Tailwind Multi-Theme Strategy ( ProTailwind )
23 👀
Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Sep 20, 2023

Tailwind Multi-Theme Strategy ( ProTailwind )

Discover the art of advanced theming with Tailwind CSS in this comprehensive workshop. Learn to create a reusable multi-theme strategy, define colors as CSS variables, generate themable color utility classes, and build a Tailwind CSS plugin to orchestrate your theming. Gain a superpower in CSS theming and unlock the potential to implement themes beyond dark mode. Start saving hours of development with multi-theme support for new or existing projects

In this workshop, we'll investigate the most effective way to help progressed theming past dark mode. Your new superpower will be the capacity to bring multi-theme backing to any new or existing task utilizing Tailwind CSS.

Toward the finish of the workshop, you will have a completely utilitarian Tailwind CSS plugin that can bring multi-theme backing to any project utilizing Tailwind CSS. Your group will actually want to reuse this plugin from one task to another, saving you long stretches of improvement.

Topics we will cover

Together, we'll fabricate a reusable multi-theme strategy. Bit by bit.

Characterizing colors as CSS variables

Produce new themable color utility classes

Make a Tailwind CSS plugin that organizes our theming strategy

Support nested color theme objects

… furthermore, substantially more!

Toward the finish of this workshop, you will:

Comprehend how to utilize CSS variable degrees to make a theming hierarchy. This is the superpower that makes making CSS-just theming executions conceivable.

Influence the Tailwind CSS Plugin API to bundle every one of the moving pieces of a theming execution. The Plugin API opens the full force of JavaScript to assist you with producing progressed and reusable CSS functionality.

Workshop content

16 lessons・12 works out


Introduction to the Multi-Theme Strategy Workshop


Gradually Presenting Intricacy


Our App's Tailwind Arrangement Beginning stage


An Introduction on CSS Variables


Make Themable Color Shades with CSS Variables


Executing Color Haziness with CSS Variables


Further develop Your Developer Workflow with Tailwind CSS Plugins


Moving CSS Variable Statements into a Tailwind CSS Plugin


Convert Hex to RGB with JavaScript


Refactoring to Eliminate Hard-Coded Theme Names in Tailwind Plugin


Merging Code Worries into a Tailwind Plugin


Testing The Multi-Theme Plugin by Supplanting the Vast Color in a Calendar App


Progressively Produce Colors From Nested Theme Objects


Compose a Capability That Replaces Hard-Coded Theme Colors


Decide How to Pass Options to a Plugin


Subsequent stages for Theming Tailwind CSS Apps

Useful Links:

  1. Tailwind CSS Official Documentation
  2. CSS Variables
  3. Tailwind CSS Plugin API
  4. JavaScript Documentation
  5. Tailwind CSS Plugins
  6. Dark Mode in Tailwind CSS
  7. Tailwind CSS GitHub Repository
  8. Tailwind CSS Community

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Harry Potter

Harry Potter

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