The Art of Twitter: Build a Business That Makes You $100/Day (UPDATED November 2023)
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Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Nov 30, 2023

The Art of Twitter: Build a Business That Makes You $100/Day (UPDATED November 2023)

This Art of Twitter is updated frequently to reflect all the changes happening at X. All the information is up to date.

There have been over 13 updates in the past. The latest update was made on 8th November, 2023.

As a customer, you will get all updates and new bonuses for free for life. (Prices go up with every update.)

We have a 6-month money-back guarantee in case the guide does not work for you.

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The easiest, fastest, and most reliable method to build an online business that makes you $100/day in less than a year

Use it for 6 months at my entire risk — in the rare case it doesn’t get you any results, you don’t pay a dime — guaranteed

Hold On For A Second

I have to ask you a quick and life-changing question:

Would you be willing to…

Leverage a zero-risk* method to start a business that makes you $100/ a day?

*(It’s so fail-safe that if it doesn’t work for you, you get a 100% refund of your purchase price).

Of course, I know it may sound like something outrageous.

And some may want to go back to where they came from.

If that’s your case, go ahead, you can close this tab and all good.

Because what I’m about to reveal on this 3-min page it’s not for everyone.

It’s just for the people who really want to have a profitable online business.

Let me explain:

I’m the mind behind the online brand Life Math Money.

But don’t think I got here by pure luck, spending a lot of money, or hustling all day long.

What I did was different…

And I’ve created an easy, quick, and reliable method that allows anybody, anywhere in the world, to make money from scratch.

How much money?

Your first dollar in a few weeks and $100+ a day in about 1 year.

But there’s no limit.

A quick fact.

Some of your favorite entrepreneurs used this exact method to build their businesses.

You’ll see their outrageous testimonials on this page.


Look, the guys you follow aren’t any different from you.

They just have a proven method


The Easiest Way To Make Money Online

Right now, you can find plenty of options to make money online. 

The problem

It’s hard to differentiate the chaff from the wheat.

I mean:

✔️ E-commerce

✔️ SEO

✔️ Lead generation

✔️ Copywriting

✔️ Coding

✔️ Facebook ads

✔️ Email marketing

✔️ Design

✔️High ticket closing

All those things make you wonder:

“What’s the easiest way to get results fast?”

Well, let me tell you.

The free bluebird app called Twitter is the answer.

Nothing comes close.


Because you don’t need to:

❌ Run an agency

❌ Send cold emails

❌ Sell over the phone

But that’s not all: 

There are hundreds of opportunities to make money on Twitter.

And even non-writers and non-native English speakers can make bank with it.

(More about this in a moment).

If you have a smartphone, Internet access, and a Twitter account you're ready to profit.

Of course, to advance fast, you’ll need a method.

And while there are lots of Twitter growth guides

There’s something about them that few people talk about.

In just a second, you’ll understand why.

The Truth Behind Most Twitter Money-Making Promises


When I started some years ago, Twitter growth guides didn’t exist.

And now? 

You can find hundreds. 

In some cases, with some of those, you could even get some results.

But it’s not rare if you get stuck in a plateau.

A point where it’s hard to grow even if you’re working hard.

You could even think you’ve been shadow-banned.

The thing is those guides were designed to work that way.

This means they may give you an initial pump.

And then you’ll hit a wall, no matter how hard you work.

At that point, the gurus will tell you that to grow, you have to…

❌ Do something incredible outside Twitter

❌ Be a friend or an adulator of the Twitter gurus

❌ Pay to people for retweets and engagement

That’s not a community, it’s a circle jerk.

And to be part of that circle, you have to pay a high-ticket price.

Or be a bootlicker.

Or both.


How To Avoid The Twitter Circle Jerk

Screw that.

To grow your business, you don’t have to be a bootlicker or an adulator.

With my method, you’ll become a true artist of Twitter.

Nothing to do with copying and pasting what others said.

Or pay for engagement.

This method works because it exploits the core of the platform.

It’s something that will never change.

  • No matter what the algorithm decides to do

  • No matter what the CEO decides to do

  • No matter what the gurus say

Let me explain:

Twitter’s a text-based app.

(No, you don’t have to be a talented writer to profit from it).

And once you know how, when, and where to use a certain kind of text…

(As I show you with my method). 

You get the right kind of attention and the right kind of followers.

I’m talking about the people who want to: 

✔️ Follow you

✔️ Engage with you

✔️ Buy from you

Of course, you can try your luck, and waste a lot of time and money along the way.

Or you can build your business the easy way… 

Using the easiest and more reliable method there is. 


A proven step-by-step method that allows anybody (from any place in the world) to turn a regular Twitter account… into a profitable business

This isn’t one of those “courses” teaching you to sell PDFs.

And while gurus say you’ve to pay for engagement and coaching.

This method allows you to grow from zero, without any of that nonsense.

You won’t have to pay others to retweet your content.

Here you’ll discover how bigger accounts will like, comment and retweet your content for free.

Here’s A Small Peek Of What’s Inside

Module 1 | Getting Started:

The foundations and the ropes of business and Twitter that "experts" ignore.

Module 2 | Picking A Niche:

An easy way to find a crowd of people ready to follow you and buy from you. (Even if you don’t have your own products or services).

Module 3 | Setting Yourself Up Part I:

How to attract the largest number of followers in the shortest time. Even if you aren't famous and have never used Twitter before.

Module 4 | Setting Yourself Up Part 2:

An automatic “pitch” that makes people feel an irresistible urge to follow you. Plus: 10 real case studies, so you can see this in action. 

Module 5 | Strategies That Don’t Work:

CAUTION: there are some popular “tips” that can kill your growth and your account. Here’s how to avoid these lethal traps.

Module 6 | Growth Strategy:

The exact method your favorite accounts used to grow from 0 to 100k+ followers quickly and easily.

Modules 7 and 8 | Specialized Growth Strategies:

WARNING: this set of advanced strategies are very powerful, so moderation is advised. 

Module 9 | Monetization:

The easiest, fastest, and safest ways to make money with Twitter. No, you won’t have to create products or sell services. (And it isn't what you’re thinking).

Module 10 | Increasing Engagement:

How to create tweets that could quadruple the number of likes you normally get and double your number of retweets. Even if you've never tweeted before.

Module 11 | How to Avoid Getting Banned:

Everything you need to know to protect your Twitter Biz. Follow this and you’ll be safe… (even with all the recent Twitter changes). 

Module 12 | A Guide to Networking:

How to build a strong network to accelerate your growth and your earnings

PLUS: Today You're Getting FOUR Special Bonuses (Valued At $367.98+) Completely FREE!

I can sell these products separately.

But I want to speed up your success.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is The Art of Twitter again?

The Art of Twitter is a business guide that will show you step-by-step how to grow a Twitter account from scratch (from 0 to 10000+ followers) and monetize it to make thousands of dollars every single day.

Who is this guide for?

  • Anybody with experience or knowledge of general interest that they can share on Twitter 

  • Anybody willing to learn about any topic that is useful to people (like the ones listed above) and share what they're learning.

  • People who are willing to commit at least 6 months to 1 year to their Twitter business.

Who is this guide not for?

  • People who want to create a business around extremely technical knowledge (for example, if your knowledge is limited to industrial equipment repair, this is not the guide for you). 

  • People who are looking for a way to get rich quick or something to magically make money with no effort.

  • People with terrible English skills.

How much time will this take per day?

About 2-3 hours a day in total, broken down into many 10-minute segments (i.e., you check Twitter for 10 minutes, and again after 2 hours, etc.). 

Some existing customers even executed this system in the random bits of free time they had at their workplace.

How long will it take to make money / my first sale?

Some start to see money coming in when they have 2,000 followers. (This can take about 3 months). 

Others have made money before hitting the 2,000 followers. 

Your income will always grow with your follower base.

Will this work for my niche?

It's quite possible.

To give you an idea, The Art of Twitter Formula has been proved with success in these niches:

Mindset, nutrition, education, design, diet, health, fitness, freelancing, productivity, supplements, personal finance, crypto, copywriting, investing, e-commerce, coaching, coding, dating, trading, history and culture, relationships, seduction, marketing, martial arts, parenting, politics, psychology, social skills, travels, language, etc.

How long is The Art of Twitter?

It’s a 170 pages long master class (not counting the latest added bonus and update).

You can consume it entirely in one sitting or two.

Now has 18,000 words and grows with every new edition, the price increases accordingly, but existing buyers get all updates for free, forever.

I have a preexisting offline business / a blog (or any other business). How will The Art of Twitter help me?

If you have an existing business, The Art of Twitter will help you build an audience so you can market your products. 

It's very profitable to have a huge and responsive social media following for your business. 

That said, a large portion of this method is to help people with no existing products/business/online income streams to get started with their first ones.

Do I need to have a product to make money?

No, you don’t. 

There are many ways to make money with Twitter, and selling your own products is only one of them. 

I will show you different ways to earn money that don't imply product creation. 

That’s The Cold Hard Truth

While you’re reading this, others started to apply this method.

They are building their businesses with the people who could be your audience.

You and they will use the same app, for the same hours a day.

But, while you’re scrolling, trying to discover how to make money online.

They’re making bank.

Big difference. 

But, if you start now, you could:

  • Finish reading this method in 35 minutes

  • Start your business in another 10

  • And earn your first dollar online in the next 30 days

Clock's ticking...

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Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Hey Guys We are Tech Enthusiasts and we know knowledge is key to success ! We are here to open path to your success by providing what you want. Today education == business. Our moto is education should be accessible by any person who is not able to purchase overpriced content.

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