React with TypeScript ( )
29 👀
Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Dec 22, 2022

React with TypeScript ( )

Everything you need to be productive in a React application that uses TypeScript.




Quit reading obsolete instructional exercises and watching awful screen-share videos.

We utilize a linear way to deal with make you stride by step from the major building blocks of React + TypeScript — the whole way to building real-world applications from with certainty.

What's more, it's all because of our mystery ingredient...


Configuring TypeScript for React

It doesn't take a lot to set up TypeScript to work with React. Toward the finish of this part, you'll know everything you want to begin.


Annotating Components

Components are the substance of React, so we'll figure out how to add explanations to props and state for class components and capability components.


Built-In React Types

React's type definitions accompany a few types that we can use in our code to assist us with modeling a portion of the manners in which that React components and elements interact.



TypeScript works everything out such that we generally utilize our React Hooks accurately, so we have no curve balls. We'll plunge into the most well-known hooks.


Typing Props

Props are one of the main parts of using React, and annotating them is basically as simple as adding types to a capability. During this segment, we'll figure out how to show a portion of the deceiver, further developed props designs you could find.



Context lets you pass esteems profound into your application, and TypeScript works everything out such that the types accompany them! In this part, we'll figure out how to add those types to our context creator, and how to involve context in the most supportive manner.



Refs are utilized to store bits of data, including references to DOM elements. TypeScript assists us with using these refs in a type safe way.


Project: TypeScript Conversion

We'll apply what we've realized by converting a whole React Hooks codebase to TypeScript.


Learn With TypeScript

Figure out how to set up and utilize TypeScript

Gain the abilities to be agreeable in a TS + React codebase

Step up your abilities to receive that pay increase


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Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Hey Guys We are Tech Enthusiasts and we know knowledge is key to success ! We are here to open path to your success by providing what you want. Today education == business. Our moto is education should be accessible by any person who is not able to purchase overpriced content.

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