The Complete JavaScript Course: From Zero to Expert!
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Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Feb 16, 2023

The Complete JavaScript Course: From Zero to Expert!

Learn JavaScript from scratch and become a job-ready developer with The Complete JavaScript Course: From Zero to Expert! Master the fundamentals, OOP, Asynchronous JavaScript, modern ES6+ and tools. The course includes 50+ challenges and projects to practice your skills.


What you'll learn

  • Turn into a high level, sure, and current JavaScript developer without any preparation
  • Construct 6 beautiful genuine projects for your portfolio (not exhausting toy applications)
  • Become job-ready by understanding how JavaScript truly functions in the background
  • The most effective method to think and work like a developer: critical thinking, exploring, work processes
  • JavaScript essentials: variables, if/else, operators, boolean logic, functions, arrays, objects, loops, strings, and so forth.
  • Present day ES6+ all along: arrow functions, destructuring, spread operator, optional chaining (ES2020), and so forth.
  • Present day OOP: Classes, constructors, prototypal inheritance, encapsulation, and so forth.
  • Complex ideas like the 'this' keyword, higher-order functions, closures, and so forth.
  • Asynchronous JavaScript: Event loop, promises, async/await, AJAX calls and APIs
  • Instructions to planner your code utilizing flowcharts and normal patterns
  • Present day devices for 2022 and then some: NPM, Parcel, Babel and ES6 modules
  • Practice your skills with 50+ difficulties and tasks (arrangements included)
  • Get quick and agreeable help in the question and answer region
  • Course pathways: plan your special learning way as per your objectives!


  • No coding experience is important to take this course! I take you from amateur to master!
  • Any PC and operating system will work — Windows, macOS or Linux. We will set up your content manager the course.
  • A fundamental comprehension of HTML and CSS is an or more, yet not an unquestionable necessity! The course incorporates a HTML and CSS intensive lesson.


*** The #1 smash hit JavaScript seminar on Udemy! ***

*** Only refreshed for most recent ES2021 and ES2022 highlights ***

"Outrageously all around made course. Really top to bottom, with incredible difficulties and projects that will solidify your Javascript understanding. I found the talks were paced flawlessly - - Jonas doesn't skirt whatever could be helpful to a JS developer" — Carson Bartholomew


JavaScript is the most well known programming language on the planet. It drives the whole current web. It gives a large number of lucrative jobs from one side of the planet to the other.

That is the reason you need to learn JavaScript as well. Also, you came to the ideal locations!


Why would that be the right JavaScript course for you?

This is the absolute most complete and inside and out JavaScript seminar on Udemy (and perhaps the whole web!). An across the board bundle will take you from the actual essentials of JavaScript, the whole way to building current and complex applications.

You will learn present day JavaScript all along, bit by bit. I will direct you through reasonable and fun code models, significant theory about how JavaScript works in the background, and beautiful and complete projects.

You will become ready to keep learning progressed front-end structures like Respond, Vue, Precise, or Smooth.

You will likewise learn how to take on a similar mindset as a developer, how to design application highlights, how to planner your code, how to investigate code, and a ton of other certifiable skills that you will require on your developer job.

Furthermore, dissimilar to different courses, this one really contains amateur, halfway, high level, and, surprisingly, master subjects, so you need to purchase no other course to dominate JavaScript from the beginning!

However... You don't need to go into this large number of themes. This is an enormous course, on the grounds that, all things considered, it's "The Finished JavaScript Course". It resembles many courses in one, as a matter of fact! Yet, you can turn into a magnificent developer by observing just pieces of the course. That is the reason I constructed this course in an exceptionally particular manner, and planned pathways that will take you through the course quicker.

Toward the finish of the course, you will have the information and certainty that you want to expert your job meets and become an expert developer.


For what reason am I the right JavaScript educator for you?

I go by Jonas, I'm an accomplished web developer and originator, and one of Udemy's top teachers. I have been showing this top rated course beginning around 2016 to north of 700,000 developers, continuously paying attention to criticism and seeing precisely the way in which understudies really learn.

I know how understudies learn JavaScript and what they need to dominate it. Also, with that information, I planned the best course educational program. It's a remarkable mix of certifiable projects, profound clarifications, theory talks, and difficulties, that will take you from zero to a specialist and sure JavaScript developer in only two or three weeks.


So what precisely is canvassed in the course?

Assemble 5 beautiful genuine projects for your portfolio! In these projects, you will learn how to plan and modeler your applications utilizing flowcharts and normal JavaScript patterns

Ace the JavaScript essentials: variables, if/else, operators, boolean logic, functions, arrays, objects, loops, strings, and that's only the tip of the iceberg

Learn present day JavaScript (ES6+) all along: arrow functions, destructuring, spread operator, default contentions, optional chaining, from there, the sky is the limit

How JavaScript functions in the background: motors, the call stack, raising, perusing, the 'this' keyword, reference values, and that's only the tip of the iceberg.

Profound plunge into functions: arrow functions, top notch and higher-order functions, tie, and closures.

Profound plunge into object-arranged programming: prototypal inheritance, constructor functions (ES5), classes (ES6), encapsulation, deliberation, inheritance, and polymorphism. [This resembles a little independent course]

Profound jump into asynchronous JavaScript: the event loop, promises, async/await, and blunder taking care of. You will utilize these to get to information from outsider APIs with AJAX calls. [This resembles a little independent course]

Learn current apparatuses that are utilized by proficient web developers: NPM, Parcel (module bundler), Babel, and ES6 modules

Look at the course educational program for a much more definite outline of the substance :)


This' likewise remembered for the bundle:

Exceptional HD-quality recordings, that are not difficult to look and reference (extraordinary for Udemy Business understudies)

Proficient English subtitles (not the auto-created ones)

Downloadable starter code and last code for each segment

Downloadable slides for 40+ theory recordings (not exhausting, I guarantee!)

Free help in the course question and answer session

25+ coding moves and 25+ tasks to rehearse your new skills (arrangements included)


This course is for you if...

... you need to acquire a valid and profound comprehension of JavaScript

... you have been attempting to learn JavaScript yet: 1) actually don't actually figure out JavaScript, or 2) actually don't feel sure to code genuine applications

... you are keen on utilizing a library/system like Respond, Rakish, Vue, or Node.js later on

... you already know JavaScript and are searching for a high level course. This course incorporates master points!

... you need to begin with programming: JavaScript is an incredible first language!


Does any of these appear as though you? If thus, then start this experience today, and go along with me and 700,000+ different developers in the main JavaScript course that you will at any point require!

Who this course is for:

Take this course if you have any desire to acquire a valid and profound comprehension of JavaScript

Take this course if you have been attempting to learn JavaScript yet: 1) actually don't actually figure out JavaScript, or 2) actually don't feel sure to code genuine applications

Take this course if you're keen on utilizing a library/system like Respond, Rakish, Vue or Hub later on

Take this course if you already know JavaScript and are searching for a high level course. This course incorporates master subjects!

Take this course if you have any desire to begin with programming: JavaScript is an incredible first language!


Jonas Schmedtmann

Web Developer, Originator, and Educator

  • 4.7 Teacher Rating
  • 366,188 Reviews
  • 1,668,836 Students
  • 6 Courses

Greetings, I'm Jonas! I have been identified as one of Udemy's Top Teachers and all my superior courses have procured the top of the line status for remarkable execution and understudy fulfillment.

I'm a full-stack web developer and creator intensely for building beautiful things without any preparation. I've been building sites and applications starting around 2010 and furthermore have a Graduate degree in Science.

I found my enthusiasm for educating and helping other people by sharing all I knew when I was in school, and that energy acquired me to Udemy 2015.

Here, in the entirety of my courses, what understudies love the most is that I require some investment to make sense of each and every idea such that everybody can undoubtedly comprehend.

All in all, would you like to learn how to fabricate marvelous sites with present day HTML and CSS?

Searching for a total JavaScript course that takes you from zero to a high level developer?

Or then again perhaps you need to fabricate current and quick back-end applications with Node.js?

Then, at that point, don't burn through your experience with irregular instructional exercises or inadequate youtube recordings. Every one of my courses are not difficult to-follow, across the board bundles that will take your skills to a higher level.

These courses are the very courses I wish I had when I was first getting into web advancement!

So see with your own eyes, sign up for one of my courses (or every one of them :D) and join 1,000,000+ cheerful understudies today.


4.7 course appraising 176K reviews

Phala K.

Rating: 5.0 out of 5 seven days prior


Goes truly inside and out on how JavaScript really functions. Despite the fact that the more development ideas of JavaScript and programming overall can be truly confounded Jonas makes sense of them in a straightforward and straightforward manner. I truly learned a great deal from this course and completely delighted in it.


Sikander L.

Rating: 5.0 out of 5 2 weeks prior


If I need to give 10 star then I will provide for this course, well I burned through 5000$ computer aided design to purchase all udemy courses , however couple of courses are refreshed to most recent variant.

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Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Hey Guys We are Tech Enthusiasts and we know knowledge is key to success ! We are here to open path to your success by providing what you want. Today education == business. Our moto is education should be accessible by any person who is not able to purchase overpriced content.

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