System Design for Beginners ( )
30 👀
Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Dec 24, 2022

System Design for Beginners ( )

Learn the basic anatomy of a production application from the perspective of a developer and an end-user

0 - Computer Architecture

Learn the major components of a computer and how they work together. Individual computers are the building blocks of large scale systems and understanding how they work is crucial for design effective systems.


1 - Application Architecture

Learn the basic anatomy of a production application from the perspective of a developer and an end-user. The vast majority of applications follow this high-level architecture.


2 - Design Requirements

Learn what it means to design an effective distributed system. And how they are measured, including availability, reliability and scalability.


3 - Networking Basics

Learn how computers can send data to eachother.



4 - TCP and UDP

Learn the high-level differences between the TCP and UDP transport layer protocols.


5 - DNS

Learn the basics of the Domain Name System which translates domains into IP addresses.


6 - HTTP

Learn about the protocol of the internet: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.


7 - WebSockets

Learn how the WebSockets protocol can fill in the gaps left by HTTP/1.1.


8 - API Paradigms

Learn about 3 modern API patterns: REST, GraphQL and gRPC.


9 - API Design

Learn about the basics of API design, focusing on designing a REST API for Twitter.


10 - Caching

Learn about the basics of caching, from CPU caches to browser and in-memory caches.


11 - CDNs

Learn about content delivery networks and how they can reduce network latency for users around the world.


12 - Proxies and Load Balancing

Learn about the basics of proxies, including the difference between forward-proxies and reverse-proxies. And understand the basics of load balancers, which are an instance of reverse-proxies.


13 - Consistent Hashing

Learn the benefits of using consistent hashing to distribute traffic.


14 - SQL

Learn the basics of relational database management systems, including B+ Tree structures and ACID properties.


15 - NoSQL

Learn about popular NoSQL databases like Key-Value stores, document-based and graph-based databases.


16 - Replication and Sharding

Learn how replication and sharding can allow databases to overcome some limitations, but not without their own tradeoffs.


17 - CAP Theorem

Learn about CAP and PACECL theorems and how we can use them to understand tradeoffs within distributed data storage.


18 - Object Storage

Learn the use cases for BLOB (Binary Large Object) and Object storage.


19 - Messaging Queues

Learn how message queues and the Pub/Sub pattern can help scale and decouple our designs.


20 - MapReduce

Learn the basics of the MapReduce model for processing large datasets in parallel.

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Harry Potter

Harry Potter

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