ROS2 for Beginners Level 2 - TF | URDF | RViz | Gazebo
76 👀
Jack Sparrow

Jack Sparrow

Aug 19, 2023

ROS2 for Beginners Level 2 - TF | URDF | RViz | Gazebo

Advance your ROS2 skills with this comprehensive course focused on designing custom robots and simulations. From understanding TF and URDF to creating ROS2 packages and launching simulations, this project-based course guides you step by step. Ideal for ROS developers, engineers, and researchers familiar with the basics of ROS2. Enroll now and enhance your robotics knowledge with practical experience.

You have learned ROS2 basics and need to go to the advanced stage?


You need to design a custom application for a robot? Furthermore, perhaps likewise make a simulation for the robot?


Or on the other hand, you are now chipping away at this, however you feel lost with TF, URDF and Gazebo?


This course is for you. Toward the finish of the course you will actually want to design a custom robot with ROS 2, and run this robot in a mimicked world.


- Why this course?


I have designed myself a ROS application for a custom robot, while dealing with a startup project. What's more, I began like everyone, as a novice.


Learning ROS2 basics was hard, however at that point while adding TF, URDF, and Gazebo, it appeared to be inconceivable. It truly took me a couple of months/years to truly be OK with those.


At the point when you take a gander at the current online assets, it's exceptionally elusive any cycle that clears up in basic terms how for start without any preparation and fabricate a project.


That is the reason I've made this course, so you can profit from my long stretches of involvement in ROS. I made the course I wish I had when I got everything rolling.


I want to make you save tons of hours and frustration, by giving you a step by step approach, with a genuine project that we do together, from start to finish.


- How would I educate?


Assuming you've taken different ROS 2 courses from me you know that haven't arrived to burn through your time.


My showing strategy is very straightforward:


Step by step


Going direct


Learn while doing


Additionally I strongly center around the "why" behind what you realize. The objective isn't simply to make you aimlessly rehash a few steps, however to figure out why those steps matter.


Also, don't carelessly trust me - here are a few surveys from individual understudies/researchers/engineers/teachers who took my ROS2 courses on Udemy:


"Best course on ROS2 I've taken! Different courses (various locales/platforms) made it confusing however this course works everything out such that reasonable and straightforward while allowing you to take a stab at your own. I'm most certainly gaining some useful knowledge in an effortless and straightforward manner. I ought to have gotten this course all along." - Miguel Martinez G.


"By and large extremely fulfilled. I've a strong background in programming, however at a more elevated level (web generally) and the rich, familiar and clean methodology of this course has utilized my introduction to the ROS environment in a short measure of time, without the battle of going through a ton of documentation" - Devis D.


"I assume I realized all that I require to foster a ROS2 project without any preparation. I will prescribe 100 percent this course to anyone who needs to get familiar with the basics of ROS2." - Javier D.


"This course is marvelous. I finally get to grasp the improvement of packages/hubs in a straightforward moderate way, which assists with understanding how the system functions and subsequently assists with getting into it effectively." - Christophe K.


- How will you respond and learn in the course?


This course is project based. We will begin a project together, without any preparation. Then, at that point, step by step, you will construct the application, while learning new concepts.


Here is a speedy outline of what you'll do (non thorough rundown):


Comprehend what TF is (with RViz) and why we really want it.


Begin the project by composing a URDF file, to depict the actual properties of a robot - we'll begin with a versatile robot.


Produce TF utilizing the robot state distributer and the URDF.


Improve and clean the URDF utilizing the Xacro tool.


Adjust the URDF for Gazebo, generate the robot in Gazebo.


Control the robot with Gazebo plugins.


Mimic a sensor in Gazebo.


Make ROS2 packages and XML launch files to begin the whole application with one order line.


Everything is hands-on, so you'll practice right all along, and I will show you each step that I do.


You likewise get a few additional exercises during the course, so you can practice significantly more by being tested on central issues.


Furthermore, there is a major final project, where we make one more robot (robotic arm) without any preparation, utilizing all that you've learned in the course. You will likewise figure out how to consolidate 2 robots together.


In this way, to go further with ROS2 and design custom robots and simulations, sign up for the course today!


You don't face any challenge here, since you likewise get a 30-day money back guarantee in the event that you're not completely fulfilled - no questions inquired.


See you in the course!


Note - this course isn't really for you if:


- You don't know anything about ROS 2. For this situation, I recommend you start with my "ROS2 for Fledglings" course (level 1).


Who this course is for:

ROS developers who know the basics and need to figure out how to begin constructing and mimicking robots with ROS 2

Engineers/Teachers/Researchers/Anyone who has begun with ROS 2 and wondering what to do straightaway

ROS developers who are as of now utilizing URDF, TF and Gazebo, however feel like they are not understanding all that they do

  • Anyone lost in the ROS2 docs

Useful Links:

  1. Course Enrolment
  2. ROS2 for Beginners Course

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ROS2 for Beginners Level 2 - TF | URDF | RViz | Gazebo 🚀
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Jack Sparrow

Jack Sparrow

Hey Guys We are Tech Enthusiasts and we know knowledge is key to success ! We are here to open path to your success by providing what you want. Today education == business. Our moto is education should be accessible by any person who is not able to purchase overpriced content.

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