React Simplified - Beginner (Webdevsimplified)
28 👀
Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Jul 12, 2023

React Simplified - Beginner (Webdevsimplified)

The "React Simplified - Beginner" course by WebDevSimplified covers a comprehensive range of topics related to React.js. Here is a breakdown of the course content:


  • Course Introduction: An introduction to the course and its objectives.


  • What Is React: A brief overview of React.js and its purpose.
  • Download Tools: Instructions on downloading the necessary tools for React development.
  • Prettier: Introduction to Prettier, a code formatter used in React projects.
  • Your First React App: A step-by-step guide to creating your first React application.
  • Your First Vite React App: Creating a React application using Vite, a fast build tool for React projects.
  • Vite ESlint: Setting up ESLint, a popular JavaScript linter, in a Vite React project.

Basic Components:

  • Thinking In Components: Understanding the concept of components in React.
  • JSX Basics: Introduction to JSX, a syntax extension for JavaScript used in React.
  • Creating Components: Creating reusable components in React.
  • Props: Passing data between components using props.
  • Declarative Vs Imperative: Understanding the declarative nature of React compared to imperative programming.
  • Importing Non-JS Files: Importing and using non-JavaScript files in React projects.
  • User Card Introduction: Introduction to a user card project in React.
  • User Card Walkthrough: A walkthrough of building a user card component in React.

Basic Stateful Components:

  • useState Hook: Using the useState hook to manage state in functional components.
  • State In Class Components: Managing state in class components.
  • Input Event Listeners: Handling input event listeners in React.
  • Array State Project: Building a project that utilizes array state in React.
  • Counter With Name Project Introduction: Introduction to a counter project with name input in React.
  • Counter With Name Project Walkthrough: Building a counter project with name input in React.

Component Lifecycle:

  • Virtual DOM: Understanding the virtual DOM in React.
  • Component Lifecycle: Overview of the lifecycle methods in React components.
  • useEffect Hook: Using the useEffect hook for side effects in functional components.
  • useEffect Hook Exercises Introduction: Introduction to exercises involving the useEffect hook.
  • useEffect Hook Exercises Walkthrough: Walkthrough of exercises involving the useEffect hook.
  • Class Component Lifecycle Methods: Managing component lifecycle in class components.
  • Class Component Lifecycle Methods Exercises Introduction: Introduction to exercises involving class component lifecycle methods.
  • Class Component Lifecycle Methods Exercises Walkthrough: Walkthrough of exercises involving class component lifecycle methods.
  • StrictMode: Using the StrictMode component to highlight potential issues in React applications.
  • Fetching Data From An API: Fetching data from an API using React.

Advanced Components:

  • React Dev Tools: Utilizing the React Dev Tools extension for debugging React applications.
  • Conditional Rendering: Rendering components conditionally based on certain conditions.
  • Rendering Lists: Rendering lists of data in React.
  • Fragments: Using fragments to group multiple React elements.
  • User List Project Introduction: Introduction to a user list project in React.
  • User List Project Walkthrough: Walkthrough of building a user list project in React.
  • Spread Props: Spreading props in React components.
  • Render Raw HTML: Rendering raw HTML in React components.
  • Simple Todo List Project Introduction: Introduction to a simple todo list project in React.
  • Simple Todo List Project Walkthrough: Walkthrough of building a simple todo list project in React.

Basic Hooks:

  • Hook Rules: Understanding the rules and guidelines for using React hooks.
  • useRef Hook: Using the useRef hook to access DOM elements in React.
  • Refs In Class Components: Working with refs in class components.
  • useMemo Hook: Using the useMemo hook to optimize performance in React.
  • useCallback Hook: Using the useCallback hook to optimize callback functions in React.
  • Custom Hooks: Creating custom hooks in React.
  • useFetch Custom Hook Project Introduction: Introduction to a custom hook project for fetching data in React.
  • useFetch Custom Hook Project Walkthrough: Walkthrough of building a custom hook project for fetching data in React.
  • useArray Custom Hook Project Introduction: Introduction to a custom hook project for managing arrays in React.
  • useArray Custom Hook Project Walkthrough: Walkthrough of building a custom hook project for managing arrays in React.
  • useLocalStorage Custom Hook Project Introduction: Introduction to a custom hook project for working with local storage in React.
  • useLocalStorage Custom Hook Project Walkthrough: Walkthrough of building a custom hook project for working with local storage in React.


  • Form Basics: Handling forms in React.
  • One Way Data Flow: Understanding the one-way data flow in React forms.
  • useState vs useRef: Comparing the useState and useRef hooks for form handling.
  • Basic Form Validation Project Introduction: Introduction to a basic form validation project in React.
  • Basic Form Validation Project Walkthrough: Walkthrough of building a basic form validation project in React.
  • Form Libraries: Introduction to form libraries in React.
  • React Hook Form Implementation: Implementing form handling using the React Hook Form library.

Advanced Stateful Components:

  • useReducer Hook: Managing complex state with the useReducer hook in React.
  • useContext Hook: Utilizing the useContext hook for managing global state in React.
  • Context In Class Components: Using context in class components.
  • Local State Is Best: Understanding the benefits of local state in React.
  • Never Store Derived State: Best practices for managing derived state in React.
  • Environment Variables: Working with environment variables in React.
  • Advanced Todo List Introduction: Introduction to an advanced todo list project in React.
  • Advanced Todo List Walkthrough: Walkthrough of building an advanced todo list project in React.


  • Routing Without A Library: Basic routing in React without using a routing library.
  • React Router Basics: Introduction to React Router, a popular routing library for React.
  • Nested Routes: Implementing nested routes in React Router.
  • Dynamic Routes: Creating dynamic routes in React Router.
  • Loaders: Implementing loaders while routing in React.
  • Basic Routing Project Introduction: Introduction to a basic routing project in React.
  • Basic Routing Project Walkthrough: Walkthrough of building a basic routing project in React.
  • Actions: Implementing actions and redirects in React Router.
  • Advanced Routing Project Introduction: Introduction to an advanced routing project in React.
  • Advanced Routing Project Walkthrough: Walkthrough of building an advanced routing project in React.

The course covers various topics in React.js, from the basics of components and state management to more advanced concepts like hooks, context, and routing. It also includes several project walkthroughs to help you apply your knowledge in practical scenarios.

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Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Hey Guys We are Tech Enthusiasts and we know knowledge is key to success ! We are here to open path to your success by providing what you want. Today education == business. Our moto is education should be accessible by any person who is not able to purchase overpriced content.

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