Storybook for React Apps ( )
40 👀
Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Oct 28, 2022

Storybook for React Apps ( )

This is a course which will tell you the best way to unleash the maximum capacity of Storybook in the context of React applications.

This is a course which will tell you the best way to unleash the maximum capacity of Storybook in the context of React applications.

What You Will Learn

  • The core concepts of Storybook
  • Development work process with Storybook
  • Unleash the maximum capacity of Storybook, adding highlights and pages
  • Testing techniques with Storybook
  • The most effective method to assemble UI quicker
  • Mental models for component development
  • Instruments to further develop designer-developer collaboration
  • Best practices

Storybook is an open-source apparatus that assists you with creating UI components in segregation. It runs in your codebase, yet independently from your application. It resembles a sandbox, permitting you to not get occupied by incomplete APIs, flaky information, and other outside conditions. It incorporates with systems like React, Vue, Svelte, Angular, and numerous others!

With Storybook, you can facilitate the development of a plan framework and offer a common language with designers. QA's can get an outline and test functionalities in detachment. Partners can involve it for demo purposes. By and large, Storybook interfaces these individuals, extraordinarily further developing collaboration!

In this course, we will unleash the maximum capacity of Storybook for React apps. We start from the nuts and bolts of Storybook and later change to a certifiable application, learning how to foster highlights straightforwardly in Storybook, saving heaps of development time and simultaneously, making a living documentation of components and elements.

You will learn how to separate elements into nuclear and composite components utilizing Component Driven Development


You will see the force of addons, and how they assist with further developing the development experience and the end nature of components. We will connect configuration devices, test accessibility, and significantly more.

You will likewise learn how to mock fetch requests, add Redux, theming and directing help to Storybook, and add full pages to it. You will try and add whole pages to Storybook, permitting you to reenact all utilization cases you need in disengagement for simple access!

Additionally, you'll utilize the most recent elements of Storybook like associations, combining the force of Storybook wrappers for Testing library and Joke that disagreement the program to compose stories with computerized cooperations!

At long last, you'll set up Chromatic, a cloud based device that further develops your Storybook experience by bringing you Storybook hosting and visual regression tests, such that will assist you with getting regressions yet in addition work on the collaboration among you and your colleagues while making pull requests.

Toward the finish of this course, you will actually want to utilize Storybook to create and report components, highlights, and pages in your work. You'll likewise learn how Storybook assists you with collaborating with your colleagues, both specialized and non-specialized (like designers and partners)!

Your Educator

Yann Braga

Frontend engineer at maximum speed 🚂

Hi! I'm Yann Braga, your educator for this course! I'm a Senior Software Engineer at Chromatic and a piece of the Storybook group, consistently on top of the freshest elements being created and doing everything I possibly can for help the open source community.

As a Senior Engineer, I have created and kept up with items in many companies like Adtalem, Leaseplan, Rabobank and In various tasks, I have utilized Storybook and accumulated criticism by they way it helped group collaboration and development work process. Every one of the constructive outcomes Storybook has given to the undertakings I worked at are the explanation I assembled this course. I need to ensure that others can profit from the experience of my expert process, having the option to give extraordinary encounters to their undertakings too.

Every now and again Sought clarification on some pressing issues

What is this?

This is a course about the utilization of Storybook in the context of React applications. You will open abilities that will assist with creating UI quicker, better, and with extraordinary quality. You will comprehend the reason why it is critical to learn Storybook in the context of React development, and foster a mentality following the concepts of Nuclear Plan and Component Driven Development.

Who is this course for?

Any React developer who is energetic or inquisitive about UI development.

Are there any essentials?

Indeed. The course expects that you have a fair comprehension of React, typescript, styled-components and Redux-like state the executives. The course is centered around Storybook so we don't make sense of React concepts exhaustively.

Consider the possibility that I really want assistance.

You can ask us inquiries whenever through the community Discord channel (#storybook-for-react-apps) or by sending us a message.


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Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Hey Guys We are Tech Enthusiasts and we know knowledge is key to success ! We are here to open path to your success by providing what you want. Today education == business. Our moto is education should be accessible by any person who is not able to purchase overpriced content.

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