The Complete React Native + Hooks Course
23 👀
Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Jul 07, 2023

The Complete React Native + Hooks Course

Master React Native with Hooks, Context, and React Navigation in The Complete React Native + Hooks Course. Learn to create real-world native apps, build reusable components, understand Redux, and prototype and deploy applications to the Apple and Google Play Stores. Gain expertise in React design principles and mobile design patterns used by experienced engineers. Suitable for beginners with a basic understanding of JavaScript. Develop cross-platform apps for iOS and Android with quick feedback and excellent support. Start your journey to becoming a skilled React Native developer today!


What you'll learn

Make real-world native apps utilizing React Native

Make really reusable components that look perfect

Comprehend the wording and ideas of Redux

Model and send your own applications to the Apple and Google Play Stores

Find a good pace with React design standards and techniques

Find mobile design patterns utilized by experienced engineers



All you really want is essential comprehension of Javascript


On the off chance that you're worn out on wasting your time learning Quick or Android, this is the most ideal course for you.

Authentication? You will learn it. Hooks? Included. Navigation? Obviously!

This course will make you ready with React Native rapidly, and show you the center information you really want to profoundly comprehend and assemble React components for mobile gadgets.

Both OSX and Windows upheld - foster iOS or Android!

This course remembers content for both v0.62.2 and the heritage v0.30.x, which is broadly utilized in industry.

We'll begin by dominating the essentials of React, including JSX, "props", "state", and event handling. Source code is accommodated each talk, so you will continuously keep awake to-date with the course pacing. Unique consideration has been paid to making reusable components that you'll have the option to utilize on your own awesome undertakings.

React Native is a fantastic answer for creating apps on mobile in a small portion of the time it takes to make a comparable iOS or Quick application. You'll cherish seeing your progressions right away show up on your own gadget, instead of hanging tight for Quick/Java code to recompile! This fast criticism circle, alongside magnificent cross stage support, has slung React Native to the top priority ability for Javascript engineers.

Assuming that you are new to React, or on the other hand in the event that you've been attempting to learn it yet in some cases feel like you actually don't exactly 'get it', this is the React course for you! To learn React you need to figure out it.

Learn how to utilize React's custom markup language, JSX, to tidy up your Javascript code

Ace the method involved with separating a mind boggling part into numerous more modest, compatible components

Handle the contrast among "props" and "state" and when to utilize each

Render intelligent, media-rich components in perfectly styled apps

Create apps that are novel, fun, and responsive

Expand on both Android and iOS stages

Ace incorporation with Firebase for client authentication

Learn the center standards of navigation with React Native


I've fabricated the course that I would have needed to take when I was learning React Native. A course that makes sense of the ideas and how they're executed in the best request for you to learn and profoundly grasp them.

Who this course is for:

This course is for anybody hoping to make native apps with React Native



Stephen Grider

Designing Modeler

  • 4.6 Educator Rating
  • 425,383 Reviews
  • 1,275,834 Students
  • 32 Courses

Stephen Grider has been building complex Javascript front closures for top companies in the San Francisco Cove Region. With a natural capacity to work on complex subjects, Stephen has been tutoring engineers starting their professions in programming advancement for a really long time, and has now extended that experience onto Udemy, writing the most elevated evaluated React course. He instructs on Udemy to share the information he has acquired with other programmers. Put resources into yourself by learning from Stephen's distributed courses.


4.6 course rating 43K reviews

Husam A.

Rating: 5.0 out of 5 fourteen days prior


Truly, I'm at address 70 and this person is astounding up to this point and makes sense of all that exhaustively yet some way or another unmistakable and succinct. Love this course.


Pcnicklaus N.

Rating: 4.0 out of 5 fourteen days prior


i've been a designer for the beyond five years and this is my third or fourth class with Stephen Grider. There are a great deal of assets out there for learning yet i've found I really comprehend the subject in the wake of taking one of Stephen's instructional exercises much more then any of the others i've attempted. distraught props to this guy!!almost wrapped up with the course and it has been perfect however obviously there was a considerable amount of progress in the bundles/belittling and so on so certain things like, for instance, having the option to reset the test system's consents has shifted which made the direction somewhat harder/more confounded.

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Harry Potter

Harry Potter

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