React Simplified - Advanced (Webdevsimplified)
23 👀
Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Jul 12, 2023

React Simplified - Advanced (Webdevsimplified)

The "React Simplified - Advanced" course by WebDevSimplified covers more advanced topics in React.js. Here is a breakdown of the course content:


  • Welcome: A brief introduction to the course.

Advanced React Concepts:

  • Portals: Using portals to render React components outside of the current component hierarchy.
  • forwardRef: Working with the forwardRef function to pass refs to child components.
  • Modal Introduction: Introduction to creating modal components in React.
  • Modal Walkthrough: Walkthrough of building a modal component in React.
  • Error Boundaries: Implementing error boundaries to handle errors in React components.
  • Advanced Key Uses: Advanced usage of keys in React for optimizing component rendering.
  • Capture Event Listeners: Capturing event listeners in React to handle events outside of the component.
  • Date Picker Introduction: Introduction to building a date picker component in React.
  • Date Picker Walkthrough: Walkthrough of building a date picker component in React.

Advanced Hooks:

  • useLayoutEffect: Using the useLayoutEffect hook for performing side effects with layout changes.
  • useDebugValue: Utilizing the useDebugValue hook for custom hook debugging.
  • useId: Creating a custom hook for generating unique IDs in React components.
  • useImperativeHandle: Working with the useImperativeHandle hook to customize the instance value exposed by a ref.
  • useCallback As Ref: Using the useCallback hook as a ref to persist function references.
  • Infinite Scroll Project Introduction: Introduction to building an infinite scroll project in React.
  • Infinite Scroll Project Walkthrough: Walkthrough of building an infinite scroll project in React.
  • useEffectEvent: Handling events with the useEffect hook in React.

CSS Alternatives:

  • CSS Modules: Using CSS modules for scoped styling in React components.
  • CSS In JS: Introduction to CSS in JS libraries for styling React components.
  • Utility CSS: Working with utility CSS frameworks in React projects.
  • CSS Frameworks: Overview of popular CSS frameworks for React.
  • Comparing CSS Options: Comparing different CSS options for styling React components.

Type Safety:

  • PropTypes: Using PropTypes for type checking in React components.
  • TypeScript Setup And Props: Setting up TypeScript in React projects and working with typed props.
  • TypeScript useState: Using the useState hook with TypeScript.
  • TypeScript useRef: Working with the useRef hook in TypeScript.
  • TypeScript useReducer: Utilizing the useReducer hook with TypeScript.
  • TypeScript useContext: Working with the useContext hook in TypeScript.
  • TypeScript Generic Components: Building generic components with TypeScript.
  • Google Calendar Clone Introduction: Introduction to building a Google Calendar clone in React.
  • Google Calendar Clone Walkthrough: In-depth walkthrough of building a Google Calendar clone in React.


  • Dev Tools Profiler: Using the React Dev Tools Profiler for performance profiling in React applications.
  • React.memo: Utilizing the React.memo function for optimizing component rendering.
  • PureComponent: Working with the PureComponent class for optimizing component rendering.
  • Handling Large Lists: Strategies for handling large lists in React for improved performance.


  • Setup Vitest And React Testing Library: Setting up Vitest and React Testing Library for testing React components.
  • Vitest: Introduction to Vitest, a React testing framework.
  • React Testing Library: Working with React Testing Library for testing React components.
  • Mocking API Calls: Mocking API calls in React component tests.
  • Component Testing Project Introduction: Introduction to a project for testing React components.
  • Component Testing Project Walkthrough: Walkthrough of testing React components in a project.
  • Hook Testing Project Introduction: Introduction to a project for testing React hooks.
  • Hook Testing Project Walkthrough: Walkthrough of testing React hooks in a project.
  • Router Testing Project Introduction: Introduction to a project for testing React router components.
  • Router Testing Project Walkthrough: Walkthrough of testing React router components in a project.

Clean Code:

  • As Prop: Using the "as" prop for more flexible component composition.
  • Context Organization: Organizing context providers and consumers for better code readability.
  • Toast Project Introduction: Introduction to building a toast notification project in React.
  • Toast Project Walkthrough: Walkthrough of building a toast notification project in React.
  • Use Less useEffect: Simplifying the usage of the useEffect hook in React.
  • Controlled Vs Uncontrolled Components: Understanding the differences between controlled and uncontrolled components in React.
  • Compound Components: Building compound components in React for more flexible component composition.
  • React Folder Structure: Best practices for organizing React project folder structure.

This course covers advanced concepts and techniques in React.js, allowing you to deepen your understanding and skills in React development.

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Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Hey Guys We are Tech Enthusiasts and we know knowledge is key to success ! We are here to open path to your success by providing what you want. Today education == business. Our moto is education should be accessible by any person who is not able to purchase overpriced content.

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