React Simplified - Bonus Project (Webdevsimplified)
23 👀
Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Sep 08, 2023

React Simplified - Bonus Project (Webdevsimplified)

Unleash your React potential with React Simplified by Kyle Cook. Learn to think in components, build projects confidently, and understand React's core concepts. Say goodbye to confusion and discover the joy of React development.

Figure out how to think in components and fabricate any React project you can dream of by taking activity instead of simply following alongside instructional exercises.


React is so confusing it seems like enchantment. I never know why things are happening.



Work Board


01 - Introduction

6 mins220 MB


02 - Leader Introduction

8 mins361 MB

03 - Backend Lead Introduction

7 mins305 MB

04 - Navbar And Light Dim Mode

28 mins993 MB

05 - Client Confirmation

50 mins1.78 GB

06 - Make Alter And Erase Occupation Listings

(1h 37m 54s)3.5 GB

07 - Stripe Integration

(1h 00m 37s)2.38 GB

08 - Public Work Listing Page

51 mins1.95 GB


715 MB

04 - Navbar And Light Dim

721 MB

05 - Client

1.3 GB

06 - Make Alter And Erase Occupation

2.49 GB

07 - Stripe

1.75 GB

08 - Public Work Listing

1.4 GB


Hello! I'm Kyle Cook. You might realize me as Web Dev Simplified, however in the no so distant past I was the individual that thought React was confusing. It didn't make any difference what number times I read the docs, watched instructional exercises, or attempted to fabricate a project, I just couldn't get it. I was stuck and didn't have the foggiest idea what to do.

Indeed, even the easier ideas of React, like occasion controllers and state the board, were confusing me, and I could go on and on about how I had an outlook on additional perplexing things like useEffect and testing. I just felt like regardless of what I accomplished things didn't work like I anticipated that they should.

Indeed, even with this large number of issues, however, I had the option to ultimately reach the place where I could battle through and gradually construct projects using React, which sounds perfect, yet what I didn't understand at the time was my code was horrible. The issue was I never really figured out how to think and program the React way. I was all the while trying to apply my JavaScript programming knowledge to React which was holding me back.

It took two or three years to understand my mix-ups and afterward one more year to genuinely gain proficiency with the React perspective, however in that cycle I coincidentally found the ideal learning technique that permitted me to program in React no sweat that I felt certain building any project. I need to impart this knowledge to you so you can save yourself long stretches of disappointment and confusion and get directly to the tomfoolery part of React, building amazing projects.


Kyle's recordings had a momentous effect on me. All through every one of the frustrating minutes teaching myself React (and there were a great deal), I realized I could reliably depend on Kyle's recordings and teaching style. Kyle's instructions are succinct, yet careful. Also Kyle understands what he is talking about, and involves certifiable models in his instructions.


Figure out how to think like a React developer so you can construct any project easily

In request to revamp your brain to think like a React developer you want to initially bring an excursion into the universe of baking. I know this sounds insane, yet I guarantee this analogy will change how you take a gander at React code.

Imagine you need to make a sandwich. What might you do? You presumably would make a rundown of the multitude of ingredients you really want and afterward make bit by bit instructions (like a recipe) on how to make the sandwich. It would look something like this.


2 cuts of bread

3 cuts of tomato

5 cuts of ham


Honey mustard


Put the ham on one cut of bread

Put the lettuce and tomato on top of the ham

Spread the honey mustard on the other cut of bread

Combine the cuts of bread

This is your default perspective about solving issues and that extends to how you program also. You think of your code as a rundown of instructions that when performed beginning to end bring about the ideal result. This is what number programming dialects work and is one of the hardest abilities to realize while programming, yet you want to fail to remember that since that is all not how React functions.

When I understood this, I had the option to compose React code quicker and with less bugs than I at any point had

On the off chance that you return to the sandwich model, there is really a second way you can make this sandwich. Instead of listing out every instruction individually, you can instead go to a sandwich shop and request a sandwich. The monstrous rundown of instructions can basically be diminished to a single assertion.

Make me a ham sandwich with lettuce, tomato, and honey mustard.

This approach to doing things is totally unique since you center around what you need instead of how to get it, and this is how React anticipates that you should compose your code. Instead of focusing on how to get to an ideal result, React anticipates that you should state what your ideal result is and it will sort out some way to arrive.

This might seem like a little contrast, yet it fundamentally alters how you compose your code. When I understood this, I had the option to compose React code quicker and with less bugs than I ever had previously. That as well as programming in React became fun again.


Most courses fizzle at this

It might appear as though a little change in thinking to go from a how to a what based mindset, yet it is really a gigantic change in how you think about your code.

For this reason most courses fizzle. They show you how to program in React, yet they don't show you how to think in React. The justification for this is on the grounds that most courses follow one of three examples:

API Regurgitation

These courses dump a lot of information onto you about React and basically read you the documentation in exactly the same words. This clearly doesn't work on the grounds that these courses don't include sufficient information about why and how the code functions.

The reason for a course is to go past the documentation by explaining why everything works and how to associate the pieces together in a simple to follow way. The most serious issue with these courses is they give no thought to the real course of learning and what request to introduce points in.

This is really one of the main pieces of a course since it doesn't make any difference how great the substance is, in the event that it is introduced in some unacceptable request it is futile.

Glorified Code-Alongs

By a long shot the most famous (and seemingly least compelling) type obviously is the glorified code-along. These courses appear to be truly appealing at first since toward the finish of the course you will typically have some monstrous project like a Netflix or Facebook clone that you can show off, yet the issue is these courses don't really show you anything.

This way of teaching is identical to you wanting soup and somebody simply giving you a bowl of soup. You have no clue about how that soup was made, what goes into it, or how to make it yourself. You can perhaps have a go at poking around the soup to sort out what is all in it, however a considerable lot of the ingredients are so profoundly combined as one it is difficult to determine what will be what.

Working in React feels so overwhelming and I have no clue about where to begin

This is precisely the same issue with these courses. The whole course is spent watching somebody make a tremendous project, yet there isn't anywhere near sufficient clarification on what things do, how they work, and why you would do one thing over another. In the end you have an amazing project, yet no thought how to assemble it, and you will in any case get adhered in any event, trying to construct little projects.

Code-alongs ought to be utilized sparingly and just as a method for connecting and explain how various ideas cooperate.

Bad Exercises

Exercises are by a long shot the most ideal way to structure a course since doing is the most effective way to learn, yet most courses do this wrong. The issue with courses that utilization exercises inadequately is they provide you with a lot of exercises to do, yet they don't give you any direction on how to do them.

This is basically equivalent to going to culinary school to turn into a gourmet specialist and on the absolute first day of school your educator requests that you make a mind boggling shrimp risotto. You scarcely know how to cook, not to mention how to cook a mind boggling dinner, so clearly this errand feels overwhelming and you have no clue about where to begin.

This is likely a feeling you are know all about in the event that you have at any point attempted to program in React before since working in React feels so overwhelming and you have no clue about where to begin. This is possibly compounded when courses give you complex exercises to settle all alone with no direction.


React Simplified is a brilliant decision for the individuals who need to learn React rapidly and completely. Kyle works effectively of simplifying and explaining complex React subjects, making them more obvious and apply in genuine situations.

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Harry Potter

Harry Potter

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