and we know knowledge is key to success ! We are here to open path to your success by providing what you want. Today education == business. Our moto is education should be accessible by any person who is not able to purchase overpriced content.

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